How to choose the right vacuum cleaner for home and apartment

Modern cleaning equipment is able to surprise even an experienced housewife not only in appearance and design features, but also in functionality. Vacuum cleaner manufacturers made a strong technological breakthrough by proposing the concept of separation of wet and dry cleaning. Along with this, approaches to the management of this technique have changed. The classic buttons and mechanical switches were replaced by touch panels with wireless modules for communicating with mobile devices. It remains only to answer the question of how to choose the right vacuum cleaner among a wide variety of new designs and capabilities.

What type of device do you prefer?

Vacuum cleaner washing with a container

There are a lot of classifications of vacuum cleaners, but the traditional models with dry cleaning and the more modern versions provided by the wet care function are fundamentally different. What are classic vacuum cleaners good for? They have an optimized design, designed for the standard set of features required in household cleaning. How to choose a vacuum cleaner for an apartment of this type? Since no technical features are provided for in the technical device, immediately take into account the characteristics of cleaning accessories. It is necessary to evaluate the possibilities of nozzles for dust, their purpose, the diameter of the suction pipe and hoses. You also need to consider the features of dry cleaning as such. This principle of operation is suitable for smooth surfaces, it is cheaper and does not require special maintenance of the device.

Now you should consider a vacuum cleaner designed for wet cleaning. The design of such a device is more massive, so owners of small apartments should think in advance about the possibility of distributing free space. And again, if the stake is on cleaning linoleum with parquet, then there will be no particular point in buying such a model. A washing vacuum cleaner justifies itself when it comes to the comprehensive care of fleecy and wool coatings. Eliminating dust with allergens in the air is a must if people with chronic lung diseases or small children live in the house. But how to choose a washing vacuum cleaner so that it effectively performs such cleaning tasks? It is advisable to include deodorizing and humidifying functions in the model, not forgetting technical reliability. The concept of wet cleaning itself is not cheap, so for the sake of attracting customers by lowering the cost, manufacturers of such equipment often save on the quality of the element base. Failure of small parts, cracks in plastic cases, hose breaks and typical engine burnout are common problems of budget cleaning equipment.

How to choose a robot vacuum cleaner?

A completely separate niche in a huge family of modern vacuum cleaners. The main difference is the complete independence of the robotic technology. The vacuum cleaner without the participation of a person turns on, selects the trajectory of movement, cleaning parameters and operating modes. How is such autonomy achieved? The device provides an innovative electronic filling according to the principles of artificial intelligence. Software algorithms based on signals from sensors make decisions about movements and tuning suction parameters, in particular.

Robotic vacuum cleaner

How to choose a robot vacuum cleaner? To begin with, it is worth clarifying why such devices were originally created. They are the ideal solution for troublesome cleaning in tight spaces. Therefore, the size of the structure and, in particular, the height of the vacuum cleaner, will become the basic parameters of choice. The average height of the case with wheels is 6-12 cm. A specific value should be selected based on whether the device can go under the bed, sofa, wardrobe or other furniture under which it is planned to clean. No less important is the capture area, which can be counted on when cleaning during one session. An average robot vacuum cleaner can serve about 550-600 m 2 per output. The brush size directly affects this indicator - for example, a 30-cm nozzle is quite suitable for a medium-sized apartment. On the other hand, the smaller the design with the size of the brush, the more crafty the device will be.

Of course, independence in management is not the main feature of such models. Manufacturers compete with each other, giving a high-tech product and other operational "chips". How to choose a robot vacuum cleaner for an apartment for additional features - what to consider from the useful functions? In this part, you need to be careful, since an attractive hearing option often increases the cost without fundamentally improving the quality of cleaning. Of the truly valuable qualities, one can distinguish the presence of a UV lamp with a disinfection function, remote control and a fixed docking station, to which the device will return every time after the completion of a working session.

Power selection

Wet Vacuum Cleaner

Power potential is one of the key parameters that determine the effectiveness of a vacuum cleaner. In this case, it is necessary to separate the power consumed and the suction power. As for the first value, it averages 1000-2000 watts. There are 800 W models that are suitable for the targeted cleaning of small rooms, and 2200 W versions that are advisable to purchase for servicing private houses. To miscalculate in this parameter is difficult if you focus on a specific purpose. More important is the question of how to choose the right vacuum cleaner for suction power and what does this characteristic mean? This is not just an expression of the force with which the device sucks in dust, but its ability to maintain this force at the proper level for a long time. Typically, the suction force acting on the first 5 minutes of the vacuum cleaner is calculated. This value is expressed as the product of rarefaction and air flow, and designate it as aeroW. Now you can consider the specific values โ€‹โ€‹of the suction force, acceptable in different cases:

  • 350 aeroW is optimal if you plan to dry clean smooth surfaces. For example, the same parquet with linoleum, tile coverings, etc.
  • 400 aeroW is the value that is recommended for use with turbo brushes.
  • 450 aeroW - models with this potential are suitable for cleaning long pile and carpet coverings.
  • 550 aeroW - with such power you get effective wet care especially for carpets.
  • 650 aeroW - suitable for gentle cleaning of upholstered furniture surfaces.
  • 700 aeroW is a universal indicator, which can be adjusted even for professional complex cleaning.

Mains or cordless vacuum cleaner?

The power supply system is another significant parameter by which models of modern vacuum cleaners began to be divided. Traditional household versions, operating from a wall outlet, respectively, require a voltage of 220 V. There is also a narrow segment of small-sized automotive devices that are connected to a local wiring system with a voltage of 12 W. How to choose a good vacuum cleaner that connects to network communications? There are two particular nuances - the presence of security systems and sound insulation. As for the first aspect, it is advisable to choose models with devices that protect the device from overheating and energy overload. Since network models are distinguished by powerful electric motors, it is important to consider the noise level. Normal is considered an indicator in the range of 70โ€“80 dB.

Battery Vacuum Cleaner

A more fashionable solution is a cordless vacuum cleaner, or vertical. It differs from conventional network ones with a center of gravity displaced from top to bottom and a battery. The operational advantages of such vacuum cleaners include mobility and the absence of restrictions on movement. Robotic models, by the way, are powered exclusively by the battery pack, which does not limit the design of the wiring.

How to choose a vertical vacuum cleaner on the battery? The main parameters of the power system in this case are the battery capacity and duration. As for the first value, the powerful unit contains 2200 mAh. The working time interval is 60-120 minutes on a single charge. And such a battery is replenished in 200-300 minutes, depending on the volume.

Optimal filtration system

The stages of cleaning in modern vacuum cleaners are implemented stepwise and only in rare cases with budget models are limited in one way. In those that support wet cleaning, an aquafilter and a dust bag are provided. They collect fine dirt and garbage. However, these cleaning steps do not affect the improvement of the composition of the air. Fine filters are the most technologically advanced and useful in terms of air cleaning. This group includes S-class filters, HEPA membranes and microfilters. Also, to protect the technical filling of the vacuum cleaner, a special filtration system is provided. These are the so-called motor filters, which are permanent and replaceable. But, such devices do not contribute to air purification.

How to choose a vacuum cleaner for the home, in terms of the effectiveness of the cleaning system? Nonetheless, HEPA membranes are considered the most popular. They themselves are multifunctional and can replace a whole group of traditional filters. In addition, it will be useful to provide for an electrostatic microfilter. It retains the smallest elements about 0.3 microns in size. With this combination, air purification of up to 80โ€“99% can be expected.

Vacuum cleaner filter

Dust collection systems - which is better?

The operation of the vacuum cleaner is built on three main stages - direct cleaning, the aforementioned filtration and collection. The last stage, at first glance, is not so significant, but in the long term, the hygienic background that occurs during the cleaning process depends on it.

The easiest way to accumulate collected dust and dirt is a bag. This is an inexpensive, easy-to-use and familiar to many dust collector, which is still equipped with low-cost horizontal vacuum cleaners. But precisely, from the point of view of sanitary and hygienic safety, this is the worst option.

How to choose the right vacuum cleaner for the apartment to prevent the spread of harmful elements during the accumulation of collected dirt? Containers and water filters perform best in this capacity. In the first case, we are talking about a permanent dust collector, which does not require replacement - just periodic cleaning. The possibility of easy cleaning of surfaces is the advantage of the container. But, he also has a drawback, consisting in noisy work due to vibrations. As for water filters, in the formation of an optimal microclimate with maximum safety, they have no equal. Air passing through it is washed by water, and dust settles in a special container. As a result, the garbage is neutralized when it is in the vacuum cleaner body. Further. it remains only to pour contaminated water.

Instrument Management Approaches

Of course, the manual mode remains dominant in most models. Full autonomy with control via programming is available only in robotic technology.

But how to choose a vacuum cleaner for ease of control functionality, if we are talking about standard models? In many ways, this is an individual approach in which everyone evaluates how comfortable the configuration of controls is for him. Nevertheless, it is important to consider the progressiveness and development of traditional control systems. So, the appearance of sliders and touch panels with LCD displays makes the process of work more informative and enjoyable.

The most advanced controls, as already noted, are implemented in robotic vacuum cleaners. You can interact with them through the same control panel with touch buttons, through the remote control, etc.

But how to choose a vacuum cleaner, if the emphasis is on maximum autonomy? Then you should refer to the models provided by Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. With such modules, the user can communicate through a mobile device, giving commands over a long distance. In addition, robotic vacuum cleaners can be configured for long-term work schedules so that the device will independently start cleaning in a specific mode without current incoming commands.

Price issue

Washing vacuum cleaner

For the modern option you have to pay the corresponding price, so high technology has not yet completely replaced the traditional segment. So, typical budget models cost 3-7 thousand rubles. It can be a regular plastic vacuum cleaner with a power of up to 1000 watts with a small set of functional elements. For 15-20 thousand. You can already count on models that support wet cleaning. In the class of up to 25 thousand, manufacturers also offer high-performance filtration media with HEPA cleaning.

But how to choose a washing vacuum cleaner for the house, if you do not want to overpay for the extra functionality? Those who expect to get just a reliable assistant for dry and wet cleaning without an excess of options should pay attention to ergonomics and physical strength. Plastic must have thermal protection with scratch-resistant coatings. Inside, it is still desirable to provide effective fillings like separator aquafilters.

Top manufacturers

Not so long ago, the leaders of this segment of household appliances were recognized by Polaris, Electrolux, Zelmer, Philips, etc. The products of these brands are still in demand today, as the developers maintain the previous level of quality. Manufacturers should turn to this direction for classic network models worth 8-10 thousand. But technological vacuum cleaners are promoted by companies like Panda, iRobot Miele and Karcher. For example, the last two manufacturers bring a lot to the domestic segment from the professional sphere.

How to choose a vacuum cleaner for the house by the company of origin? One should start from the tasks being solved. In terms of quality of technical equipment and reliability, German brands remain leaders - Bosch, Karcher and Miele. To get modern functionality, you should choose from the iRobot line, and the products of Polaris, Electrolux, etc. represent inexpensive compromise options.

Household vacuum cleaner Mile


As the functionality of modern household appliances expanded, some segments began to intersect with each other, adopting seemingly unnecessary opportunities. In the case of a vacuum cleaner, these functions include humidification and air washing. Special climatic apparatuses do much better with such tasks. Therefore, if you do not want to overpay, but there is a goal to get a solid equipment with a useful option, then you should focus on the basic operating parameters.

For example, the question of how to choose the right vacuum cleaner for power will determine the effectiveness of dust collection. And here, too, one should not chase high indicators - 1200 W is enough for a city apartment with an area of โ€‹โ€‹50-60 m 2 . Further, a set of accessories, nozzles and brush mechanisms is taken into account. Only taking into account the complex of assessments can we make the right choice.


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