A remark is ... Definition, meaning and use in the literature

At work, street or at home, we can not do without not making anyone a comment. What is this concept and what is its essence? The remark and interpretation of this word will be discussed in the article.

Definition of a concept

remark this

In the explanatory dictionary of D. Ushakov, the following concept is given to the term:

  • A remark is a judgment in respect of something expressed in writing or orally;
  • These are comments or scientific criticism about something;
  • it is an admonition, a reprimand.

“To be remarked” means to have a bad name.

In the dictionary Ozhegova S.I. such a definition is given to the concept: a remark is a brief judgment about something or an indication of an error.

In the popular dictionary of the Russian language, two definitions are given to the concept:

  1. A brief statement about something.
  2. Indication of breach of routine.

In the Large Legal Dictionary: a remark is a type of disciplinary sanction that does not cause any consequences for the employee. It is usually done orally.

the essence of the remark

Synonyms and Epithets

The following definitions can be used in the dictionary of epithets with the word “remark”:

  • when it comes to evaluating someone or something: well-intentioned, caustic, encouraging, ironic, offensive, condemning, approving, skeptical, reproachful, reproachful, evil, good-natured, harmless, poisonous, moralizing, critical, stabbing, caustic, mocking , condescending, annihilating, hostile, reproachful;
  • when it comes to the nature or evaluation of the remark itself: empty, curious, businesslike, cautious, substantial, obese, illogical, fair, frivolous, ingenious, compelling, abrupt, striking, playful, malicious, convincing, sharp, deep, fluent, correct, cold, cruel, interesting, inappropriate, vulgar, apt, serious, subtle, dashing, smart, logical, robust, principled, faithful, superficial, timid, successful, luminous, indifferent, appropriate, bold, efficient.

The synonyms of the concept are: censure, remark, reproach, hairpin, buzz, replica, sarcasm, prick, reprimand, remark, capture, causticity, afterword, bonmono, mention, note, inflection, discretion, punishment, sub-emphasis, judgment, observance, disclaimer, statement, reprimand.

remark this

The use of the word in literature

In Russian literature, the concept of “remark” is used in three different meanings:

  • The first - as a brief judgment on something, for example, in Turgenev’s work “Yakov Pasynkov”: “She had the habit of making ... remarks about passers-by.”
  • The second meaning is like a small reprimand, for example, from V. Kozhevnikov “March-April”: “He made a note to the captain that he paid little attention to Mikhailova.”
  • The third is as an observation, for example, by Turgenev in Literary and Worldly Memories: "According to the remarks of hunters, it is difficult to distinguish a good nightingale from a bad night."

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4544/

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