High liveliness: description, composition, properties and application features

The plant, which will be discussed in this article, is a well-known decorative flower used in floriculture. This is a delphinium, many species of which are grown in parks and gardens.

The article will describe the composition and properties of high luminosity. It will seem surprising to many, but this beautiful plant has excellent healing properties that contribute to the cure of many and a wide variety of diseases.

Other names (except for delphinium): cornflowers, sowing fern.

In addition to perennial liveliness, annual field liveliness (or trekking) is most common. This dye (gives the blue dye for the wool) and the honey plant is a field weed.

High liveliness

High Larkiness: Botanical Description

Larkspur - a perennial plant (family of buttercups). The genus of the latter unites approximately 250 species, 103 species of which grow in Russia. This plant is found in nature and in gardens from a height of 80 to 200 cm.

Its grayish-brown roots are fibrous in structure, the stems are bare simple with regular long-leaved leaves. The sheet has a length of 3 to 7 cm, a width of up to 16 centimeters.

The three-lobed leaf has a palm-dissected oblong rhombic shape. The flowers are located in an elongated brush. Bracts at the base of the pedicels are whole and narrowly linear. Petals are dark brown or black.

In vividness, a high inflorescence is represented by flowers with a large number of stamens, 3 pestles with upper ovaries. Fruits are three-leafed, and seeds with narrow-membered ribs have three faces.

This plant, flowering in July-August, is a beautiful honey plant. In August-September, the fruits ripen. They germinate well in spring and autumn. In larkspur, both flowers and the aerial part are prepared, except for stiff and thick stems.

The formula for a high-alertness flower is ↑ 52,2∞3. The plant has its name in connection with the similarity of its young unblown flower with a dolphin figure.

High Larkiness: Flower Formula

Places of growth

This plant is widespread in Russia in the European part, in Siberia (West and East) and in Central Asia.

Larkspur grows in not very dense mixed (birch, aspen) forests and along their outskirts, forest glades and edges, slopes of ravines, tall grass meadows with shrubs, along mountain slopes, in river valleys and small curtains.

Chemical composition

Larkspur - a plant poisonous and rich in curariform alkaloids: tubocurarine, curarin, toxiferin (in leaves - about 1.3%, in seeds - up to 2.5%, in roots - 4%).

The aerial part of the flower contains a large number of macroelements: copper, magnesium, potassium and iron, vitamins, tannins and minerals, organic acids.

Help cure many diseases of the beneficial substances of high vivacity.

Cancer high in cancer treatment

Healing properties

Recipes for therapeutic use are described below in the article. Medicines that contain this plant are used in the following cases:

  • with increased muscle tone due to damage to the spinal cord and brain (consequences of various injuries and infections);
  • with damage to the central nervous system (spastic paralysis, multiple sclerosis, etc.).

In addition to the fact that high hightness is used for multiple sclerosis and other diseases, it is an excellent tool that blocks the apparatus of the motor nerves with the help of its alkaloids. It causes the relaxation of the muscles of the skeleton. In this regard, the plant is combined with anesthesia during many surgical operations.

Aptitude is able to relieve suffering and rheumatism, with various pain syndromes and seizures. With the external use of drugs with liveliness, tissue healing occurs, and they also help to get rid of various parasites.

According to the latest research, the liveliness high in cancer treatment is increasingly justifying itself, it perfectly cleanses the blood and has an effective anti-cancer effect.

Larkiness high: inflorescence


And in folk medicine, larkspurness is quite widely used. For raw materials, the upper part of shoots with inflorescences is used. Its collection is carried out at the beginning of flowering or during budding. Throughout the summer, the top of the larkiness is cut off with flowers without a stem. During the ripening season, seeds and roots are harvested.

High liveliness is used in folk medicine in the treatment of bone fractures. To do this, compresses and lotions. With the help of decoctions they treat pneumonia, pleurisy, whooping cough, headache, inflammation of the bladder and other diseases of the genitourinary system, jaundice and even fear.

In case of burns, preparations with liveliness are used externally. Infusions from gastric diseases are used internally. Rinsing with solutions from the stomach increases the treatment of diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

Contraindications for use

But do not forget, as noted above, that the larkspur is high - a poisonous plant. It is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • under the age of 18;
  • in the presence of a syndrome of decreased muscle tone;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with low blood pressure;
  • with myasthenia gravis.

It should also be remembered that exceeding doses leads to the development of intoxication against the background of a decline in the activity of respiration and heart, vomiting and convulsions appear. In such cases, you should definitely rinse your stomach and call an ambulance.

Larkiness is high: description, composition, properties

Collection and storage

For medicinal purposes, greens (leaves, stems), roots, rhizomes, flowers, seeds and fruits are collected.

The collection of high liveliness is carried out at the beginning of flowering, it is dried in the air in dryers and under awnings (although it is possible in the sun), but, if possible, not very long. Dried plants are stored in tight packaging in a dark, dry room.

It should also be remembered that when handling high liveliness, care must be taken, it is advisable not to touch it with your hands, and wash them thoroughly after finishing work.

In addition, in the process of collecting liveliness in natural places of growth, it is necessary to leave some well-developed plants to resume new thickets. And repeated workpieces in the same place should be carried out no earlier than after 2 years.

High liveliness: medicinal properties, recipes

Application methods

Here are some recipes for the preparation of medicinal tinctures.

  1. Shredded roots and rhizomes (1 tbsp.spoon) are infused in 1 cup boiling water for an hour, then the solution is filtered. It is applied externally for burns in the form of lotions.

  2. Larkspur grass (30 gr.) Is brewed in one liter of boiling water, heated in a water bath for 5 minutes, then infused for about 15 minutes and then filtered. After adding boiling water, up to 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons are used inside for up to 3 times a day for diseases of the genitourinary system, with jaundice, gastrointestinal diseases, pneumonia, whooping cough, pleurisy and funk.

  3. Shredded flowers of high vividness (30 g) are poured with boiling water (1 l), languish for 5 minutes in a water bath, then the solution is infused, cooled, filtered and adjusted to its original volume by adding boiled water. It is taken orally three times a day, 0.5 cups for bleeding, cystitis.

  4. 50 grams of crushed roots is added to boiling water (200 ml), for 20 minutes the solution is boiled over low heat, then filtered. It is applied up to 5 times a day, one teaspoon for various pains and cramps. Externally, you can make compresses for wound healing.

  5. Baths from freshly harvested liveliness are good for paralysis, rheumatism, radiculitis and skin diseases.

A little about application in the economy

The high wildlife is high - a garden ornamental plant, often cultivated by flower growers in flower beds. This flower served as the initial species for the creation of numerous decorative cultivars and hybrids bred by gardeners.

Larkspur high-poisonous plant

Already at the end of the 19th century, it was established that the alkaloids contained in the liveliness have a curariform effect. Curare plant is an ancient poison used for arrows. An animal wounded by such an arrow lost mobility, and then died from respiratory arrest. In this way, meat was eaten, which was eaten. The alkaloids present in the plant, when ingested through the gastrointestinal tract into the body, do not show their activity. Curare was also used in experiments for immobilizing animals.

And today in veterinary medicine the grass of larkspur along with salt is fed to sheep to fight against worms. Decoctions and extracts - means (insecticides) against garden and garden pests. Flowers - a means for the extermination of cockroaches and flies. Most often, this is done by pollinating dusted flowers. Fruits are also boiled to deal with many pests of gardens.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4477/

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