How to use country tags in Hearts of Iron 4?

Hearts of Iron 4 is one of the most popular global strategies to date, where you have to take control of one of the nations that participated in the Second World War, and then lead it through all the events of this conflict. Perhaps this time the outcome of the war will not be what it really was - it all depends on your ability to lead the country and the military operations of your subordinates. If you have ever played global strategies, you should already know their differences from conventional strategies. If you haven’t tried this genre yet, then you should know that games like Hearts of Iron 4 allow you to control the economy, politics, diplomacy and other aspects of your country, send troops to certain regions, but at the same time you do not lead them in local battles, which is emphasized in ordinary strategic games. In general, incredible sensations await you, but this article was not created in order to praise this project. She has one specific goal - to talk about what country tags are in Hearts of Iron 4, how to use them and why. The fact is that every computer game has its own secrets, cheats and codes. And in Hearts of Iron 4, country tags are one of the most useful secrets.

What it is?

country tags in hearts of iron 4

So, first of all, it’s worthwhile to understand what country tags are in Hearts of Iron 4. In this game, a country tag is a combination of three letters that is unique to one of several dozen countries that are present on the world map and accept participation in the conflict. Simply put, this is a piece of code, which is a visual designation of a country. For the USA it looks like USA, for the USSR it is SOV, for East Germany it is DDR and so on. If you just play Hearts of Iron 4, you should not be interested in tags at all, because they are in no way related to the underlying gameplay. But why then are they needed? The fact is that they are cheats that you can use to succeed much more quickly and efficiently, diversify the gameplay and get more pleasure from the game, even if you are not an expert in this genre.

If you are interested in how cheats are introduced in this game, then no surprises await you. As in most computer games, you can call the console by pressing the "tilde", enter the desired command there, and then activate it. It is in this case that the Hearts of Iron 4 country tags will come in handy, since specifically some of the best cheats in the game are associated with them.

Retrieving Tags

country tags in hearts of iron 4 economic crisis

Naturally, country tags in Hearts of Iron 4: Economic Crisis, as in the base game, can be obtained simply from the Internet, but this is not a very convenient way. It is much easier to use the special tdebug command, which displays debug information about each province on the map. And among this information there will also be data about the country that owns this province or currently controls it. And, as you might have guessed, the country tag will also be indicated there. This cheat works regardless of which version of the game you have installed, as well as regardless of the mods. So the country tags in Hearts of Iron 4: Millennium Dawn Modern Day mod will be exactly the same as the original game, and they will be displayed without any changes. Well, now you know how to get the necessary information about the country, so it's time to figure out how to use it.

Country accession

country tags in hearts of iron 4 millennium dawn modern day mod

Like the country tags in Europa Universalis 4, a game very similar to Hearts of Iron 4 in principle, but very different in setting, in this project you can also use country information to completely change the course of the war. And the first team you should learn is annex. After entering this command, you need to specify the country tag, and after activation, you can instantly annex even the most powerful state. This will help you significantly speed up the victorious war, since you do not have to defeat the enemy on the battlefield or try to convince him of his advantage in order to make an addition. All you have to do is type a couple of characters and your adversary is already part of your growing empire. As you can see, cheats for Hearts of Iron 4 can be incredibly powerful, but this is not the only team that uses country tags, so you still have a lot to learn.

Civil War

country tags in europa universalis 4

Another team that will allow you to greatly change what is happening in your virtual world is civilwar. The rules for its use are slightly different from the way you entered the previous command, since you will need to add not only the country tag, but also the ideology. The fact is that this cheat allows you to instantly unleash a civil war in the selected country. You will need ideology in order to indicate what the purpose of this civil war will be. For example, you can raise a rebellion under the banner of fascism, democracy and even communism. One way or another, this will allow you to distract the enemy from the war to his internal problems, and if the revolution succeeds, he can even turn the enemy into an ally.

Destruction of troops

Do not forget about one of the worst cheats in the game, namely delall. If you combine it with the tag of a specific country, then in one easy movement you will sweep away all the troops of the selected state from the entire world map. Of course, it is much more pleasant to succeed on your own, and it is recommended that everyone play it, but if this approach brings you pleasure, then why refuse yourself? You can win the war in several moves, as the enemy simply can not resist you.

Provinces and Regions Control

cheat codes for hearts of iron 4

Another quick way to advance with your conquest of the whole world is to change the command of the provinces and even entire regions. We are talking about cheats setcontroller and setowner, which change the owner of the province and the owner of the whole state, respectively. In order for this cheat to work, you need to enter not only the team itself, but also the tag of the country to which control will be transferred, as well as the identifier of the province or country. You can find identifiers, as well as tags, in debugging information, access to which you have already learned.


Well, the last short wp cheat will allow you to instantly conclude an equal peace with the country whose tag you specify.


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