Hybrids of dogs of different breeds: description and photo

Thinking about acquiring a dog, people most often consider the most popular breeds. However, many forget that recently in the modern world there are hybrids of dogs. This is the name of animals that were born by crossing other known breeds. These dogs are distinguished by good health, a more flexible disposition and surprisingly beautiful appearance. Photos of hybrid dogs only confirm this fact. Therefore, when choosing a new friend, it is worth considering the most successful crossbreeds.

Kokapu - the best family dog

This beautiful designer breed came from the cross between a poodle and a cocker spaniel. Bred it back in the 50s to reduce the likelihood of developing hereditary defects in these breeds. Coloring of dogs can vary from light beige and chestnut shades to black with a silver tint. Their main difference and pride are fluffy curly hair with a dense undercoat, expressive eyes resembling olives, and a black nose in the shape of a heart. Kokapu is very much like a toy, not a living dog. She is somewhat reminiscent of a teddy bear.

Her character corresponds to a playful and extraordinary appearance. These dogs have a light, friendly disposition, curiosity, and also kindness towards other animals and people. They are chosen by both couples with children and single elderly people. Each of them will brighten up a weekday and give a good mood with their joy and love.

cockapu dog

Pomsky - an unusual beautiful fellow husky

Everyone knows what a well-known breed of dog called a husky looks like. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a pet of similar dimensions due to modest living conditions. Teresa Peterson of the American Breeders Association, after several unsuccessful attempts, nevertheless crossed the Husky with the Pomeranian, creating a new breed of small size - Pomsky.

A photo of an adult hybrid dog is striking. After all, this cross has preserved all the beauty of the husky face and its color, but it has taken the compact size of the Spitz and the structure of its wool. There are two varieties of breed. The first has a “fox” appearance with a large body and red-red hair, and the other is characterized by a short muzzle, long hair and a tail in the form of a ring. Therefore, you can choose the most suitable pet option.

dog breed

Utonagan - the image of the wolf and the character of the shepherd

This breed of a hybrid dog was formed due to the crossing of a German shepherd with Alaskan Malamute and Husky. In the late 80s, a group of dog handlers from Canada, America and the UK came up with the idea of ​​creating a hybrid almost simultaneously. They wanted to breed a breed that would look like a wolf, but at the same time have a good-natured character and the ability to guard service. This venture has found an extremely successful ending. The appearance of the dog makes you shudder, as it seems that this is really a wolf. But with a detailed examination and acquaintance with this animal, one can discern the kind and complaisant disposition of the dog.

utonagan breed dog

Little and playful doggie maltipu

This hybrid dog combines the appearance of the Maltese lapdog, as well as the nature and size of the toy poodle. The breeders had one specific task - to develop a decorative hypoallergenic dog of compact size. And they did it. The height of an adult pet varies from 12 to 35 cm, and its weight is rarely more than 4 kg. This small hybrid dog is suitable even for those with a modest living space.

Some maltipu individuals have a straight, soft and silky coat. Others are curly and elastic. The owners of this breed will have to devote a lot of time to caring for it, since the animal is prone to constant molting. Without regular combing, the wool will not only look bad and shed, but also become tangled in tangles.

Maltipu has a highly developed intellect, a good disposition and a love of active pastime. When purchasing a dog for a child, it is necessary to take into account his age. Too small children will not be aware of the modest size of the animal and may unknowingly harm it.

breed maltipu

Unusual and memorable ossip

To create it, a Pomeranian Spitz was crossed with an Australian Shepherd. The result was a very beautiful and unusual dog with bright colors. The ossipoma has very small sizes, a playful temperament and constantly good mood. This pet is famous for its charm among other hybrids of different breeds. A dog with ossip can charm and fall in love with any person. The creature got absolutely all the good features of a shepherd and pomeranian. Ossipoma is appreciated for its compliant behavior, quick wits, as well as hard work, which helps him quickly learn various tricks. Already from puppyhood this dog can perfectly demonstrate its skills in training.

Many owners of this dog hybrid celebrate their pet's amazing loyalty. He can sit at the door all day waiting for the owner to come. With him, he turns into a restless and happy clot of energy.

Ossipom needs long walks in the fresh air. The animal will tirelessly run and play, enjoying physical activity. Therefore, everyone who wants a cheerful and cheerful friend will find him in the guise of this dog.

hybrid ossip

Sensitive and gentle toby.

The breed will appeal to those people who are in awe of the Sheltie and Corgi dogs. It was these two creatures that crossed to produce a new breed called Tobi.

From corgi, these dogs got the shape of the body, short legs and large protruding ears. The Sheltie Toby breed borrowed a beautiful coat of wool, which can be of completely different variations. You can buy a pet with a traditional color, which consists of black, white and brown. Dogs with blue wool, sable, light gold and red are also bred.

Toby's character is very friendly and sensitive. Dogs are excellent companions, but they are extremely sensitive to criticism and censure.

hybrid toby

Little snoop snake

This cute creature is the result of a cross between a chihuahua and a beagle. The hybrid of dogs of these breeds got such external advantages as shiny eyes, like beads, beautiful ears falling down, as well as smooth spotted hair.

In addition to their impressive appearance, manners are also inherent in the cheagles, which make the dog an ideal friend for a real intellectual. The breed is loyal, calm temperament and good endurance. Chigli will stand their ground and protect the owner until the last breath.

This breed is often used as bloodhounds since dogs received this gene from beagles.

chigl dog

Clever and understanding Labs

These dogs were bred when crossing a Labrador and a Husky. Labs owe their appearance to most of the first breed. From the husky, they also received a clear distinguishing feature in the form of blue eyes. Puppies with a beige coat color are born, but as they grow older, it starts to turn white in them, but the color of the eyes remains unchanged.

A hybrid dog of this breed has shown leadership qualities since childhood. They are unusually smart, and therefore immediately feel the owner’s weakness and begin to manipulate it. In order for the dog to give in to education and to be obedient, it is necessary to start its training as soon as possible. Then the pet will only please with its smartness and desire to follow the commands.

breed dog

Excellent caretakers and watchmen are obtained from the caresses. Also, they will not give up the opportunity to ride their master in a harness or sleigh, as husky do. Even not wanting to involve your pet in vocational training, you need to take care of his daily physical exertion. Labski needs active walks, games and running in open areas without a leash.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4530/

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