Crochet summer hat for girls: photos and description

Every mother dreams of making her baby look the best. Therefore, he is trying to dress the baby in the best and most fashionable things. However, very often an extensive assortment of store goods does not allow you to find a truly spectacular product. But mothers are not upset and embody the idea on their own. For this, some needlewomen need step-by-step instructions. In the material presented below, we will talk about how to crochet a summer hat for a girl.

Model selection

crochet patterns

To tie a beautiful product, it must be carefully thought out. It is recommended to start with the choice of style. On the covers of knitting magazines, charming girls in lush hats often appear. And many mothers knit such an accessory for their babies. However, the masters say that many girls will not like this model. Children are restless, love outdoor games, and in such a hat it will be uncomfortable. Therefore, before embarking on a crochet summer hat for a girl, you should discuss with your daughter what product she wants. In most cases, the choice falls on flirty openwork hats.

Purchase of knitting threads

When choosing yarn for your ideas, it is worth considering several important factors. If the product has a pattern, it is better to give preference to monophonic. It is also worth noting that novice craftsmen can crochet a summer hat for a girl using gradient, patchwork yarn or one that, in the process of knitting, is itself folded into the original pattern. In addition, it is important to choose knitting threads according to the season of socks. As we study the technology of knitting a summer hat, it is necessary to purchase cotton or linen yarn. And the last thing to consider when buying is the girl’s appearance. Blondes are better to choose calm colors - pink, yellow, lavender, blue. And brunettes and redheads are rich and vibrant: red, blue, green, purple, fuchsia.

hat for girls

Search for a convenient tool

Since in the article we study the technology of making a summer hat for a girl with a crochet, it is worth paying special attention to the choice of a tool. Many beginners are convinced that this process is not difficult. However, professionals insist that only the perfect tool is able to provide speed, quality and beauty of the product. To get just this, you need to study the label on the yarn. It indicates the most suitable hook size. In addition, before buying, it is important to evaluate the appearance of the tool. Experts advise choosing one that is made of metal, honed and polished, and lies well in the hand.

Taking measurements

knitting hats

To crochet a baby summer hat for a girl, you need to measure the baby’s head. This is the only way to make a product that is ideally suited to size. However, it is important to know which parameters are required. In fact, there are only two of them:

  1. The girth of the head is the circumference of the widest part of the head. A centimeter tape lies in front above the eyebrows, behind - on the most convex part of the skull.
  2. The height of the headgear is the distance from one upper tip of the ear to the other. A centimeter tape passes exactly through the crown.

Sample preparation

Professional craftsmen advise crocheting a summer hat for a girl according to the pattern. It should be drawn on a piece of paper. Moreover, it is important to depict the style of the product, mark the measurements taken, and next to it the number of loops and rows. It is impossible to calculate them without executing a fragment of the selected pattern. Therefore, we take a hook and prepared yarn. We use exactly those that we purchased for our ideas. We knit a sample. Too much should not be done. A square with a side of 10 cm is enough. When it is ready, we return to our pattern. Divide the head circumference by the width of the sample. Then we multiply by the number of loops in the fragment. If necessary, round the final value to the whole. So we find out how many loops you need to dial for crocheting a summer hat for a girl. Similarly, calculate the depth of the product. Divide the height of the headgear by 10, and then multiply by the number of rows in the prepared sample.

we knit for children

Loop set

To make the product beautiful, experts recommend starting it with an elastic band. You can knit it even with a hook. If you want to make a fashionable version of the headgear shown in the photo above, you should reduce five to seven loops. After that, tie the chain of the desired length and close into the ring. Continue knitting in a circle.

The implementation of the main part

After a set of loops, you can knit several rows with single crochet columns to decorate the bottom edge with a piping. And then go to the pattern. Professional knitters are advised to calculate the number of loops so that the rapport of the pattern is complete. Otherwise, the lace will seem ragged, ugly, and the product itself is sloppy. The main part of the cap is knitted without reducing and adding loops. Thus, before rounding off the crown, the knitter obtains an even “pipe”.

If you want to crochet a summer hat “tight-fitting” for a girl, you need to reduce the head circumference by five or six loops and strictly observe the height of the headgear. To perform a free header, you just have to withstand pre-calculated parameters. But start with a rubber band or a smaller tool. However, you can also tie an original hat for the girl. In this case, experienced craftsmen recommend reducing three to five rows. That is, to begin to knit the crown a little earlier than what the calculation requires. Beautiful people who love sports style will be much more delighted with the hat with a hanging tip that is now fashionable. To complete it, you will need to knit several rows more than required. Also, if desired, you can add a funny brush to the tip.

crochet hat

Head loop reduction technology

Most beginners are convinced that this is the most difficult step in the instructions for completing a summer hat for a girl to crochet. The description, and the truth, is somewhat confusing. But if you strictly follow each step, you will be able to cope with the task without problems. To begin to knit the crown should be when there are seven rows left to the end. But before you work, make simple mathematical calculations:

  1. Divide the total number of loops by seven.
  2. So we find out how many extra loops we can reduce in each row.

To remove them evenly, it is necessary to divide the number of loops in the current row into those that need to be reduced. Then subtract one from the total number. As a result, we will determine how many loops need to be knitted between the decays. It is important to note that for each row should make its own calculation. Because the number of loops will change, because we will gradually reduce them. Having tied the product according to the calculated scheme to the end, we break the thread, leaving a small tip. We stretch the loop, tie and fasten it from the wrong side so that it is not visible.

knitting for children

Here we figured out how to make an original headdress for a girl. Crocheted summer hat looks very original, even if it is made with the simplest pattern. After all, any product can be beaten with yarn. And it should be noted that experienced knitters are advised not to overdo it when decorating their ideas. It is much more reasonable to tie a simple monophonic hat, and then add it with a beautiful brooch, beads or a small knitted item.


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