Seed stratification

Many gardeners and flower growers use a special method of seed germination, called "seed stratification," to grow various plants. Literally, this term means β€œmaking a layer” (from Latin). Previously, it was understood as laying with layers of seeds of plants and sand. This installation allows you to get uniform shoots. Now stratification of seeds means mixing them with sand or other substrates. What is it used for and how is it performed?

There are some crops whose seeds need special preparation for sowing. This preparation is the stratification of seeds. It lies in the fact that the seeds are placed for some time in a cold and humid environment. After this procedure, the shoots are more friendly. Seed stratification is most often used to prepare seeds of berry, fruit and some flower crops. Many seeds germinate poorly during spring planting, because they have a special development cycle. Such crops shed ripe fruits in the fall, which are able to germinate only after a prolonged state of dormancy at low air temperatures. Seed stratification is a way to create ideal conditions for such crops. At the same time, their germination is increased.

There are several methods for preparing seeds for germination. For amateur gardeners, the option below is more suitable.

Stratification of seeds begins with their disinfection. To do this, they fall to 15 minutes. in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate. After that, they are washed several times. Very dry seeds are pre-soaked in water, which is periodically changed so that there is no acidification. For sowing seeds, boxes or pots with wet river sand, a mixture of sawdust, peat or compost with sand are prepared. Containers with a substrate and seeds are carefully closed with plastic bags and cleaned in a cold place, where the temperature is from 0 to 5 Β° C. This place often becomes the top shelf of the refrigerator. At the end of the stratification period, the temperature is reduced to -1 Β° C. Periodically moisten the substrate and monitor the condition of the seeds.

When stratifying a small number of seeds, cotton wool is used, folded in 3-4 layers and moistened with water. Between its layers lay the seeds of plants. Seeds packed in plastic bags are put in the refrigerator.

Stratification of seeds of different crops has a different duration (in days):

  • cherry plum - 130-150;
  • quince - 80-90;
  • plum - 150-160;
  • apricot - 120-150;
  • apple tree - 120-130;
  • Schisandra chinensis - 90-120;
  • felt cherry - 100 -120;
  • cherry - 150-160.

Before laying in the refrigerator, seeds of stone fruit and pome seeds are washed in water for 3-4 days with a regular change of water. This contributes to the strong swelling of the seeds and the removal of substances that inhibit their germination. With the premature appearance of sprouts, reduce the temperature to -1-0 Β° C.

Seeds of stone fruits can quickly lose their germination when drying, so they are stratified in advance. In autumn, when the temperature of the soil becomes 6 Β° C, they are sown in open soil. Since autumn, seeds of viburnum and hawthorn, which have a long stratification period, are also sown.

In addition to fruit and berry crops, many seeds of flower crops are also pre-planted. So, the most reliable and economical way to grow lavender is stratification. It is possible when the seeds are bought in autumn or December. Small seeds of this plant require a light substrate (peat with sand, sawdust). The optimum temperature at which stratification of lavender seeds occurs is 3-5 Β° C. The duration of pre-planting preparation is 35-40 days. Germinated seeds are sown in peat pots, moistened and covered with a plastic bag. Plants do not need light until the sprouts rise above the ground. After their appearance, the plants are rearranged.


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