Sauna stove "Vesuvius": reviews, photos. Installation of the Vesuvius furnace for a bath

Vesuvius furnaces are made with cameras of various diameters. In this case, the models are quite different in height. Suitable ovens from the manufacturer for steam rooms with an area of ​​not more than 20 square meters. meters. In this case, convectors are mainly installed in an open type. In use, the models are quite simple. If you believe customer reviews, the high temperature of the device is gaining quickly. Safety when using stoves by the manufacturer is guaranteed. However, in this situation, the correct installation of the model should be considered.

installation of a vesuvius furnace

How to install an oven?

Installation of the Vesuvius furnace begins with laying the base. As a rule, red brick will be used for this. The height of the base must be at least 6 cm. It is also necessary to take care of the chimney. In this case, the overlap material is evaluated. All fire hazardous items must be at a safe distance from the stove. Sometimes experts install partitions next to the camera. At the chimney connection, an insulating apron is mounted.

Vesuvius oven

Overview of the furnace "Vertical VK"

This model (a photo of the Vesuvius furnace is shown below) is well suited for a room whose area does not exceed 12 square meters. meters. The upper frame is made of stainless steel. The convector in the device is open type. The furnace is safe to operate. The basis for it is advisable to make red brick. It does not require a protective apron of a very large area. If you believe the opinion of buyers, problems with an ashpit are quite rare. The furnace is heated quickly.

All combustion products are removed through a chimney. If necessary, you can clean the camera yourself. However, the model still has disadvantages. First of all, it is a small diameter of the blower. With normal air circulation, sometimes problems arise. The arch is very high quality. It should also be noted that it can be used as a Vesuvius heating furnace . On the market, the presented model can be purchased for 35 thousand rubles.

vesuvius ovens reviews

Differences of the model "Vertical Sun"

Users generally respond well to this stove. It is simple to use, and the ash pan by the manufacturer is convenient. If necessary, you can always check the convector yourself. The lower frame of the model practically does not heat up. The back wall is solid. The cutter is provided with three holes. The afterburner at the furnace is available, small in size. Given this, it is advisable to use this device for steam rooms, the area of ​​which does not exceed 15 square meters. meters. It is also important to note that the gate in the model with insulation. Overlap - steel. This oven for a Vesuvius bath-house costs no more than 30 thousand rubles.

Customer opinion on the model "Vertical HF"

Said Vesuvius sauna stove differs from other devices by the presence of a wide overlap. In this case, the camera is quite voluminous. If desired, the ash pan can be cleaned quickly. In this case, the furnace is installed easily. The base for it is most often made of red brick. In this case, the chimney is normally wrapped in a heat-insulating apron. The convector in the model is used ordinary. If you believe the opinion of buyers, the stove flames up quickly.

Of the minuses, a rather small valve should be noted. In some cases, the furnace vault is contaminated. The buyer is also required to periodically inspect the cutter. Holes need to be cleaned once a month. Today this stove for the Vesuvius bath is worth no more than 40 thousand rubles.

What is being said about Lava-12?

These Vesuvius furnace reviews are mostly getting good. This is primarily due to the quality frame. If you believe the opinion of buyers, it is able to withstand heavy loads. The maximum temperature the device dials quickly. If necessary, the converter can be removed and cleaned. The extension tunnel of the model is wide.

Vesuvius bath stove

Also, the advantages should include a quality ash pan, which rarely breaks. However, the bottom cover can sometimes be deformed. The cutter in the model is with four holes. The afterburner at the furnace is set wide, but the model weighs a little. The valve in the device is used durable. If you believe the opinion of buyers, the gate can be removed independently. The manufacturer recommends using this oven in a steam room with an area of ​​not more than 12 square meters. meters.

Features of the Lava-14 furnace

Among the features of this model, it should be noted high-quality overlap, which is made of stainless steel. The blower in the device is set to normal. In this case, the arch in the furnace is used high. If you believe the opinion of buyers, it is rarely contaminated. The gate in this case is absent. Of the shortcomings, it is important to mention the valve. With prolonged use, it can become deformed.

Another disadvantage is the small dispenser. The combustion chamber is small in size. The grate in the device is located above the converter. The external tunnel has a diameter of 2.4 cm. The lower frame is made of steel. The Vesuvius sauna stove will cost the buyer about 42 thousand rubles.

photo of the vesuvius furnace

Model "Lava-16 SV"

These Vesuvius furnaces have good reviews, but it should be borne in mind that they are suitable for rooms whose area does not exceed 15 sq. meters. The lower frame of the model is standardly made of stainless steel. Many buyers praise this stove for a high-quality convector. It is installed in the model immediately above the frame. If necessary, the ash pan can be cleaned independently.

The back wall of the furnace is not high. Three hole cutter. The dispenser is not provided for in this case. The stove blew a little. Installing a chimney is quite simple. According to the owners of the model, the valve rarely overheats. The apron for the chimney during installation should be selected very tight. Today it costs about 33 thousand rubles.

heating stove vesuvius

Opinion on the "Legend of VK"

About this furnace, users respond differently. If you consider the benefits, it is important to note the quality of the overlap. According to the owners, it is easy to clean. The arch in this case is set wide, and air circulates in the system normally. The gate deserves special attention. It is installed standardly under the camera, and a heat-insulating layer under it is provided.

If we talk about the cons, it is important to note a rather weak valve. The ashpit sometimes does not extend in the device. The cutter in the model is provided with three holes. The rear wall in the design is small. The convector is very narrow at the frame. This “Vesuvius” furnace is on the market for about 35 thousand rubles.

What is interesting about the Legend of Sun furnace?

The specified Vesuvius furnace from other models is distinguished by a large camera. The lower frame of the model is wide. In turn, the remote tunnel is provided with a large diameter. The ash pan in the presented oven is installed ordinary. At the same time, the back wall during the operation of the model is deformed quite rarely. If they believed the opinion of buyers, then problems with the grate in the system periodically arise. The cutter under the camera has three holes.

The dispenser in this case is mounted on the lower frame. The valve in the design is durable, and it is made of steel. The blower is installed in the furnace under the remote tunnel. To date, the buyer has the opportunity to purchase the specified Vesuvius furnace for 40 thousand rubles.

Parameters of the "Legend of the HF" furnace

Owners respond to this furnace, as a rule, positively. The model has quite a few advantages. In particular, a very strong overlap should be noted. The lower frame is made entirely of stainless steel and is not susceptible to corrosion, therefore the Vesuvius sauna stove has good reviews. A convector is mounted on it wide. The portable tunnel, according to the documentation, has a diameter of 2.3 cm. The ash pan is put forward quite simply.

If you believe the opinion of buyers, then there are no problems with it. The grate is installed with a special grid. It heats up extremely slowly. The dispenser of the model is ordinary, the valve under it is steel. According to customers, the gate comes with a heat-insulating film, so it is safe to use. The arch in this case is wide. There is a model on the market no more than 35 thousand rubles.

vesuvius bath stove reviews

Characteristics of the model "Legend Lux"

The indicated Vesuvius furnace is suitable for steam rooms with an area of ​​about 12 square meters. meters. The convector in the device is mounted on the lower frame. The oven is easy to use. An ash pan is provided for this retractable type. The external tunnel in diameter is 2.2 cm. The rear wall itself is not wide. The grate in the design is located next to the convector.

The cutter in the furnace has three holes. The afterburner is large, so heating is quick. In this case, steam is easily obtained using a dispenser. Blown away from a model with a vault. The ceiling on the frame is steel and is not subject to deformation. On the market, this stove will cost the buyer about 42 thousand rubles.

Features of the furnace "Optimum-12"

This oven receives good reviews, primarily for the volumetric camera. The ceiling in this case is steel, connected directly to the frame. The blower is provided in a design with a metal corner. If you believe the opinion of consumers, the installation of the furnace is very simple. There is a model in the market of about 35 thousand rubles.


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