Exactions at school: where to complain and how to fight?

In Russia, school time for parents means serious expenses. At the same time, as practice shows, in the first place in the item of expenses are levies. They are found in real life almost everywhere. Units of schools in the Russian Federation are completely free. Are there regular requisitions at school? Where to complain in this case? And is it worth it to do that? We have to answer all this further.


What does the law say about this? Previously, everything was simple and clear. Every citizen of the Russian Federation under the Constitution has the right to receive free school, preschool and secondary vocational education. It is enough to study article 43 of the mentioned code of laws.

requisitions at school where to complain

Exactions at school? Where to complain? Each parent will have to think about this issue. Indeed, the current legislation indicates that education in schools should be free.

New standards

At the same time, in 2013, some changes were made to the Law on Education. Article 101 states that educational institutions may provide paid services.

Only here there is one caveat - they should not be imposed. Parents must conclude a separate agreement with the school for the provision of paid services and only after that transfer funds to the account of the educational institution.

Sources of school funding

Exactions from parents in schools? Where to complain about them? First you need to figure out what you still have to pay for.

In total, educational institutions have several sources of profit:

  • federal funds;
  • regional budget;
  • schools own money.

Accordingly, educational institutions can in one way or another collect funds for their needs.

About Federal Payments

Now a few words about each type of financing. Let's start with federal payments. They are allocated to educational institutions from the state treasury from year to year.

requisitions at school where to complain Minsk

This money goes to teachers' salaries, to modernize the school, to textbooks and workbooks. In addition, new equipment and manuals are bought from the federal budget.

Do school requisitions violate parental rights? Where to complain in a particular case? To accurately answer all of this, you will have to find out what fundraising is legal.


The next type of financing is regional budget funds. Every city annually allocates enough money for school facilities.

What are these funds spent on? They should go to the maintenance of the school and its repair. Usually municipalities have no problems with financing.

Own savings

Where to complain about fees at school? It is worth paying attention to the fact that collecting money in schools is not always illegal. Under the new rules, paid services can be provided to parents and students. And, accordingly, citizens will have to pay. This is normal.

Schools form their own budget through voluntary (this is important) donations from parents and organizations, from the rental of property, as well as from paid services and charity. These are the main sources of profit.

But it is not entirely clear what it is necessary to pay for, and what really is levies. Consider typical situations in schools in more detail.

Core spending

Where to complain about fees at school? Chelyabinsk or any other city of the Russian Federation is not so important. The main thing is that similar cases are considered in the same bodies. But about them later. First of all, we must understand when the rights of parents and children are really violated.

where to complain about requisitions in the school of Chelyabinsk

Most often at meetings they collect money for workbooks, textbooks, manuals, school supplies, as well as for class repairs. Oddly enough, but for manuals that are not included in the standard school curriculum, you really have to pay. But no more than that. There is no need to transfer money for notebooks and textbooks funded by the state budget. This violates the rights of parents.

And what about the repair? It all depends on the situation. If one of the parents wants to install a new desk for his child or update the whole class, then it is the initiator who must pay the price. The rest should not be forced to allocate funds for new school furniture.

Nevertheless, most often the initiator is the class teacher or even the director. In this case, we can assume that the parent encountered exactions at school. Where to complain? If the proposal came from teachers, you should immediately contact the director. It is advisable to fix the fact of requisition in one way or another.

Additional expenses

As we have already said, not all fundraising in schools can be called extortion. What situations do not violate the rights of parents and students?

At meetings, quite often they raise funds for security, visits to cinema and shows, trips, cultural events, trips and holidays, paid courses, meals - all this really needs to be paid. After all, such expenses are not included in the list of obligatory for school institutions. Parents can refuse them. You don’t have to collect money, but in this case the child will not take part in this or that event.


At school requisitions? Where to complain? Minsk, Moscow, Kaliningrad - this is not so important. Indeed, such situations are considered in most countries and regions in the same bodies.

Can fundraising gifts for teachers, the principal, children and the school be called extortion? To some extent, yes. After all, gifts are voluntary. And if someone does not want to take off, you cannot force him to do this. Moreover, expensive gifts in Russia are still prohibited. They can be seen as a bribe. This threatens criminal liability for both parents and teachers.

illegal extortion at school where to complain

School items

With the introduction of new amendments to the law "On Education", some schools began to actively raise funds for holding certain lessons. Not electives, namely school classes.

Such an incident is a real violation of rights. Students are required to provide a complete school curriculum free of charge. But for voluntary additional classes you have to pay. But, as we have already said, in this case, parents conclude an agreement with a school institution. And only after this is the payment of classes.

Parents do not want to pay? No one can force them. Just the children of such people will not attend additional classes, which, incidentally, should go beyond the school curriculum. Trimming it is forbidden.

In Russia

Exactions at school? Where to complain about them? In Russia, you can contact not only the director, but also a special portal. Just visit narocenka.ru and leave a complaint here.

As a rule, activists will take note of all the discontent of their parents, conduct an investigation, and then help get rid of the requisitions. But this is not the most popular solution. Moreover, it takes place only in Russia.

requisitions at school where to complain Voronezh


Found extortions at school? Where to complain? Minsk or Moscow is not so important. Indeed, regional administrations are working with similar situations. They are in all countries.

For example, you can call the helpline (it is specified in the reference services), and then report the fact of illegal fundraising. It is advisable to have some evidence with you.

In addition, a citizen has the right to appeal directly to the city administration. This is a fairly common occurrence. In this case, it is better to immediately attach evidence of their innocence. This technique will save time on checking the school.

The prosecutor's office and the courts

Exactions in schools? Where to complain? Kazakhstan or any other locality - this fact does not play a role. In real life, when a parent’s rights are violated at school, you can go to court or to the prosecutor.

It is this scenario that quickly moves things off the ground. Each region has its own courts and prosecutors. They will check the educational institution. If the fact of extortion is confirmed, the director will have problems up to bringing to criminal liability.


Do you still have requisitions at school? Where to complain? In Voronezh or in any other city of the Russian Federation, an appeal to the Ministry of Education is allowed. Here, as a rule, they complain about violation of the rights of students, teachers and parents.

It is better to go to the ministry if the appeal to the director did not help. And after that, act through the courts and the prosecutor. As practice shows, this technique is very effective.

requisitions at school where to complain Kazakhstan

To pay or not?

However, more often than not, parents do not have time to hear and file numerous complaints. Therefore, we have to look for a way out of this situation in a more peaceful way.

Unlawful requisitions revealed at school? Where to complain? Everyone can answer this question now. But is it worth it to donate money at all?

There is no definite answer. Someone agrees with such situations, considering them the norm. Some categorically do not donate funds for certain services, fighting for their rights. Everyone is right in his own way.

In Russia, most often after the parents refuse to return money for something, the real persecution of children from families who refuse to pay fees begins. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation mentions that this should not be. All requisitions in schools must be voluntary.

If you have the strength and time to deal with the situation, you can not give up money. The child in this case will have to prepare for a number of negative consequences. Refusers are rarely well treated. In other cases, parents donate funds at meetings, and then complain to various authorities. This practice is more and more common.

Cash and non-cash payment

Exactions at school? Where to complain in Minsk? It is better to act through the school principal, as well as through the city administration, and only in extreme cases go to court or to the prosecutor's office.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that when collecting funds for school needs, all transfers must be non-cash. The money goes to the account of the institution, and then a certain service is paid.

It is forbidden to collect cash in schools, but to prove such requisitions is rather difficult. It is this scenario that occurs almost everywhere in real life. It is important to remember your rights and protect them in every way.

How not to give up?

From all of the above it follows that requisitions in schools are very common. And parents agree to them so that the children do not have problems. But how can you not pay?

where to complain about fees at school Moscow

Firstly, it is allowed to simply refuse imposed services and purchases. It means going into conflict.

Secondly, you can offer your help in any other form (except financial). For example, paint the floor or walls in the classroom yourself.

Thirdly, the parent committee may open a separate account. All operations on it will be carried out officially with detailed summaries and directions where these or those funds went.

In any case, requisitions in schools were almost always. And with them, despite dissatisfaction, almost all parents agree. If the educational institution requires you to donate too much and often, you will have to defend the rights in the relevant authorities. In Russia, there is such a practice, but it brings a lot of trouble to both parents and children. Many are willing to put up with minor requisitions. Where to complain about fees at school? In Moscow or in any other city such cases are often considered by the prosecutor!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4480/

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