Bacterial fertilizers: types, properties, characteristics and applications

The concentration in the soil of various elements directly depends on the amount of bacteria in it. Lack of the latter can lead to improper development and growth retardation. To eliminate this problem, use bacterial fertilizers. Their use is considered the most harmless type of nutrition.

Bacterial fertilizers are microbiological inoculants. They can significantly improve the nutrition of all plants. They contain no nutritional components. Once in the soil, these substances contribute to an increase in biochemical processes. Organic and bacterial fertilizers contribute to improving plant nutrition.

Characteristic, main properties

Bacteria are microorganisms in which there is no core (prokaryotes). They are present in our lives everywhere. Live domains. Everyone knows that life on our planet began with bacteria. To this day they accompany us throughout life, helping us and killing us.

use of bacterial fertilizers

Bacteria are actively involved in the circulation of substances in our world. Thanks to these microorganisms, balance is maintained in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, for example. But bacteria have caused many deaths. After all, epidemic diseases also cause bacteria. Doctors were able to cope with cholera, typhoid, and smallpox. The man coped with the negative effects of bacteria and continues to direct their power to his advantage. Thanks to biotechnology, we can use various beneficial bacteria for good purposes.

Types of bacterial fertilizers

Today, manufacturers offer a number of different fertilizers. They can be purchased almost everywhere, for example, in the Inbiofit company. Bacterial fertilizer contains living cultures. They are used to fertilize seeds, often applied directly to the ground. All bioinoculants can be divided into groups:

  • phytostimulants;
  • biofertilizers;
  • biosecurity means;
  • mycorrhizal inoculants.

Phytostimulants are drugs that include bacteria that stimulate active plant growth. Phytohormones allow for a minimum period of time to accelerate plant growth. Not only the root system is formed, but also the aerial part.

Biofertilizers. Most often, this word means bacterial fertilizers from nodule bacteria. They contribute to better absorption of organic and mineral compounds of magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc and calcium.

Bioprotective agents are used as a prophylaxis of various infectious diseases. They include bacteria with pronounced antagonistic properties. This type of bacterial fertilizer is especially effective against seminal infections: bladder smut of maize, hard, dusty smut of wheat.

biofertilizers and bacterial fertilizers

These diseases are transmitted primarily through seeds. Sometimes the cause of infection can be air currents. Such bioprotective agents allow you to actively combat some pathogens of soil infections: sugar beet root beetle, Fusarium, southern, helminthosporious and sclerotic rot of legumes and grains.

Mycorrhizal inoculants are composed of fungi, which at their base have mycelium. This is an extensive network of threads. It allows you to significantly increase the suction area of ​​the root system. Such fertilizers can significantly increase the consumption by plants of water and minerals from the soil.

Today, bacterial fertilizers and biofertilizers are actively used in the household.

Fertilizers from nodule bacteria

Relatively recently, bacterial fertilizers began to be used. For the first time, their positive effect on legumes was discovered. Their action is to form special tubers on the roots. This interaction is called symbiosis.

The mutual benefit of bacteria and plants lies in the fact that the former actively consume nitrogen from the air, which they subsequently transmit to the greenery. Plants saturate bacteria with essential nutrients. At the moment, mankind has become accustomed to independently create bacterial fertilizers. Inbiofit offers a wide range of products in this category.

At the moment, 2 types of preparations from nodule bacteria are produced on an industrial basis:

  • "Nitragin";
  • Rizotorfin.

These fertilizers are based on live nodule bacteria. They belong to the genus Rhizobium. In production, the main task is the accumulation of a large number of viable cells that retain their beneficial properties. They are used for the manufacture of drugs. Cells must be strong. After all, they retain their properties throughout the entire warranty period. We will tell you in detail about the features of the production of bacterial fertilizers and their types.

nodule bacterial fertilizers

Remember that Rizotorfin and Nitragin are used only for legumes.


Rizotorfin is an inoculant that contains sterile peat. It contributes to the preservation of the activity of nodule bacteria for a long time. On sale you can find this fertilizer in liquid form.

Nodules are fixed on the rhizome of the plant, absorb molecular nitrogen and process it into the desired form for the plant. The necessary amount of nitrogen allows the plant to fully develop.

The production of bacterial fertilizers involves the drying of peat at 100 Β° C. After it is ground to obtain a powder. The latter is neutralized with chalk. After adding water to achieve about 35% humidity. At this point, the mixture is packaged and irradiated with gamma rays. After nodule bacteria are introduced using a syringe.

Manufacturers recommend using 200 g of Rizotorfin per 1 ha. This fertilizer is used in liquid form. The substance must be diluted with water and passed through gauze, folded in 3 layers. With a solution, it is necessary to treat the seeds on the day of planting or per day.

You can cook Rizotorfin yourself at home. To do this, you need to prepare the leaven. This procedure should be performed in the summer. In a tank prepared in advance, it is necessary to lay the crushed plant mass. Fill the container 1/3. The container is tightly closed with a lid and installed in a place well lit by the sun. After a certain time, the green mass will begin to rot, as evidenced by an unpleasant odor.

At this stage, it is necessary to fill 2/3 of the container with water. In this state, the container is left for 10 days, for which the sourdough should mature. If the weather is cool during this period, then the container can be left for up to 3 weeks.

The finished mixture must be diluted with water, mix and pour into a compost pit. You can re-make the leaven. To do this, 1/3 of the liquid must be left in the container.

azotobacterin - high-quality fertilizer


This drug was originally made in Germany. It was used as top dressing of leguminous green crops. Its production involves the use of nodule bacteria, which are obtained in laboratory conditions. The drug "Nitragin" is available in 3 forms: loose, dense and liquid.

This fertilizer is stored in a special substance - the drive. It is a compost of straw, legumes, coal and peat. You can find "Nitragin" both in dry and in wet form. Once in the ground, bacteria are located on the root hairs. Here they form nodules, where in the future they breed.

"Nitragin" in dry form is a gray powder, with a maximum humidity of up to 7%. On a production scale, bacterial strains are used that are particularly resistant to drying. Bacteria are grown in an agar medium, which consists of agar, sucrose and a decoction of legumes. It is an excellent material for growing bacteria. This medium is poured into a special flask. Then, bacteria are grown in it for 2 days. It is necessary to pay attention to the temperature in the flask. Allowed value is +28 ... + 30 Β° C.

After 2 days, the liquid is separated. The result is a wet mass, which is dried. After the mass is ground and packaged in bags for further implementation.

Like Rizotorfin, Nitragin can be independently made at home. It is necessary to prepare the roots of legumes that need to be fed. They must be healthy, if necessary, the affected processes are removed. The earth is removed from the root, washed with water and dried in a dark place. After complete drying, the root is thoroughly crushed and fertilizer is obtained.

bacterial fertilizers guarantee a plentiful harvest

Remember that "Nitragin" should be applied only for the crops for which it is intended. Also, before feeding, it is necessary to check the shelf life of bacteria, because an expired drug will not affect the growth and development of plants.

Bacterial fertilizer "Azotobacterin"

In its action, this drug is similar to the usual nitrogen fertilizers. Manufacturers produce "Azotobacterin" peat, soil and dry.

In dry form, the substance consists of cells with auxiliary components. The production of this fertilizer is similar to the manufacture of Nitragin. Cultures are grown on a nutrient medium, additionally adding complex salts of molybdenum acid, iron sulfate and manganese. The dried substance is packaged in bags. Such fertilizer is stored up to 3 months, at a temperature of +15 Β° C.

Bacteria of soil and peat "Azotobacterin" can multiply only in a solid environment. To obtain this fertilizer, you must use land or peat. The resulting substrate is carefully sieved and combined with 2% lime and 0.1% superphosphate.

500 g of the mixture are poured into 0.5 l bottles. After moisturize with water up to 50% in volume. The bottles are tightly closed with cotton wool turunds and sent for sterilization. Seed is prepared on agar media. They include sugar and mineral salts.

The prepared material is washed off with water, transferred to a substrate. Remember, this process must take place under conditions of complete sterility. All components that are in the tank must be mixed well and sent to the thermostat. Here bacteria actively multiply to a certain amount. The shelf life of this fertilizer is 2-3 months.

nodule fertilizers in action

What is the use of bacterial fertilizer "Azotobacterin"? It is used to feed seeds, composts and seedlings that have already grown. Fertilizing plants with this preparation has a positive effect on productivity. It is increasing by 15%.

Dry fertilizer is used for grain processing. Potatoes and seedlings (its roots) are sprayed with a liquid solution. On 1 ha of land, it is recommended to use 300 billion cells that are previously bred in 15 liters of water.

Please note that when fertilizing with soil or peat preparations, the seeds must be mixed with previously moistened fertilizer. After leaving for a while to dry. In the future, the mixture can be applied to the rhizome.

Using Azotobacterin, we saturate the soil not only with bacteria, but also with microelements found in humus and peat. This is an ideal organ-bacterial fertilizer for sod-podzolic soils.


The name of the drug speaks for itself. Its composition includes phosphorus. All the microorganisms that make up the fertilizer accumulate and are transmitted to the plant in an organic form accessible to it.

This fertilizer is available in dust or liquid form. The use of the bacterial fertilizer "Phosphorobacterin" has a positive effect on plants, significantly increasing their productivity. It goes well with any organic fertilizer. You can use this substance with various types of plants. It is introduced into the soil or treated with seeds.

Application rules

There are general rules that will help to get the maximum result after adding substances:

  • Liquid fertilizers must be applied in small doses.
  • Before fertilizing, the soil must be moistened so as not to burn the roots of the plants.
  • It is forbidden to pour solution on shoots.
  • Fertilizing is necessary in the late evening or on a cloudy day. Bacteria do not tolerate sunlight.
  • Fertilizers are not recommended to be applied under weakened, recently planted or diseased plants.
  • Mineral, organic, bacterial fertilizers should not be stored next to toxic substances. Sudden temperature changes must not be allowed.
  • It is not recommended to keep fertilizers in reserve for more than 2 years.
mineral organic bacterial fertilizers


Fertilizers are often used for industrial purposes in the agricultural industry. In this case, it is necessary to correctly draw up documentation confirming the use of mineral, organic and bacterial fertilizers. The act is necessary to write off to the expense from the report of the relevant substances.

The documentation should be compiled by agronomists upon completion of fertilizer application in the soil. The act must be approved by the head of the organization.

It is imperative to attach invoices, limit-fence cards and similar documents to the written act. They must confirm the delivery of fertilizers from the warehouse to their place of use.

The signed act on the use of fertilizers is then transferred to the accounting department. Here it is checked and used to further write off material assets from an accountable person.


Fertile land is the value of a country. But sooner or later they are exhausted. Well, if the soil is poor in minerals, then the crop will be scarce. In this case, experts recommend the regular use of biological fertilizers. They are safe for human health and positively affect the quality of the crop.

These living microorganisms enter into a mutually beneficial relationship with the plant. Biological fertilizers receive the necessary substances from plants. In return, bacteria contribute to improved nutrient saturation of plants.

This interaction allows you to get a good harvest for farmers. Plants grow faster, fruits are large, in large numbers. In addition, biological fertilizers - natural, clean, safe for health.


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