German long-haired shepherd. Exterior of a Longhair German Shepherd

German long-haired shepherd is very popular among dog breeders. Indeed, this is a dog with excellent performance characteristics, and long hair adds some decorativeness, impressiveness, makes it even more visually massive. This is on the one hand. Some owners adhere to a diametrically opposite point of view, saying that care for the working dog should be minimal, and if you want to comb the hair, you can buy Pekingese.

German shepherd color

Most often it is black and fawn. Cream, black, and zonal animals are accepted for breeding (preferably with black marks). Too light and especially white shades are unacceptable, this indicates a genetic pathology. The color of the German Shepherd does not depend on the length of the coat. This is one breed with common characteristics. The breasts and paws of shepherd dogs are often reddish, although the shade can vary from straw to fiery red, red and dark brown. The back is much darker. Depending on the degree of obscurity, there are zoning-gray, black-and-white, black-tan, and black colors. Most common is blackhead.

german long-haired shepherd

History, or How the German Longhair Shepherd appeared

Initially, there was one breed of shepherd. Among them were animals with both long hair and shorter, stiffer hair. At the same time, the founders of the breed believed that long-haired dogs would not be able to work in adverse weather conditions, therefore they were considered a breeding marriage. There is some truth to this: a luxurious, combed mane in the field quickly turns into a cleaver, from which branches and weed stick out. But the “pussies” got their fans.

Back in 1984, the first club was organized dedicated to this particular branch. Breeding them as a separate breed is quite complicated, since in a pair of long-haired parents the offspring can be born with an ordinary, short-haired coat. As in the case of breeding ordinary representatives of the breed, in the litter one baby may be with long hair. It should be noted that only in Russia this kind of dog is recognized as a separate breed. There are specialized clubs, exhibitions are organized. Abroad, long-haired puppies are considered marriage. These dogs are purchased by large Russian clubs for breeding.

German shepherd color

Breed description

The German Longhair Shepherd is an elegant, fit, athletic dog. We must not forget her profile, once seen. At exhibitions, its swiftness and flexibility are additionally emphasized by a special stance, as if the animal was preparing for a quick race. This is a large, strong dog, a real protector and guard. The weight of the German shepherd is 34-43 kg, height - 56-66 cm at the withers.

The coat is medium long, consists of two layers that are constantly updated. If the animal lives in an apartment, then it is necessary to comb it several times a week, otherwise the entire floor will be strewn with falling hair. At the same time, in the spring and autumn, the molting process is enhanced. The undercoat is grayish, but it is not visible through the outer layer, harder and darker. On the hips, sides and neck, the hair is longer, so the dog has a unique appearance. At the same time, the size of the German shepherd visually increases. Even long-haired puppies seem to be real cubs compared to regular peers.

Behavior features

German long-haired shepherd is distinguished by a unique intelligence and quick wit. Its endurance, poise and quick learner are used in all industries where the help of a four-legged friend is needed. First of all, these are security services, army border units, police. At the same time, the “German” is a true family friend: soft, loyal, loves children and gets along well with all pets. But he does not like idleness, therefore, if your work schedule involves a long absence, then it is better to find a shepherd of another owner.

nicknames for german shepherd

Special recommendations

Caring for a German shepherd includes providing daily exercise. That is why it is recommended to keep these animals in country houses. Of course, no one forbids raising a dog in apartment conditions, just keep in mind that she also needs personal space. Therefore, if you have a one-room apartment, in which 4 people live, it is better to refuse to purchase such a pet. In addition, you must be sure that you can provide the shepherd with normal feeding, regular walking (3-4 times a day for a puppy, 2 times for an adult animal), timely veterinary care.

Luxurious wool

Caring for a German shepherd (especially long-haired) includes constant combing. Choose a comb that is comfortable for you and not traumatic for the dog. Otherwise, the undercoat gets confused, and the shepherd dog loses its luxurious appearance. During molting, this should be done daily. Often you don’t need to bathe them: the dog’s natural smell will still not go anywhere, and more frequent water procedures can damage the natural protective film. When the animal dries, with a piece of suede and comb, you need to give the coat a beautiful look.

German Shepherd Care

Possible health problems

Most often, this is a violation of hip growth. This has little effect on the lifestyle and health of the dog, but at the exhibition it immediately drops out and is not allowed for breeding. This is a genetic problem, therefore, by breeding only such individuals, this line can be reduced to nothing. As a rule, sick pets have digestive problems, sometimes chronic eczema occurs.

"As you call a boat, so it will float"

How to name a pet? Rex? Ray? Alpha? Or maybe Shayna? This is an important issue to think about. The nicknames for the German Shepherd should be bright and certainly short, consistent with gender and appearance. This is the first word that the puppy must relate to itself. In fact, it means for the dog: "Attention, now the team will follow." You can accept the nickname that is indicated on the card, or come up with something of your own.

German shepherd sizes

Basic Rules

Nicknames for the German shepherd must be selected based on the characteristics of the breed. They should be easily perceived, in addition, if you quietly call your pet on the street, he should hear and pay attention to your voice at a distance of 30 meters. After all, this is a service dog, and you never know in what conditions you have to be. It is good if the nickname contains clear, solid sounds: b, d, s, p. For the dog, sonorous names are well suited: Agate, Baron, Wolf, Grant, Zeus, Colt, Lord, Mitch, Oscar, Perseus, Ralph, Fog, Fred. The suk is often called this: Adele, Bert, Greta, Jesse, Zara, Krista, Lori, Margot, Oda, Ronda, Taiga, Frida.

It is very important to teach a puppy a name before first bringing him into the yard or starting to teach teams. You must often pronounce a nickname, playing with your pet, caring for him, giving food and treats. When the baby remembers his name well, it will be easy to move on to the first teams. Walking on the street, it is enough to call a puppy, and when he draws attention to you, say “to me” and praise.

German Shepherd Weight

To summarize

The long-haired German shepherd is a great friend and reliable guard. The average life expectancy of such a dog is 11 years. If you are not afraid of excessive care and cleaning, or you have an area adjacent to the house where the animal will spend a lot of time - feel free to opt for these beauties. You are provided with a round-the-clock convoy and endless pet love, and on the streets you will always be escorted by the admiring glances of passers-by.


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