Superplasticizer C-3. Plasticizers for cement mortars

Superplasticizer C-3 is also known as Superplast-Standard. It acts as an additive to concrete and is a synthetic organic substance that is created on the basis of a product obtained by the condensation of naphthalenesulfonic acid, as well as formaldehyde. This additive is made in accordance with GOST 24211-2003 and is positioned as a plasticizing-water-reducing type.

Need for application

superplasticizer with 3

Apply this additive to increase the mobility of the concrete mass and mortar mixtures to the level of P5. In addition, if you add this plasticizer, it will eliminate the likelihood of an early loss of strength, which, in fact, is inherent in most superplasticizers. In some cases, there is no need to change the setting time, then a highly plasticizing additive is used. Its use is necessary when heavy, fine-grained and lightweight concrete is used in construction. In addition, this additive, which does not affect the setting period, is used in tandem with special-purpose cement systems.

The effect of plasticizer on concrete mix

plasticizers for cement mortars

After addition, S-3 superplasticizer is able to reduce the consumption of the cement component by 20%, this acts as the most outstanding positive quality of these additives. This substance significantly contributes to the improvement of the technological characteristics of concrete as well as mortar. After the plasticizer is in the solution, it becomes much more convenient to work with the latter. Thus, it most easily lends itself to styling, becomes more uniform, does not exfoliate and is notable for its integrity. Convenience of laying becomes 30% higher.

Superplasticizer C-3 helps to correct the loss of mobility of the composition over time. In winter, when laying concrete, there is a need to subject it to heat treatment. After adding the described substance, you can expect a significant reduction in the duration of the heat treatment of the filled composition. Whereas after hardening, the structure acquires increased strength and serves for a longer time than concrete without the corresponding admixture.

Superplasticizer C-3 also affects the change in water and gas permeability of concrete. These figures are becoming negligible. And when exposed to low temperatures, concrete structures are characterized by increased stability. In addition, concrete becomes resistant to all kinds of aggressive environments, which is due not only to compaction, but also to the formation of the structure of cement stone.

After the plasticizer was in the concrete, the master can be sure that the protective effect of the structure in relation to the metal reinforcement will be significantly enhanced. And it is possible to carry out concreting when there is a special additive in the composition, even in winter, when the ambient temperature reaches -15 ° .

Reducing the duration and intensity of vibration processes

superplasticizer with 3 instructions

As you know, after pouring concrete mortar into the formwork, it becomes necessary, according to the technology of work, to influence the composition with a vibrating plate. The duration of such an exposure can be significantly reduced after the C-3 superplasticizer is in solution, the instructions for use of which will be presented below. In addition to reducing the vibration effect over time, its intensity can also be reduced. Another positive feature of the plasticizer is that its use in concrete can not only reduce the volume of scarce coarse aggregate, but also completely eliminate it. It will be possible to replace this component with fine-grained concrete.

Features of using "Superplast-Standard"

plasticizer for tiles

Superplasticizer C-3, the instructions for use of which must be studied before use, has excellent characteristics that have made the substance so popular in modern construction. The manufacturer recommends using the described additive in a certain dosage, the volume of which is limited by an indicator from 0.5 to 0.75% by weight of the cement component. The calculation is made on dry matter.

If you decide to use superplasticizers for concrete, then for the expected result it is important to correctly introduce an additive to the ingredients of the concrete mix. You can do this in one of the existing ways. One involves the simultaneous addition of a plasticizer with the entire volume of liquid during mixing. The second method involves adding a plasticizer to a pre-mixed concrete mixture. In this case, the additive is introduced with a large volume of water. A plasticizer can also be added after mixing the concrete mixture, however, it is important to take into account the volume of water. You can choose one method for the introduction of additives depending on the needs of production, the technology used and the accuracy of the dosing equipment.

Characteristics of superplasticizer S-3

superplasticizers for concrete

Plasticizers for cement mortars are produced according to TU 5730-012-97474489-2010. Before you start using them, it is important to familiarize yourself with the technical features of the supplement. So, in appearance it is a homogeneous powder, which should normally have a light brown color. Mass fraction of water in the substance should not exceed 10%. As for the activity of hydrogen ions, this indicator should be 8.5 + 1.5, which is true with a 2.5% aqueous solution. Chlorine, or rather, its mass fraction should not exceed an indicator equal to 0.1%, which is true for a substance that is in a dry state.

If you started the production of tiles, then you may need a plasticizer for the tiles, it is added in the manufacture of the top layer of products.

Packing and storage

superplasticizer Price

Plasticizers for cement mortars must be transported and stored according to certain rules. So, after the production process, the substance is packed in bags made of polypropylene. In addition, the bags must have a polyethylene liner. The weight of each bag is 25 kg. The plasticizer must be stored exclusively in the manufacturer’s packaging, otherwise the composition may soon lose its quality characteristics and will be unsuitable for subsequent use. Among other things, the additive should not only be packaged, but also located in a covered warehouse.
But you can transport superplasticizer with any kind of transport.

Description of S-3 superplasticizer in granules

superplasticizer liquid

There is another common variety of plasticizer, which is produced according to TU 2481-111-07511608-2012. In this case, the substance has the form of microspheres, which have a light yellow or brown tint. The main characteristic of the composition is expressed in bulk density, which is equal to the limit of 0.50-0.80 g / cm 3 . The mass fraction of water in the plasticizer of this kind should not exceed 10%. But the indicator of the activity of hydrogen ions varies from 7 to 10. What is true for an aqueous solution, the mass fraction of the substance of which is 2.5%.

Packaging and subsequent storage

Such a superplasticizer should be stored in polypropylene bags, the weight of which after filling with a substance is 20 kg. It is also necessary to store the composition in covered warehouses of any type. But the manufacturer recommends using the plasticizer for 1 year.

The cost of different types of plasticizer S-3

Superplasticizer, the price of which varies depending on the embodiment, should be purchased only after calculating the required amount of material. This will significantly save on construction work. Thus, if there is a need to use a liquid plasticizing variety of concrete additives, you will have to pay 28 rubles per kilogram. But a plasticizer in powder can be much more expensive. Its price per kilogram can reach 120 rubles.

Whichever superplasticizer you choose for construction - liquid or dry, you must first learn more about the features of its use. After all, improper use can lead to additional costs, and the expected result cannot be obtained.


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