Prostatitis in cats: causes, symptoms, treatment

Diseases of the reproductive system in cats is a fairly common phenomenon. The problem is that the owners very rarely go to the veterinarian, because they do not always understand what is going on. Many of these diseases can cause not only infertility, but also more serious pathologies. An example of this is inflammation of the prostate in cats. In the most advanced cases, it can lead to diffuse peritonitis or death of the animal. Below we consider in more detail prostatitis in animals, its symptoms and treatment.

What it is

diagnosis of prostatitis in cats

Prostatitis is considered inflammation of the prostate gland. Most often, this is the result of a timely undetected and untreated infection. For example, an abscess of the prostate can lead to such an outcome. A weakened body cannot stop the development of the disease, as a result, the bacterium firmly settles in the tissues of the organ. In addition, abscesses can grow uncontrollably, which sooner or later will lead to rupture of the prostate cavity, since it can not withstand a large amount of pus. As a result, diffuse peritonitis develops.


Inflammation of the prostate gland can occur in two forms, in principle, like most diseases: in acute and chronic. Most often, the first form occurs, which develops against the background of any infection. It is worth noting that the pathology may not manifest itself for a long period: if the pet has poor appetite, there is intermittent or constant fever, it is bad for him, then it is natural that the owner does not pay attention to other clinical symptoms. The result of this is the transition of the disease into a chronic form, since the disease was not cured in time and started.

This happens all the time. It is worth noting that the transition of the disease from acute to chronic is far from the worst that can happen.

Clinical picture

cat in the toilet

Symptoms of prostatitis in cats are diverse, and depend on the type of pathogen that caused inflammation of the organ. In addition, the signs depend on the physical condition of the pet. The following are most often observed:

  • Apathy.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Fever of constant or intermittent type.
  • Severe, intense bowel movements and urination.
  • Abdominal pain, detectable even with mild palpation.
  • Gait changes.
  • Bloody discharge from the urethra.

In the chronic form of the disease, the symptoms are slightly different. In this case, there may not be any special signs of inflammation. Urinating is a little difficult, but most cats go to the toilet quite normally. There may be spotting from the urethra.

Causes of the disease

prostatitis treatment

As mentioned above, in most cases, the cause of prostatitis in cats is the effect of pathogenic bacteria. They provoke the development of prostatitis. The only difference is how the pathogens penetrate the prostate of the cat: most often the infection rises from the urethra to the prostate. The development of the disease can occur with septic phenomena, that is, bacteremia. When an infection enters the bloodstream, it can enter any organ. In addition, the inflammatory process in the prostate can begin due to injuries in the inguinal region.

Other reasons

There are other reasons for the development of the disease:

  • Veterinarians believe that prostatitis is a consequence of cryptorchidism. With this pathology, the testes remain in the abdominal cavity, and not in the scrotum (congenital developmental defect).
  • Improper use of hormonal drugs.
  • Decreased immunity.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs (possible with overweight or with low physical activity of the cat).
  • Diseases of neighboring organs (cystitis, urethritis, proctitis, colitis).
  • As a complication with other pathologies (for example, brucellosis).
prostatitis in cats symptoms

In any case, blood circulation is disturbed in the prostate gland, it increases in size, which creates favorable conditions for the life and reproduction of bacteria, this leads to inflammation.

Unlike humans, prostatitis in cats is not an age-related pathology. It can develop at any age. However, it is worth noting that more often older animals fall ill. And this is associated not only with age-related changes, but also with a decrease in immunity. Elderly age in this case acts as a catalyst, contributing to the development of the disease.

Veterinarians assure that there is no pedigree predisposition to this pathology, all cats can get prostatitis, regardless of age. A genetic predisposition to inflammation of the prostate in animals was also not detected.

Diagnosis of prostatitis in cats

When contacting a doctor, the owner of the cat must answer the veterinarian in detail all the questions he is interested in: when the animal has ceased to feel good, how long it develops symptoms of the disease. All this is important for making an accurate diagnosis. The doctor conducts a full examination of the cat, take blood, its serum and urine for analysis. This method is the only way to determine whether the organs are working properly and whether any infectious agents are present. Often with any form of inflammation of the prostatitis, the number of white blood cells in the blood will be greatly increased, and blood is often present in the urine. In cats with this disease, it can stand out from the urethra, even at a time when the animal is not in the toilet.

cat at the vet

Painful urination with prostatitis causes the cat to scream and arch its back while visiting the tray. If the prostate is swollen and severely inflamed, it can compress the colon, resulting in constipation. During the examination of the animal, rectal palpation of the prostate gland is often performed: its increase is a sign of inflammation, which simplifies the diagnosis.

If the cat reacts inappropriately, wheezes, growls and meows, the presence of prostatitis can be considered proven. In addition, during a rectal examination of the prostate, secretion is released: it is taken and used for research on pathogens. A biopsy can also be indicated, as it helps to obtain material for cytological examination and histopathology.

How to treat

pills for cat

After determining the cause, a treatment plan for prostatitis in cats is developed. If the disease is bacterial in nature, the animal will be prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics. In difficult situations, in addition to this, treatment in a hospital setting may be prescribed, since it is quite possible the need for surgical intervention.

In the event that conservative treatment for 2 weeks did not lead to a change in the size of the prostate, castration is recommended. After it, the body returns to normal in about 3 weeks. During this period, you should visit the doctor at least once every 7 days, since he must control the size of the body through x-ray studies and ultrasound.

Drugs that block the secretion of male sex hormones can also be prescribed, even if castration is not needed and the condition of the prostate improves. This is done so that for some period the cat becomes insensitive to cats. After a while, his sexual activity normalizes.

If the animal suffers from purulent prostatitis or abscess, surgery is inevitable. But it can be carried out only after the cat's well-being improves. In the event that inflammation of the prostate is not complicated by pyogenic infections, the prognosis is very positive. Veterinarians recommend limiting the cat's communication with the opposite sex for the period of treatment of the disease. For this, hormonal agents are used that block the function of the gonads of the pet. This is done so that as a result of mating, additional infections do not enter the body of the pet.

Also, within a few weeks after recovery, the cat is taken tests of the secretion of the prostate gland in order to prevent a repeat of the disease. If even small doubts arise, the veterinarians recommend castrating the cat, as there are a large number of bacteria that can firmly settle in the prostate of the animal. It is very difficult to deal with them, and therefore the possibility of a relapse of the disease is large.


cat in a tray

Most owners carefully monitor the health of their pets. But no animal is safe from a disease such as prostatitis. For its prevention, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. It is necessary to monitor the body weight of the cat, provide him with a properly balanced diet.
  2. Avoid hypothermia of the animal.
  3. To prevent urinary infections, and in case of their appearance, immediately treat.
  4. If the cat is used for breeding, you must follow the usual rules of hygiene and safety. If the pet is not supposed to be knitted, it should be neutered.


The main symptoms that indicate the occurrence of prostatitis in animals are a stiff gait and difficulty urinating. Any owner should be aware of this. And in case of detection of such signs, you must immediately contact the veterinarian. Inflammation of the prostate gland in a cat is a complex disease that is best diagnosed and treated in a timely manner so as not to suffer from serious complications.


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