"The Fate of Man": analysis of the story. Sholokhov, the work "The Fate of Man"

M. Sholokhov is a recognized master of the epic. In the novel "Quiet Don" he managed to recreate large-scale paintings of one of the most difficult periods in the history of Russia.

fate of man story analysis
The work “The Fate of Man”, small in volume, but very capacious in content, also has no less advantages. The analysis of the story helps to determine the author’s ideological concept and the reason for his great popularity among the reader.

The front-line writer focuses on the life of an ordinary Russian man who has survived the death of his entire family and the destruction of his home, the most dangerous military battles and fascist captivity, loneliness and despair, chilling soul. After going through all the trials, he managed to survive and take care of an orphaned child.

Commemorative meeting in 1946

An analysis of Sholokhov’s short story “The Fate of Man” would be more appropriate to begin with the history of its creation. A year after the end of the war, the life of the writer brought him to a driver unknown to him, a former front-line soldier. This happened during a hunt near the Mokhovsky farm. During the break, an elderly man and a boy approached Sholokhov — they were heading for the crossing on the Elanka River. During the conversation that ensued, the traveler (he never gave his name) told the sad story of his life.

The subsequent analysis of the story, the fate of the man who survived a lot, made a great impression on the writer. He immediately decided to write about a new acquaintance, but he put aside all his plans. The immediate reason was the re-reading of foreign works about people who are weak and helpless. It was then that the idea arose to oppose their hero to them, and with it the idea of ​​a future story was decided. As a result, in 8 days one of the best works was created not only about the war, but also about the greatness of a simple Russian worker and warrior.

human fate a brief analysis

The composition of the story "The fate of man"

A brief analysis of the construction of the work already determines its essence. After a small exposition containing a description of spring and symbolizing the revival of life, the story of the acquaintance of the storyteller with Andrei Sokolov is given. Further, a technique quite common in the literature is used - “story in story”. Simple, unhurried, sometimes confusing - it is difficult to recall the past - the hero's speech characterizes him better than any descriptive turns. The narrator along the way only notes important details in his appearance, first of all, “as if sprinkled with ashes” and eyes full of “inescapable mortal longing”. They eloquently talk about how difficult the fate of man was.

Story Analysis: From Peaceful Life to War

Sokolov’s situation was much the same as that of the majority of Russian people: the civil war and the loss of loved ones, first working for the kulaks, then, after moving to the city, changing several specialties until he learned to become a driver. Finally, marrying a good girl, children, your home and good life.

All this collapsed at one point: the war began, and Andrei went to the front. With pain, he recalled farewell to his family, as it turned out, the last. And then - advanced.

analysis of the story of the fate of man
Under the conditions of war, it develops differently - and this is emphasized by Sholokhov in his story - the fate of man. The analysis of the work allows us to understand that the hero did not think about his own life for a minute, if it was about saving others. There were many similar episodes. This is the readiness to break through the enemy’s fire to the front edge of a battery that needs ammunition. And the first murder of a man (which is especially scary - his own!) In the church, when he learned about the upcoming betrayal. And the readiness in captivity, at gunpoint, to protect dying comrades. These actions characterize Sokolov as a just, persistent, courageous man: not everyone is capable of sacrificing himself for the sake of others.

Confronting Mueller

An analysis of the work “The Fate of a Man” and especially the interrogation scene shows the spiritual superiority of the Russian prisoner over German officers. Extraordinary courage and nobility was shown in the relationship with the hero famous for his cruelty. Unwillingness to drink for the successes of Germany and an unshakable faith in the victory of their people, their readiness to calmly accept the execution and a glass of schnapps for their death, as well as the rejection of bread and lard from a hungry, tormented man - these qualities aroused respect even among the fascists. Throughout the conversation, Sokolov stood in front of them with his head raised, not broken, and refused to recognize their strength. Presented by Müller to Russian Ivan - “You are a brave soldier. I ... respect worthy opponents ”- life became the moral victory of the latter. And the resulting bread and lard were equally divided between all prisoners. Thus, an analysis of Sholokhov’s short story “The Fate of a Man” helps to understand to whom the country really owes victory in this terrible war.

analysis of the work of human destiny

Release from captivity and new blows of fate

The feat of Sokolov was his escape. Even at that moment he was thinking about what benefits the homeland could bring. Under bilateral fire - behind the Germans, in front of his own - he took out a tied German officer, for which he deserved the opportunity to heal in a hospital.

And then a new blow: first the news of the death of his wife and daughters, then the death of his son on the last day of the war. How strong can a person be? An analysis of the work brings the narrator and readers to this question. The fate of a person as if purposely throws him tests one after another, and each subsequent one is worse than the previous one. Only a truly strong personality is given all of them worthy to survive and survive. The main thing is to find the source of salvation, what little Vanya becomes for Andrey Sokolov.

Back to life

How life is unfairly arranged - such a thought arises in connection with the described events. Probably thought about this and Sholokhov.

analysis of the story of sholokhov the fate of man
The fate of man - an analysis of the work confirms this - often depends on the circumstances. The main character, who came from the war as a victorious liberator, is powerless before the loss that befell him: neither at home, nor family, nor faith in a future prosperous life. And suddenly a meeting with an orphan who saved both of them. To one she gave paternal care, to the other - the belief that all the trials prepared for him were not in vain. And again, a man finds the strength in himself to live in order to give warmth, joy and happiness to another. It was as if she had checked for strength, and then the fate of man presented her mercy.

Analysis of the story-confession of Andrei Sokolov makes us once again think about how infinite the spiritual wealth, inner strength and capabilities of a person can be .

The meaning of the story

The publication of a new work by M. Sholokhov at the turn of 1956-57 was a real sensation in the literature. The merit of the author is that in several pages he was able to talk about the difficult process of maturing and becoming the personality of a hero - a typical representative of the Russian people. Sokolov had to go through a lot, but he managed to preserve the best qualities in himself: philanthropy, patriotism, national dignity.

Of no small importance was the fact that in the work the author first raised the issue of the position of Russian soldiers in captivity. The fate of a person, an analysis of the story of the protagonist literally excited the people: E. Pirmitin, who visited the writer at that time, noted that grateful readers filled in letters with Sholokhov.

Sholokhov fate of man analysis of the work
Interest in the story has not disappeared in our time, but this is the best recognition of the merits of the author.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4428/

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