Jewish female names: from antiquity to modernity

Representatives of this people live in all corners of the world. They do not assimilate with the local population, but retain their traditions, singing language, faith in one God. And they give their children the names that their ancestors wore, thus emphasizing the connection with the clan, roots, native land.

Jewish female names

The origin of the Hebrew names

True Jewish female names, as well as male ones, are believed to be those that are related to the ancient written sources of this people, Yiddish, Hebrew. Most of them are found in the Old Testament, as well as in various interpretations of the Holy Scriptures. But among them you can find many borrowed names that spread at a time when the Bible and the Talmud were not as revered as they are today. For example, in the everyday life of the inhabitants of the promised land there is the Babylonian name Mordechai, the Chaldean name Atlay, Bebai, the Greek Alexander, who was transformed into Sendera.

Jewish female names, which were mentioned in the Old Testament, passed the test of time, were not lost in the difficult road, overcome by the people. On the contrary, they spread throughout the globe, came into the everyday life of Muslims and Christians, adapting to their linguistic features. Remember only such names that are popular among the Slavs: Maria, Anna, Elizabeth - after all, they originate precisely from the shores of the Jordan. No less popular with contemporaries are Dean, Esther, Sarah, Esther, real Jewish female names.

Jewish female names list

Modern names of the inhabitants of the promised land

Jewish female names, as well as male ones, are created by these people today. By tradition, the newborn boy receives the Ruf Nomen - the main name that is mentioned in the Talmud. It is used in worship services, prayers. Often children are named in honor of respected relatives, esteemed ancestors, and prominent statesmen. But, in addition, they are given another name, secular, whose selection rules do not exist today. Quite often, it is borrowed, consonant with the environment, familiar to the hearing of people living in the neighborhood. After all, Jewish communities exist all over the world, therefore, in this way they are trying to smooth out cultural differences.

Jewish beautiful female names

Jewish female names, the list of which is constantly updated, are very popular. The girls were not given an additional name, since they did not participate in religious rites. Therefore, the fair sex received wider freedom of choice of personal names, because the Old Testament mentioned mainly prophets, forefathers, that is, males, not females. Modern Jewish women can be called not only the familiar Sarah (Sura), but also Zlata, Charnaya, Good. Also, loving parents can come up with their own names using the richest linguistic traditions.

Instead of an afterword

Today, beautiful Jewish female names are used not only in the communities where the Torah and Talmud are revered. They are popular in the West, where they acquire a special sound, a certain originality. But at the same time, they carry a piece of inexhaustible energy of this people, which, despite all the obstacles and difficulties, has retained its autochthonous nature.


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