Description of Nevsky potato variety. Feature and Reviews

So the time has come for gardening and gardening. And the most popular vegetable that all summer residents surely grow is potatoes. Before deciding on a variety, it is necessary to find its description. Potato varieties Nevsky, Zhukovsky, Lapis lazuli, Aurora, Luck, Karatop - early, that is, the first crop can be harvested already 40-50 days after germination. There are, on the contrary, late-ripening varieties.

Potato Variety Description
In addition, special varieties are developed for different areas. Choosing zoned potatoes means securing a rich harvest. To do this, you need to know whether this plant is included in the State Register for your region. So, Nevsky potato, reviews of which are very positive, is included in the register for 12 regions of the Russian Federation. This is due to its environmental plasticity and the fact that it reacts poorly to adverse environmental conditions.

Potato variety Nevsky - history and modernity

The variety was bred in 1976 by crossing varieties Veselovskaya and Candidate. Since then, it has become popular among summer residents and large farmers. Currently, about a quarter of the fields are planted with this particular potato. In modern market conditions, a healthy balance is needed between taste, yield, appearance and starch content. In all respects, Nevsky is superior to many of his competitors. All this is combined with its unpretentiousness. In any agroclimatic conditions, a stable crop is obtained.

Description of Nevsky potato variety

This potato is one of the most productive. Externally, the fruits are a regular oval. The skin color is light yellow. A distinctive feature is the pinkish eyes of a small size, which is very attractive to gardeners. The pulp is white. When peeling, the potatoes do not darken. The starch content ranges from 10 to 15%.

Seed potatoes Nevsky
Nevsky - potatoes, the description of which in any case will be similar to advertising. After all, its root crops are smooth, regular in shape. White pulp is what the modern market needs. And all this combined with good productivity. As a rule, one bush gives 10-15 tubers of a decent size. Their weight on average ranges from 90 to 130 grams, which means that from each bush you can collect up to 2 kilograms of potatoes. The tops are very lush, quite sprawling, but the branches are not long, but low. Leaves are medium sized, glossy; their color depends on the soil, the amount of sun and ranges from light green to dark. The bush looks very beautiful during the flowering period. White flowers lushly cover the tops. The undoubted plus of the variety is that the leaves are quickly restored after they were damaged by the Colorado potato beetle. Nevsky seed potatoes look very attractive, and ripened root crops are also very effective.

Resistance to pests and diseases

Root crops are most likely to be susceptible to various diseases and parasites. However, some varieties are very susceptible, while others are more stable. The second group includes Nevsky potatoes. The characteristic that experts give is medium-resistant, immune to late blight, cancer, although viral diseases pose a great danger to it. That is why this variety is widely used by farmers. Even during the years of the spread of late blight, two or three field treatments were enough to get a good harvest.

Nevsky potato description

Growing Tips

Description of Nevsky potato variety cannot be complete without the necessary recommendations for its cultivation. This variety accepts pre-germination well. However, when landing, you need to be careful. Damage to seedlings leads to a decrease in seed germination. Potatoes should be sprouted for about two weeks at an average temperature of about 15-17 degrees. Potatoes do not like cold soil, so you should not plant it in bad weather. Small fruits weighing 50-70 grams are suitable for planting. Nevsky loves loamy and loamy soil. Fertilizers should not be abused - the variety does not require this. Their moderate addition is enough to maximize the yield.

Potato nevsky reviews

Harvesting should be done in mid-August. Botva begins to dry very early, in mid-July. Therefore, already at this time you need to think about collecting potatoes.

Carefully select material for planting. Seeds should not be large or small, even and smooth, able to germinate. It is better to purchase them in nurseries and agricultural complexes, so that the variety is clean, not mixed.

The taste of potatoes

Positive is not only the external description of the Nevsky potato variety. Taste is also highly regarded. They note that it is most suitable for soups, salads. This is because tubers are not crumbly. Frying and mashed is not recommended. However, professionals have their own secrets: if you add a little ash to the hole for planting, then the fruits will be more boiled.

Potato Nevsky characteristic

Other benefits of the variety

It should be noted that Nevsky potato has a fairly decent keeping quality. However, it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the storage. If it is too high, then the potato sprouts quickly, as a result of which it becomes lethargic, soft, loses its taste. As mentioned above, it is immune to weather conditions, it adapts well to almost any environment, the only condition is not to plant it in cold soil.

Another plus is drought tolerance. The potato bush has a structure that allows you to keep the soil moist for a long time. The roots of the bush are so powerful that they can absorb water from the deepest layers. Spreading tops keep the soil moist. And the foliage itself adapts to dry weather: the sheets are folded into a straw and evaporation decreases. Therefore, when other bushes are already beginning to suffer due to lack of water, Nevsky continues to grow and develop. Yes, and abundant rainfall does not prevent the potato from growing - it is also resistant to excess moisture. All this provides a stable harvest and competitiveness of the variety in the market. Among the aesthetic advantages of potatoes include the fact that it is easy to wash and peel.


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