Features of the disarmament of countries, what is the demilitarization and neutralization of the territory

In the light of today's events, the disarmament issue is very acute. From this article you will learn what demilitarization is, how it is carried out and why it is needed.

The concept of demilitarization

what is demilitarization
So, this term means the elimination of military installations, as well as a significant reduction in armaments in the country, due to international treaties. Moreover, industrial army facilities should no longer be built on this land, and conflicts are resolved exclusively by peaceful means.

This process is aimed at obtaining international guarantees that the disarmed territory will not be in danger and no one will attack it. Such a procedure became necessary after the end of World War II, especially since at the moment there are a large number of dangerous nuclear and atomic weapons of mass destruction in the world, which require strict control and should not be used to exterminate people. Naturally, this process is very expensive for the country.

Features of the procedure

demilitarization of Germany
What is demilitarization, you already understood. However, now it is necessary to understand how this procedure occurs. It should be noted that it provides for two ways: disarmament of the territory and the economy. In the first case, it is necessary to completely free the alleged site from ammunition, military equipment, storage and industrial premises that belong to the army. These facilities can be converted. It should be noted that troops should not be in such territory. It prohibited the construction of military facilities.

Now consider what the demilitarization of the economy. This procedure is carried out in several stages:

- reorientation of military production to peaceful purposes - that is, enterprises that previously manufactured weapons must produce other products;

- a reduction in government investment in the development of troops and a gradual decrease in their number;

- international disarmament control;

- preservation and proper storage of life-threatening substances that can be used for mass destruction of the population.

It should be noted that the demilitarization agreement may be full or partial. In the second case, the document prohibits military activity in the agreed territory partially.

Features of the disarmament of Germany

demilitarization and neutralization
What is demilitarization, we have already discussed. Now we will consider when the intensive propaganda of this process began. In principle, a huge number of military forces is a danger not only for the country that is building them up, but also for other countries that are forced to strengthen their defensive ability.

The active desire of the world community for disarmament appeared only after the Second World War. At that time, the international community - in the person of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain - concluded an agreement on the complete demilitarization of Germany. However, such an agreement was undermined in 1946 by the United States, which subsequently incorporated the Federal Republic of Germany into NATO.

Today, Germany is one of the main peacekeepers, although it has its own army.

Features of the neutralization of the territory

The concept presented is inextricably linked to disarmament. Demilitarization and neutralization provide for the exclusion of certain territories from the zone where military operations can be carried out. That is, the state can carry out certain army manipulations, but not everywhere. On those lands where neutralization is active, such activities are prohibited. However, certain armed forces that are intended to defend in the event of an attack are permitted to be held in this territory.

Now you know what demilitarization and neutralization are. These are processes that are very relevant in the light of today's events in the world.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4443/

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