Guide to Razor. How to play as Razor in Dota 2?

How many players - so many opinions. This thesis perfectly characterizes the hero Razor (Dota 2). Despite numerous revisions and changes, this character has remained relevant and meticulous for many years. What is his strength and is he really so invincible? Our guide to Razor is called upon to answer these and other questions.

guide to ravage


Dexterity is the main parameter of a hero named Razor ("Dota 2"). This means that from it you receive an increase in damage to auto attacks. Initially, this characteristic is 22 and increases by 2.00 with each level.

Intelligence is the least important parameter for Razor. The hero starts with 19 units and increases the stat by 1.8 at the next up. Only affects mana.

Strength is a side attribute and is 21 on the first level. But the increase is greater than that of the main parameter and is equal to 2.3. Thus, the player is hinted that collecting items on the mainstat is not always right.

dota 2 guides


Next, consider the skill build. In Dota 2, guides are usually written based not on the synergy of skills and the situation on the map, but simply based on the main characterization of the character. Today we will try to correct this defect and provide a workable tactic for playing at Razor.

  • Plasma field. Razor creates a wave, diverging from it in different directions by a radius of 700 units. Deals damage to all enemies in its path, depending on the distance to them. Then he returns back to Razora. During the cast, damage is done twice.
  • Telecommunication. The hero creates an uninterrupted connection between himself and the enemy, absorbing his attack power. The main skill of Razor, which has several features. Firstly, it is not interrupted by any skills. Invulnerability, anti-magic, purification - all this he does not care. It helps only a gap distance. Secondly, it continues to increase the power of Razora. Even if the enemy’s strength has already reached a minimum. The competent use of this skill is able to decide the outcome of the most difficult battle, since in 8 seconds it absorbs 224 enemy attack forces (at skill level 4).
  • Unstable flow. The only means of escaping Razor. Passively increases the speed of the character. If you apply a spell on the hero, the attacker will take small damage, slow down, and all positive effects will be removed from him.
  • The heart of the storm. But this is the most important and important skill that Razor owns. Dota is a game that requires the player not only reaction speed and knowledge of artifacts, but also an understanding of mechanics, as well as the most basic mathematical operations. Skill summons a thunderstorm above Razor’s head, which within 30 seconds strikes the enemy with the least health, while lowering his armor. In a 1 on 1 fight, the enemy will receive up to (30 / 0.5) * 70 = 4200 physical damage. Upon improvement with the help of Aganim, lightning strikes more often (30 / 0.4) * 70 = 5250 physical damage, and even with a decrease in armor. This is the biggest damage from the skill in the game.

razor dota

Tactics (start)

It's time to figure out how to play for Razor. Dota 2 has several development options for this character, based on which you can plan the tactics of the game. But first things first. Let's start with what you do not need to do.

  1. No need to take Razor to the center line. Yes, he farm creeps well, but no more. There is no ganker from it, since there is no control and normal acceleration.
  2. No need to take Razor to the forest. Forester, he is the same as the middle, or even worse for the same reasons.
  3. No need to take Razor on a duo-line. This hero farm creeps well and without support, but experience is very important for him. The sooner he takes the ultimate skill, the faster he will begin to humiliate his opponent on the line.

But what then to do? It is important for a break to be on the “long” line. So he will be able to maximize the implementation of "Telecommunications". It doesn’t matter if there are two or one opponent against him. Due to the quick animation of the attack, Razor will be able to finish off his creeps, thereby depriving the enemy of the lion's share of experience.


What you need to download? Any guide to Razor that you could read recommends maxing out Telecommunications. And they are absolutely right. After all, this is one of the most powerful skills. At level 7, holding contact for 8 seconds, the hero takes +224 to damage from his hand. Any mage will fly away from a pair of such pokes. Ability must be increased at the first, third, fifth and seventh levels.

bust of dota 2

At the second level, it is better to take the "Plasma Field". It must be downloaded on the ninth, tenth and twelfth. This skill should be used with caution, because it pushes too well online, and having driven the enemy under the tower, you can not do anything to him. In addition, you will become easy prey for the enemy forester, as there are no good escapees.

On the fourth, it’s better to download the passive. Then take it on the eighth. Complete its pumping at levels 13 and 14. Having only the second level, you will get a good bonus to speed, as well as slowing down opponents, which may well save your life.

Ult should be taken immediately as available at 6, 11 and 16. Do not be afraid to use it regularly, as it lasts 30 seconds. Therefore, the declared rollback time is reduced by this value and is already ridiculous 50 seconds (the time to go to the base and back to the line) is already at the first level.

A similar pumping can be used in any situation, even if you stand alone against two.

Purchase (initial)

What can I take with me on line? In Dota 2, guides usually recommend using items to enhance the primary attribute. Tanks and hero miles also often take shields and health regeneration. In the case of Razor, everything is not so simple. He needs dexterity to finish off creeps with auto attacks, strength, so that there is time to survive, while the attack is pumped out from the enemy and intelligence to use abilities and ults.

guide on the hero

Thus, the best you can afford is three Iron Branch, Ring of protection, Tango and a health bank. After that, you can start collecting the first items.

  1. Ring of Basilius. Will give the necessary mana regeneration for spam "sucker". Be sure to turn off the aura so as not to push the line.
  2. Headdress. Gives health regeneration and combines sticks. It is a necessary component for one of the leith assemblies.
  3. Boot. Best sit on Phase Boots Razor. But only due to the fact that they have maximum acceleration in the game. So you can always escape from the batch or, conversely, catch up with the enemy. If the opponents do not have fast heroes, then standard PTs (Power Treads) are suitable. Just switch them immediately to strength (for health), occasionally using to get mana.
  4. Magic Wand. Allows you to restore health if a player with many active spells is on the line with you.
  5. Drum of endurance. Of course, it is difficult to call this item starting because of the high price, but it is very effective when used by Razor. Adds all possible characteristics to the character, and also allows you to accelerate by 13% to all allies in a small radius. It synergizes perfectly with the ult, if you need to suddenly break into the thick of the battle.

Kite and catch-up

So, you have purchased and already accumulated on the first items. The game on the line leveled, the enemy forester ganks the opposite side of the card, and the midmers are mired in a duel. It's time to make your first frag. Our guide to Razor contains two useful feints with which you can effectively "crush" your opponent online. The attack is best started when a wave of minions with a siege weapon has passed.

how to play for razor dota 2

Tip one. Do not wait for enemy creeps to sag. Lower the health of other "shooters" to a minimum, but do not finish. Then pat the melee and begin to retreat. Having departed not a small distance, activate the "Plasma Field" and start moving towards the enemy. The skill will finish all creeps and touch the enemy. At this moment, you can hang the “Connection” on it and turn on the ult.

Tip two. What will the enemy hero do? If he has even a drop of his mind, he will rush to run. Take advantage of this. Due to passivation, shoes and drums, you should catch up with him in a couple of seconds. Start to beat, but do not wait until the damage passes and immediately continue to move. So you wisely use the time between auto-attacks and let your debuff on your opponent last longer.


Guide to Razora suggests two options for swinging this character. And the first one is a tank. Why should a character with the main "dexterity" stat collect in hp and armor? Very simple. Damage for auto-attacks Razor can "pump" from the enemy, and the "eye of the storm" and without this can cause more damage than any other mage. The main thing is to survive.

  1. Aghanim's (Aghanim's Scepter) will strengthen the ult and give a number of useful characteristics.
  2. BKB (Black King Bar) - health, damage and invulnerability to spells.
  3. Assault Cuirass - armor and attack speed. It also reduces the armor of opponents, which means it increases the effectiveness of ults.
  4. PT - shoes for strength.
  5. Halberd (Heaven's Halberd). Evasion, health, damage, and the chance to slow an adversary. The active component will allow you to avoid instant death from enemy agilshchiki (Mortra).
  6. Heart of Tarrasque - a lot of health.

If necessary, you can sacrifice survival in favor of damage. Using a combination of Satanic and Daedalus, you can deliver critical hits equivalent to Mortes and at the same time heal well.

Typical agilshchik

Standard option for beginners. What to collect? Razor (Dota 2) is an ordinary agi character, so standard items for such classes are suitable for him.

  1. Sange and Yasha. Slow, speed, damage.
  2. Butterfly Evasion, damage.
  3. Daedalus.
  4. Eye of Skady. Plus all the attributes and slowdown.
  5. Manta Style. With stolen damage, copies will do just tons of damage.
  6. Fri on force.

Actually, in the case of Razor, the assembly can lose a little damage in favor of survival thanks to its skills. For the rest, you can collect ordinary items for attack speed and damage.

what to collect razor dota 2

Custom purchase

Separately, I would like to list the items, the acquisition of which suits various styles of the game.

  1. Mekansm. It gives a few characteristics, but it is able to heal the whole team. It suits Razoru Tank well and can be used in mid-game. By late late it is better to replace.
  2. Lothar (Shadow Blade). Suitable for pubs with low-level players. The next tactic is to throw the “Connection” at the enemy, then turn on the ult and go into invisibility. Now the enemy can not do anything to you, loses damage and takes damage. Any experienced player can easily counter this item by purchasing Dust of Appearence.
  3. Refresher Orb. It is worth taking only if the opponent is completely crushed and the game must be completed as soon as possible. After use, resets the cooldown of ults and allows you to apply it again. At Razor it stacks, so lightning strikes 2 times more often. Of the minuses - the item is very expensive and buying it at the beginning of the game can lead to the fact that you will be "meat" in the batch and just do not have time to realize the double ult completely under the focus of the enemy.
  4. Blink Dagger. No guide to the Razor hero will advise him to you anymore. It fits perfectly into the tank assembly. Shake the ult and the refresher somewhere in the forest, and then jump into the crowd of enemies.


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