Knitting fishu with knitting needles: diagram and description

Fischu came to us from France of the 17th century. At that time, this concept meant a light lace or cambric shawl. They were used to cover the deep neckline.

fishey knitting scheme and description


Today, fish are regaining their former popularity. Now they are knitted manually from very thin threads. Most often, such shawls are performed in two versions:

  • in the form of a right triangle with one longer end;
  • in the form of a semicircle: wide in the center and narrowed at the edges.

With needlewomen more and more often the question arises: how to knit a fish with knitting needles. The diagram and description can be easily found on the Internet. However, to remain satisfied with the result, the knitter must take into account a number of nuances.

fishu with knitting needles with diagrams and description


The most important element for any knitting is, of course, yarn. Regardless of which pattern and description are used when knitting fishu with knitting needles, it is better to give preference to thin threads (100 grams should contain at least 400 meters). Shawls tied from thicker threads look rude. Knitting needles must be of high quality. So more likely that thin threads will not break. It is most convenient to knit shawls with circular knitting needles. If we talk about the thickness, for openwork variants, the fishes are best used knitting needles no thinner than number 3 and no thicker 4. For a set of loops, it is advised to use knitting needles 2 units thicker than workers.

Naturally, knitting is impossible without a pattern. Many use electronic options. But when knitting fishu with knitting needles, the diagram and description for beginners, as well as those who needlework away from the computer, should be printed. Those who plan to knit a fish regularly can be advised to purchase special tags. If desired, they can be replaced with pins. Most often, such tools are used when typing the working edge and marking rapports. You will also need needles: a thick one with a blunt end to close the loops and tailors with ringlets for locking.

Loop set

For a set of loops, it is necessary to take knitting needles 2 thicker than those on which knitting will be carried out. Thanks to this, the maximum elasticity of the edge is achieved. Putting together two knitting needles, loops are drawn in the amount indicated by the scheme and description for explaining knitting with knitting needles.

how to knit fishu with knitting needles scheme and description

It is important to consider that usually you should dial a huge number of loops: at least three hundred. It’s very easy to get confused in the calculations. That is why experienced craftswomen recommend using tags. Having typed a small block of loops (for example, 50), a mark is put on the knitting needle. When the desired number is reached, the loop set is completed.

Start knitting

After the desired number of loops is scored simultaneously on 2 knitting needles, one of them is carefully removed. Regardless of how it is proposed to knit the first row in the shawl with a knitting needle, the scheme and description, it should be done only with the front or the wrong side. In this case, knitting is carried out with a working size knitting needle. Subsequently, a series knitted in this way will be considered to be type-setting.

A huge number of loops in the work on the fish leads to the fact that there will be a lot of rapports in the canvas (often more than 50). You can avoid mistakes and miscalculations by marking them right away in knitting. This can be done directly on a knitted fabric with a contrasting thread. However, it is more convenient to use tags that are hung on the knitting needle in the right place between the loops. In the process, they simply spread from one knitting needle to another.

Cropped Rows

Curious is the fact that fisu, unlike other shawls, most often fits in with an openwork border. After the work on it is completed, you must give your product a form. Most often, the fisheye looks like a half ring with fairly narrow ends.

knit fishu knitting patterns and description

Usually on the Internet it is easy to find fishu pictures with knitting needles with diagrams and descriptions. They always tell how a particular shape is given to the selected product. However, it can be difficult for beginner needlewomen to figure out how short rows fit in. That is why we should dwell on this issue in more detail.

When the openwork is finished, it is necessary to count half of the loops on the knitting needles and put a mark here. The next row is knitted to the middle - plus 5. Then the knitting unfolds, the loops are knitted again to the middle (plus 5). Again, a turn is made, 9 loops fit, and the last tenth is knitted together with the next. This avoids the appearance of holes during partial knitting. After that, a few more loops are added (usually from three to five). Unfolding each time, knitting is gradually added to it several loops. The procedure is repeated until all loops are introduced into knitting. The shape of the future shawl depends on the number added to knitting in each row of loops. The fewer there are, the wider and rounded will be a fish.

Loop closure

Most often, when knitting fishu with knitting needles, the scheme and description offer their own way of closing the loops. In this case, the resulting edge should be sufficiently elastic. Most of the ways to achieve this do not allow. One of the most suitable methods for closing loops in the case of knitting a shawl is considered by many to be the method proposed by Elizabeth Zimmerman. It involves the use of a needle.

To perform it, after finishing knitting, a yarn is unwound from a ball, which is about 4 times longer than the width of the fabric. Its end is inserted into a thick needle. Then it is introduced into the first two loops on the spoke from right to left, the thread extends, but the loops are not removed. After that, from left to right, the needle extends through the first loop, which is dropped from the needle. Such actions are repeated until the very end of the series.


An important step in the manufacture of a shawl is its washing and blocking. They are performed after the knit fishu is over. First, the product should be washed in warm water using a liquid means for knitwear. If this was not available, you can replace it with ordinary shampoo.

shawl fishu knitting scheme and description

Do not rub too much shawl. Just soak in water with the addition of funds for about 10 minutes. After this, the fish must be thoroughly rinsed and squeezed slightly.

Now, with the help of needles with ears, the shawl should be split on a flat surface or, as needlewomen say, to block. Most often, a sheet is laid on a carpet or blanket. First of all, you should pin the middle, then gradually, in turn, block the edges. After the fish is completely dry, it should keep its shape. If this does not happen, you will have to re-chop the shawl and gently steam it off with an iron through a damp cloth.

Description of fishu "Tenderness"

If you wish, on the Internet you can find a huge number of options for knitting needles, the scheme and description of which will not cause big problems for experienced knitters. Those who knit such a shawl for the first time can be advised to try first a beautiful option called “Tenderness”. It differs in a fairly simple scheme consisting of 48 rows of lace. The rapport usually includes 18 loops.

fishey knitting scheme and description for beginners

First you need to dial 309 loops. The set of rows should be as free as possible. It is thanks to this that subsequently the fringe of the shawl will be quite patterned. The first row in this product is knitted with the wrong seams. The proposed scheme has colored squares. Yellow marked edge, green - an additional loop of the last rapport, blue - empty cells (those that should not be taken into account when knitting). Even rows fit in the pattern.

After the work on 48 rows of the pattern is completed, knitting of shortened rows begins. For this is the middle, it is celebrated. Then the loops fit to the mark plus fifteen. After the turn, the loops are again knitted to the middle with an additional fifteen. After that, the technique of shortened rows is performed with the addition of 3 loops in each of them. Finish knitting fish with knitting patterns and a description of the offer 43 and 45 rows of openwork pattern. After this, the loops must be closed with a needle and the shawl should be locked. Even a beginner needlewoman can cope with fishing. The main thing is to have a great desire, to adhere to the advice and to begin with choose a simpler model.


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