History and production of the Caucasian cloak

A cloak of felt on the shoulders of a highlander is an indispensable thing in the life of Caucasians. She and the bed, and the table, and the house, and body armor. A lot of interesting narratives are going on the production of Caucasian burkas. Burka is a very reliable clothing and bedspread. Thanks to her, it’s not scary to be in the mountains in the pouring rain. If you hide in a burqa, like a coverlet, water will not penetrate inside.

Legends and traditions

Burka as a shield served as an assistant when it was necessary to carry the wounded from the battlefield. Thanks to the wide and long hem, the robe protected the horse from the wind and the sultry sun. Without a burka it would be difficult to kidnap a beloved woman, to protect herself from a dagger or a saber swing.

cloak will stop the dagger

When the boy was born, he was wrapped in a burka so that he would grow up to be a real man. When the old man was dying, his own cloak was thrown on him, and they buried in it. A burka is considered a valuable and honorable gift, it is presented to close friends.

What is a

The Caucasian cloak is not just a shoulder cloak, it is a house, comrade and protection. The robe is made of felt. It is mainly found among Terek, Kuban Cossacks and Dagestanis. In the distant past, felts of different types were used to create burkas. Mostly wraps of unkempt felt were found. Most often, shepherds and travelers carried them on their shoulders. Such burkas were not long.

black cloak

The most practical were the black Caucasian burkas, and the most valuable were the white ones. Light capes were found among rich and noble people. Such clothes were from an unkempt long-nap felt.

Origin of the Shoulder Cape

To this day, disputes over which language the word "burka" came from do not subside. No connection with brown in this word is observed. Burkas are either black or white.

Some researchers say that the etymology of the word appeared from the Arabic “Urdu”, which means “to cover”. Others claim that the name takes its roots from the Turkish word buremek - "to cover." Both cases indicate the same value.

It is believed that it was the Andeans who were engaged in the manufacture and sale of wraps. History is silent about the exact occurrence of the Caucasian cloaks, but even ancient authors in their works mention brave warriors dressed in black cloaks.

burka on warriors

In the Middle Ages, burkas were made so much that they were subject to tribute and were popular in Turkish, Arab and Caucasian trading areas.

Classification of felt wraps

It turns out that burkas are different, not just long and shorter, or black and white. Caucasian cloak is divided into two types:

  • The bell shape is the oldest look with sloping shoulders and the complete absence of shoulder seams and inserts.
  • Trapezoid shape - there are shoulder seams, wide protrusions with a metal insert.

Whatever cloak was, it withstood the blows of sharp sabers and arrows. Bullets fired from a smoothbore gun stuck in it, as in bulletproof vest. The Caucasian cloak replaced a shield and any armor. Now, compared with the beginning and the middle of the 20th century, the popularity of the Burkas has waned. But their production continues.

Burke Factory

In the west of Dagestan, a few kilometers from Botlikh, the capital of the region, the village of Rakhat is located. Here in 1925, the first and only factory of burrocks in Russia was opened.

women of dagestan

Make Caucasian woman burkas. The hard work of the craftswomen is estimated at 500 rubles a day. It is believed that this is very good for the village. Work begins in the early morning, and is completed closer to lunch. The rest of the day is free. The selling price of a finished burka is about three thousand.

Now there are few orders for such a cloak. The main customers are shepherds. During the period of many days of cattle herding, the cloak perfectly replaces the expensive sleeping bag. Earlier, burkas were given to eminent guests and friends. This honor was awarded to Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.

Manufacturing technology

And yet, how do burkas do? The best material for making a cape is the wool of the Andean breed of sheep, it has all the necessary qualities:

  • suitable length;
  • excellent durability;
  • shine.
Andean sheep breed

The basis for making a cloak is laid on the principle of joining wool fibers with the help of adhesives located in the wool itself. The process takes place in stages:

  1. Women wash their hair under cold running water.
  2. Remove contaminants and fatty substances.
  3. After the coat is dried, it begins to be pulled.
  4. Next is the disintegration of raw materials into individual villi.

The necessary contour of the manufactured cape is applied to the mat, taking into account shrinkage during washing, respect and coloring. In even layers and scrupulously lay wool. It takes a whole day.

Solid wool leaves for the lower and upper layers. The worst and shortest raw materials are used for the middle layer. After the wool has been spread out, it is sprayed with boiling water, controlling the correctness and evenness of the layer, rolled up with a gurney. The resulting workpiece is rolled up along with the mat and left overnight in a warm room.

The next day comes the process of respect. It is performed by several women at a place where there is a small slope. Hands, without excessive force, they slowly roll a woolen roll. Skating is divided into 4 cycles, a five-minute break between them. The cycle lasts approximately 20 minutes.

sheep wool

After the wool is rolled with the forearms under pressure of the whole body mass. Periodically, the roll unfolds, boiling water splashes on it, women correct the shape with their hands and wrap it again. Roll-out occurs until the felt has acquired the necessary properties. The process takes a whole day. Having completed it, they are moving, so to speak, to water procedures.

The finished felt is deployed and washed in running water. A strong stick is taken, wet felt is wound tightly on it, bandaged in several places and left in the corner for complete draining of water. After two or three days, the felt takes its final form.

In the manufacture of wraps use black wool. The finished cloak is scorched over the fire and decorated with braid or applique.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4519/

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