The cat pulled out food - what to do? How to feed a cat correctly - veterinarian's advice

Favorite cat pulled out food? This is far from a rare occurrence. It is found at least once in every pet’s life. What to do in such a situation? In what cases is this the norm, and when should you beware?

Several possible reasons

cat pulled out food

There are several possible reasons why a cat pulled out food:

  1. In most cases, individuals face this problem during molting. They swallow their own wool with food. The body forms a tangle that does not pass into the stomach. Because of this, a gag reflex occurs. The owner may find that this phenomenon occurs after eating.
  2. In animals, a feeling of fullness appears 20-30 minutes after eating. Often they do not have time to notice him and overeat. Some of the food does not fit into the stomach and leaves the body.
  3. Not always cat vomits with undigested feed or own hair. Nausea is also recorded after prolonged fasting.
  4. In pregnant cats, the stomach is noticeably reduced in size. He no longer perceives the usual volume of food as before. As a result, a gag reflex appears.

In most cases, if the cat pulled out food, then no treatment is required for it. Sometimes the cause of this ailment can be severe food poisoning or a serious infectious disease.

No reason to worry

The cat is vomiting. What to do in such a situation? First of all, it is necessary to observe her well-being. If the impulse was one-time, after which the animal continues to play actively and sleep soundly, then you can not worry about her health. With morning sickness, your pet may feel slightly unwell, it is recommended that you give her a drink of clean water to fill her empty stomach.

cat food list

When should you beware?

There are several reasons why a cat snatched dry food. It is impossible to independently identify them. You should immediately contact your veterinarian if the following symptoms appear:

  • The nature of nausea should be carefully considered. A yellow mass indicates an active bile output. Most likely, a harmful product has entered the animal’s body.
  • Pungent odor is a harbinger of liver disease, a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, or an infectious disease.
  • Most likely, the cat develops an ulcer if there is a symptom such as the release of white foam from the oral cavity.
  • If a pet is sick within a few days after each meal, it means that something prevents it from fully assimilating in the stomach.
  • The most dangerous symptom is nausea with blood, it can be a signal of serious damage to internal organs.

what do cats eat

An important factor is how many times the cat pulled out food? It is worth resorting to the help of a specialist if this continues for several days in a row, she constantly fawns, she has a restless sleep and has a poor appetite.

Five prohibited foods

cat vomiting what to do

A person himself can become the culprit of the restless state of his pet, if he added one of the products to his diet:

  1. Any dish that has been processed in oil.
  2. Product with strong flavors.
  3. Sweet and sugary desserts.
  4. Salted or pickled preservatives.
  5. Flour product.

Foods That Must Be Present in the Diet

A caring owner should responsibly approach the question of what cats eat? It is strictly forbidden to feed her with one food. Natural foods should also be present in the diet.

why the cat pulled out dry food

Cats perfectly digest low-fat meats: veal, rabbit meat or chicken. It is better to refrain from lamb and pork, such products will cause heartburn. It is better to give them boiled.

Any living organism needs the natural protein found in fish. Its excess can also adversely affect the condition of the pet. The optimal dosage is 200-250 grams of this product once a week.

Vegetables (pumpkin, cauliflower, beets, zucchini and carrots) should be present in the diet. They contain fiber, vitamins and vegetable fats. They are easily absorbed in the stomach. Most likely, the pet will refuse to use them raw. It is recommended to give them in the form of mashed potatoes. Greens and dairy products can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

The introduction of feed into the diet

The list of cat food is incredibly large. Arriving at the store, you can see a huge range of products. All this diversity can be divided into several classes:

how to feed a cat correctly veterinarian advice

  • Elite, it is also the most expensive. Suitable for almost all cats, including those who suffer from allergic reactions.
  • Premium products are made from natural substances. They are perfectly absorbed by the cat's body.
  • The list of feed for cats contains goods of economy class. They are made from the cheapest offal, which is practically not digested by animals. It is highly not recommended to feed such food.

Each caring owner must know for sure which food is more suitable for his pet. First, he must introduce it into the diet in a small amount, and after taking it, observe the condition of the cat for several hours. If it has not worsened, then you can continue to impose in a bowl.

What to do if a cat snatched food?

how to feed a cat correctly veterinarian advice

There are various treatments for vomiting, depending on what cats eat. If the basis of their diet is food, then you need to do the following:

  • Make your pet drink at least a little water. To do this is not as difficult as it would seem. Dry throat will greatly facilitate this task.
  • Rinse the bowl thoroughly and fill it with foods that are good for the stomach: meat, fish, or nonfat milk. From food or high-calorie foods should refrain.
  • It is necessary to carefully assess the state of the animal and record possible changes in its behavior.

If signs of vomiting continue to be present, then it is worth replacing the usual food with a better product. Sometimes indigestion is observed after a disease. In this case, a complex of vitamins must be added to the pet’s diet, it will allow normalizing the full functioning of the body.

Veterinarian Tips

Many breeders are faced with the problem of how to properly feed a cat. The advice of veterinarians will help normalize this process:

  • Do not overfeed your pet. Food should be ingested in small quantities. It is better to increase the frequency of feeding up to 5-6 times.
  • Be sure to have clean water in the diet.
  • In the spring, the cat needs to be given selective fresh greens. This does not mean that you can let her eat everything that grows on the street. You should first consult with a specialist.
  • There is no need to feed kittens up to 1.5 months. For babies, mother's milk is enough for full development. If there is no possibility of natural feeding, then it is worth feeding the pet with diluted mixtures.
  • After each meal, you need to give him a rest so that the food can be fully absorbed.

If you feed any living individual correctly, then it will always look great, feel good and deliver a lot of positive emotions to its owner. The ideal food for cats is a combination of food, natural products and healthy vitamins.

Who is a cat? This is a small and defenseless pet that can cheer up the owner with its melodic purr, cure a simple disease or catch the most cunning mouse in the house. Unfortunately, this affectionate lump is often subjected to various kinds of ailments. For example, a cat pulled out food. What to do in such a situation?

First of all, do not allow disturbances in the functioning of the stomach. To do this, you will need to carefully monitor the diet of your pet. It is necessary to observe the water balance in his body. You should not save your family budget by buying cheap food, which consists of chemically processed products of poor quality.


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