What are the beneficial properties of an apple?

An apple is a beloved fruit that is eaten both fresh and processed.

beneficial properties of apple
It is no secret that this fruit is an excellent raw material with which you can do a wide variety of culinary operations. In general, the apple tree is considered one of the most unpretentious trees, so it can be found in almost every garden in our country. There are decorative species, but in this article we will talk about the fruits of an ordinary domestic apple tree, namely, what beneficial properties of the apple are known today.

Firstly, 4/5 of the fruit is water, the rest is various nutrients. Among them are fiber, and organic acids, and elements such as potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. There is also iodine in the apple. The vitamins found in this fruit include the following: A, B1, PP, B3, C, and many others. Since this healthy fruit is low in calories, it is included in various weight loss diets. Speaking about the beneficial properties of an apple, one cannot but recall the content of natural acids (apple, citric and tartaric) in it, which favorably affect the intestines and contribute to its proper cleansing. By the way, this delicious fruit also contains pectin, which has the properties of a mild laxative.

beneficial properties of apples
The beneficial properties of the apple make it possible to use this fruit for preventive purposes. So, for the prevention of constipation, doctors recommend eating a couple of acidic fruits. It is also known that apples contain substances that can stop the growth of cancer cells in the liver and intestines. To maintain proper intestinal performance, you can arrange fasting apple days once every two or three weeks.

Apples can be eaten by absolutely everyone, including people with various diseases. A freshly picked fruit contains a huge amount of vitamins. The apple contains twice as much as the orange, vitamin A, which prevents colds and various infections, has a positive effect on vision.

apple beneficial properties
The beneficial properties of the apple are also noted due to the presence of vitamin G (very rare) in it, which stimulates appetite and promotes proper digestion. A lot of apples and vitamins B and C. The latter is favorable for the immune system, the walls of blood vessels, the whole organism as a whole. As for iodine, it is much more in apple than in banana or orange, which allows using this fruit for the prevention of goiter. In addition, an apple, the beneficial properties of which can be listed for hours, helps prevent gall bladder diseases. It also contains natural antibiotics, which destroy the causative agents of staphylococcus and influenza, dysentery, help against acne and rashes on the face.

In order for the beneficial properties of apples to make themselves felt, it is necessary to eat fresh fruits in the form in which they grow on a tree, or as grated mashed potatoes. Note that the more time has passed after you picked an apple from a tree, the more vitamins the fruit will lose. Baked apples, pies and stewed fruit using these fruits are also very useful.

Thus, the fruit considered has a very good effect on the human body: strengthens, encourages and refreshes. An apple diet and just regular eating this fruit will help you feel good and prevent various diseases.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4427/

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