Double-decker train Moscow-Samara: stops, photos inside, reviews

Everyone likes the railway, without exception. The train travels smoothly, gently swaying and tapping. Sitting comfortably, sleeps so sweetly. The long road by train is perceived much easier than, for example, by bus. Everyone has become accustomed to standard trains, but new railway lines with comfortable wagons appear. Today we want to tell you about the double-decker train "Moscow-Samara".

double-decker train moscow samara

Short excursion

He entered the railway recently. On December 3, 2015, the double-decker train Moscow-Samara set off on its first flight. In the capital, he leaves from the Kazan station. Comfortable wagons are great for traveling. There are special sleeping cars, as well as separate places for people with disabilities and for those accompanying them. The dining car invites you to have a delicious lunch or just pass the time with a cup of coffee. The head coach is intended for train staff.

The cars are NE and compartment. In total, the double-decker train "Moscow-Samara" consists of 34 cars. Releases them JSC "Tver Carriage Works". The number of the double-decker Samara-Moscow train is 49, and on the route Moscow - Samara it will be 50th.

The train will leave daily from Moscow at 18:10, arriving in Samara the next morning at 9:45. On the way back you will leave at 16:42, and arrival in Moscow at 9:08. It is very convenient that most of the way falls at night. Having slept peacefully, you will be ready for the things that await you.

train 50 Moscow Samara double-decker

Travel Services

Usually on the train we are offered boiling water for making tea, so tea drinking has become a classic of railway crossings. The double-decker train "Moscow-Samara" offers its guests a more comfortable trip. The ticket price includes bedding and towels, as well as meals. Throughout the journey, passengers are provided with additional services: prints and souvenirs, fresh pastries and confectionery, as well as tea of ​​different varieties.

The journey begins

Train 50 "Moscow-Samara" (double-decker) was launched recently, and therefore surprises travelers with perfect cleanliness. Inside, everything shines and shines.

It is easiest to book a ticket in advance through electronic registration, but you can purchase it at the railway ticket office. The fare starts from 1750 rubles. Many tourists say that the price is quite adequate, given the level of comfort. Judging by the reviews, the travel time flies completely unnoticed, as if you were just sleeping at home.

However, tourists should be aware that checking electronic tickets during boarding may be delayed. They are checked by one conductor for all cars, so landing may take 15 or more minutes.

train 050m double-decker Moscow Samara

Go inside

Train 050 (double-decker) "Moscow-Samara" is operated recently, it is very noticeable in its condition. You can ask the conductor for an album with photos to get acquainted with the device of the head car. Everything here is like in a Hollywood movie. The workplace of the flight engineer and driver is equipped with a special panel of modern devices, monitors, which show the condition of the train. Such a virtual acquaintance allows you to understand that your life is completely safe.

In the car, the first thing you see is the stairs that lead to the first and second floor, directly to your place. The double-decker train (train 050, Moscow-Samara) follows the route from the capital. If you want to admire the suburbs from the window, then choose places on the second floor. Everything here is very clean and new, fresh linen can be covered directly on a soft bench, no tired cotton mattresses.

train double-decker train 050m Moscow Samara

Luggage compartments

But this may cause a problem. The fact is that the third shelf, which has always been designed for suitcases, is missing here. There is a small space under the seat, but not much can fit into it. But the bag can be pulled out without raising the seat. As it turned out, this is not always a plus, because you could put valuable things and documents inside and be firmly convinced that you can take them out only by first lifting you up. By the way, there are relatively few seats in the compartment, although they never had a large area.

A bit more about the coupe

The layout of the car is such that it consists of double and quadruple isolated compartments. All cars are equipped with air conditioning and heating systems, as well as dry closets and comfortable stairs to the second floor. When choosing a place, navigate, as usual, by numbers. The lower places are odd, and the upper ones are even. Each compartment has a lying area, a table with a mirror, shelves and lamps, as well as convenient stairs to climb the second shelf.

Remember how in old cars it blew from the windows in the winter and it was very hot in the summer? Here you will not be uncomfortable. The compartment is glazed with modern double-glazed windows, and air conditioners allow you to adjust the temperature inside. Each compartment is equipped with two outlets, so charging a dead phone will not be a big problem. In general, the double-decker Samara-Moscow train has very good reviews, passengers emphasize cleanliness and comfort, as well as a convenient schedule. The night is on the way - and already in place.

double-decker train Moscow Samara stop

Sleeping places

It should be noted that the first impression is somewhat spoiled when you go to bed. More precisely, not for everyone, but only for those passengers whose height exceeds 180 cm. If you are much taller, have a large physique and turn around at night, then you will not be too comfortable. The shelves here are somewhat narrower and slightly shorter than in conventional trains. This can be important for those traveling with young children, respectively, will sleep with them on the same sleeping shelf.

Smoking in wagons

This is strictly prohibited. On other trains, this rule also exists, but usually people go to the vestibule or just smoke in the toilet in the window. However, here you have to forget about it, there is no vestibule, and there are cameras everywhere in the corridor. Before departure, you need to smoke, because the first station, parking at which is 15 minutes, will be seven hours after departure.

double-decker train samara moscow reviews

Morning hygiene

Comfortable coupe trains "Samara-Moscow" provide an opportunity to sleep in a night. With the onset of morning, everyone needs to clean themselves up, wash themselves and brush their teeth. To do this, there are toilet rooms, there are 3 of them on the wagon. In the morning, of course, there may be lines, but the rest of the time, everyone has access. Then comes the time for breakfast. Passengers have the opportunity, according to the good old tradition, to drink tea. In the car there is a kettle-water heater for this.

Train route

Let's take a closer look at the route that the Moscow-Samara double-decker train follows. Stops are at large stations. Departure takes place from Moscow, the next stop is the city of Ryazan after two and a half hours following the route. The parking here is short, only a few minutes. A large parking will be after another five hours in Ruzayevka. Here the train costs 12 minutes, you can go out for a smoke. The train arrives in Syzran 11 hours after departure. The parking time is 4 minutes. Now two hours are left to the final destination - the city of Samara. In total, the route takes thirteen hours.

double-decker train number samara moscow

Tourists reviews

We told you very briefly what a double-decker train is like. Samara - Moscow (the photo inside you see in the article) - this is the opposite direction of the composition, which takes a little longer, as it captures additional stations. In this case, you will spend a little more than 16 hours on the road.

Judging by the reviews of travelers, this train is a great example of the fact that in our country they can launch comfortable vehicles and take care of human convenience. Cleanliness and order, well-coordinated work of staff, special screens for watching videos in CB cars, delicious dishes in a restaurant car, all this makes it possible to make your trip as enjoyable as possible.


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