Vacation without a visa abroad. Where can I go without a visa?

When the time comes for vacations, along with the desire to relax somewhere abroad, the need also arises for all kinds of documents and tourist visas. Nobody wants to do these things during the holidays, but if it was not done before or for some reason it is not possible to obtain the necessary permissions, the question becomes relevant: is it possible to have a vacation without a visa abroad? Yes it is possible. Many countries can be visited without a visa, and we’ll talk about them.


If you need to organize a cheap vacation abroad, you can go to Turkey without a visa - this is the first thing that comes to mind to our compatriots. It has everything you need for an unforgettable vacation - the sea, the sun, chic beaches and professional service. For many Russians, Turkey is associated with Russian tourists, because in the holiday season their compatriots can be found here almost everywhere. And although for many people this is more a minus than a plus, the cost of vacation in Turkey is much lower than the prices of most European resorts, while the quality of service here is no worse.

Holidays abroad without a visa

You can stay in the country up to 60 days, and for this you do not need to apply for a visa. You can also spend your vacation in Turkey, not only lying all the time on a comfortable sunny beach, but also taking an active rest, for which there are all the necessary conditions. The nature of this country and its attractions will not leave anyone indifferent, so if you need a vacation without a visa abroad, then you are here.


Egypt is also one of those countries in which Russian citizens feel very comfortable. To get here, it is enough to pay a visa at the entrance to the country, the cost of which will be only $ 15. This is quite a good option for those who are looking for a vacation abroad without a visa, because once in Egypt you will not want to leave here for a long time. But you can stay in this country on such a visa for no more than 30 days.

vacation without a visa abroad

Like in Turkey, in Egypt there are also quite a lot of holidaymakers from Russia, however, the possibilities for independent spending time here are somewhat limited due to the fact that many hotels hosting tourists are located quite far from large settlements. Nevertheless, the tourism business is well established in the country of the pyramids, so you can always use various services for outdoor activities. This country is perfect for tourists planning a vacation in August. Without a visa, you can visit many countries, but Egypt has long been a leader in this list.


This relatively small country will delight you with its mild climate, beautiful nature and clean mountain air. A few years ago, the Montenegrin authorities gave Russian citizens the opportunity to visit their country for a period of 1 month without having to apply for a visa. Montenegro is an excellent option for those who are looking for a vacation without a visa abroad, since this state has a common border with several other countries, for which they do not need a special permit. From here, travel enthusiasts can quickly get to Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia or Bosnia and Herzegovina.

cheap holidays abroad without a visa

As for holidays in Montenegro, here you can have a wonderful rest by renting a small house somewhere closer to the sea. By renting a car, you can arrange a trip around the country and fully enjoy its beauties and sights.


Israel is an excellent option to organize a vacation abroad without a visa, not only for pilgrims and researchers, but also for ordinary working people, who, however, like everyone else, need a break from the daily rush. Israel can rightfully be called one of the most beautiful and hospitable countries in the world, because you can stay here for 90 days without having to apply for a visa. Of course, before crossing the border, you need to take care in advance of booking a hotel room, getting medical insurance and even buying return tickets, but it's worth it!

Holidays abroad without a passport and visa

In Israel, you can not only have an amazing time visiting holy and other remarkable places. It has everything you need for a complete wellness stay: thermal springs, healing mud, natural salts. Even a vacation on the Dead Sea will help to improve health, it remains only to find time to visit the national parks and nature reserves of Israel.


Thailand is a country located in Southeast Asia where you can spend an amazing vacation in August abroad without a visa. This state can be called a paradise for tourists. In order to get to Thailand, you do not need to apply for a special permit, but there are plenty of opportunities for recreation here. The warm sea, the cleanest beaches, magnificent views, as well as low prices - these are all about Thailand.

Holidays in August abroad without a visa

Without a visa, you can stay in Thailand for no more than 30 days, but even during this time you are unlikely to have time to do everything you would like. Here you can spend days at rest on the best beaches in the world or just rent a car and go on it for a free trip around the country. Before that, it will not hurt to draw up a route in advance that you will follow, and knowledge of English will greatly facilitate your trip, because in this country it is owned by most residents.


If you did not have time to take a vacation in the summer, then you can arrange a good vacation abroad without a visa in September in Cuba. This country is famous not only for cheap cigars and rum - Cuba will surprise you with its amazing white sand beaches and the wonderful blue Caribbean Sea.

Holidays abroad without a visa in September

Prostitution and poverty flourish in Cuba, but this does not prevent tourists from all over the world, including Russia, from visiting this country annually. The beautiful nature of Cuba, the hot tropical climate of the country and its national traditions will make your pastime here bright and unforgettable.

Good vacation abroad without a passport

Sometimes it can happen that even applying for a passport, not to mention visas, is a problem. What to do in this case, where to spend your long-awaited vacation? It is not necessary to go to the cottage or to the village with relatives, because a good vacation abroad without a passport and visa can be arranged in neighboring countries, while such a pastime will be no worse than a vacation spent in Egypt or Turkey. In Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan or Georgia, there are all conditions that will help you and your family to have an unforgettable vacation. And recently, you can and even need to visit the Crimea, which has always been considered one of the best places for recreation and recreation.

To visit the sea, it is not necessary to make a passport, because in Russia there are also many wonderful places that can provide any type of vacation. Have you ever been to the Caspian Sea, Kamchatka or the Kaliningrad region? Maybe you should not rush to go abroad?

Vacation without a visa abroad is quite real, there would be a desire and opportunities.


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