Pear Muscovite: description of the variety, cultivation and care

The Muscovite pear is one of the most popular varieties, since the size and weight of its fruits are most suitable for our climate. In addition, the pear has a pleasant fresh taste and a bright aroma, ideal for winter preparations: preserves, compotes, etc. This article provides a detailed description of the variety.

Grade description

Pear "Muscovite" bred at the Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazev. This variety has an autumn ripening period, zoned mainly in the Central, Volga, Middle Volga and Vyatka regions. The tree is medium-sized, the crown is thick, has a conical shape.

The fruits are medium in size, the mass ranges from 110 to 140 grams, wide pear-shaped, different sizes, the color is greenish-yellow with a pink blush. The pulp is dense, white, juicy, oily. The taste is special, sweet and sour.

Muscovite pear photo

At a temperature of 0 degrees, fruits can be stored for up to 100 days without loss of properties. Pears have high commercial qualities.

The plant is self-infertile; for pollination, the varieties “Yakovlev's favorite” and “Moscow bergamot” are best suited.

Pear "Muscovite" - a variety of medium resistant, resistant to woody diseases (scab, white and brown spotting), extreme weather conditions and a large temperature difference.

Muscovite pear
Fruiting begins three years after planting.

Pear planting

The Muscovite pear is sun-loving, can adapt to almost any soil, but especially prefers sod-podzolic or loamy. Peat-bog soil and places where sand begins at a depth of half a meter are categorically not suitable. Groundwater should not rise above 2 meters.

A pear is planted in the fall, in September-October, until the buds open. Humus or compost, superphosphate and calcium chloride are poured into the landing pit. The first couple of months after planting, the seedling is abundantly watered.

Tree care

Not very picky about the Muscovite pear. The description of the variety includes unpretentiousness to conditions, but at least minimal care is required. It consists in the regular loosening of the soil in place of the trunk circles. The first loosening is carried out immediately after planting, to a depth of 12-15 centimeters.

The trunk circle must be kept clean, remove weeds and debris, and mulch with sawdust.

pear variety Muscovite

Pear is poured at the rate of 30 liters of water per tree. After loosening and watering, it is necessary to mulch the trunks.

During the growing season , attention should be paid to the formation of the crown. The shoots are aligned as they grow, while maintaining the position of the central conductor. Pruning shoots is allowed no more than a third of their size.

Starting next year after planting, fertilizing should be done. In early spring, the tree is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. After the beginning of fruiting (from the third to fourth year), a mixture of phosphorus, potassium and organic fertilizers is introduced under the autumn digging. If the weather is hot and not rainy, then before feeding the pear must be watered so as not to burn the roots.

In winter, the earth around the tree-trunk circles is insulated, especially for young trees. Trunks are tied with spruce paws upside down. This measure will avoid attacks on the tree of rodents and hares.

The formation of the crown helps protect the tree from frost and intense sunlight, and also facilitates the care of the pear. Pruning branches is recommended when they reach 3.5-4 meters in height.


The pear variety Muscovite has several advantages. These include the juiciness and sweet and sour taste of the pulp of the fruit, a long shelf life (up to 3-4 months), high productivity - about 40 kilograms of fruits can be collected from one medium tree. In addition, the variety is unpretentious, resistant to a variety of diseases and adverse environmental conditions.

Muscovite pear description

So, in the article was considered a pear "Muscovite". Most gardeners find this variety optimal for cultivation in central Russia. Even with minimal care, a Muscovite pear gives a good crop. The photos in the article show that the tree has a size suitable for a small garden and large enough fruits that are perfectly stored as blanks in the winter.


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