Do-it-yourself fecal pump installation

Recycling is a delicate but very important topic. Often, unwanted objects get into the sewer system: it can be abundant fat, bones, pieces of rags, residues of solid food and other substances, substances and objects that form plugs and blockages, and also complicate the optimal flow of water. In addition, as a result of design decisions and redevelopments, plumbing equipment can be moved from the sewer riser. Installing a fecal pump will help to solve all these problems.

installation of a fecal pump

Main groups

There are several types of sewer equipment of this type. The absence or presence of a grinding mechanism, type of structure, temperature of the pumped effluents and installation method are taken into account.

The equipment for cold drains without a grinder

A fecal sewage pump designed for pumping cold currents without a grinder, compared to other varieties of these devices, is the most inexpensive. It is designed to pump liquid or clean water from the pool, for example, groundwater, which floods the basements during the spring flood. The maximum temperature of the effluent should not exceed 40 ° C.

Hot wastewater pump without grinder

A sewage fecal pump, which is designed to pump hot effluents, without a grinding mechanism, is capable of pumping liquid without solid particles with a temperature of 90 ° C. Similar drains are characteristic of baths and saunas.

The device for cold drains with a grinder

A pump for pumping cold domestic waste water with a grinder is the most popular type of equipment of this type. By installing this fecal pump for the toilet, you can cope with all sewage: paper particles, hair, hygiene products (cotton pads, tampons, etc.) can easily be broken up into small particles using a cutting mechanism, and then pumped out together with contaminated water. Pumping equipment is designed for temperatures not exceeding 40 ° C.

Hot wastewater pump with grinder

The device for pumping hot effluents with a grinding mechanism in structure resembles the previous fecal pump for the toilet, but it is able to move sewage with a temperature of no more than 90 ° C. This is the best option for baths equipped with a bathroom. The constant use of this equipment will prevent clogging in the sewage system.


Before choosing a fecal pump with or without a grinder, it is important to find out for what purpose you need this equipment. A domestic sewage system can have several varieties. There are many options for classifying devices of this type, so it’s worth considering those that substantially reflect their purpose and technical data.

sewage pump


The fecal pump for pumping sewage functions only when completely immersed in the pumped-out working medium. The unit body and its main components, due to the aggressive working environment, are made of high-quality materials and coated with a special composition. For this pumping equipment, the characters are large in size and weight.

There is a significant variation in power: it is possible to install a fecal pump in a country house or in a small house, and there is equipment for high-rise buildings with a capacity of up to 40 kW and a capacity of up to 400 m 3 per minute.

Due to the immersion method and the large mass, the pumping equipment is mounted on a special steel cable - like downhole submersible devices. Self-installation of a high-power fecal pump is a risky procedure that requires certain skills. Very often, these devices are equipped with a powerful cutting mechanism that can grind large solid inclusions with a diameter of up to 35 mm. Naturally, the cost of such equipment is quite high.


A distinctive feature of this device is considered to be a special system that is equipped with a float mechanism, subsequently its water intake and working parts are located below the level of sewage, while the electric motor and other components are higher. As a result, the cost of protecting the housing from leaks is reduced and the service life is increased. Another important feature that this fecal pump has for pumping sewage is the absence of knives, but at the same time it pumps inclusions with a diameter of up to 15 mm.

cesspool pump

Semi-submersible units have a fairly high power and cope with large volumes of feces and sewage. As a rule, they are equipped with a centrifugal pressure injection system, which ensures reliability and performance.

The installation of the fecal pump consists in its connection to plumbing systems, in the working environment it is in “free swimming”. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the danger of short circuits and take special responsibility for connecting to the mains. Such devices, as a rule, are installed in houses where feces and liquids are the main part of the drains, since the absence of a cutting mechanism will not make it possible to protect the sewage system from unwanted fragments and objects.


In this case, the name speaks for itself - the pumping equipment is located on the surface, and its connection to the working medium is carried out only through a piping system. This is the most suitable option for indoor use, as in the street often happens short circuits, corrosion processes and other undesirable phenomena - until the failure of the unit. At the same time, such equipment is characterized by a number of undeniable advantages: multifunctionality, mobility and low weight.

The unit of this type is characterized by low power. He is able to effectively deal with pollution not exceeding 5 cm in size. This is enough for the conditions of the apartment. Also, do not forget about the low consumption of electric energy and subsequently significant savings.

sewage pump

Installing a fecal pump can be very diverse. Consumers install simpler models on their own in accordance with the recommendations specified in the instructions, and it is advisable to entrust the installation to non-standard and complex devices.

Stationary installation

Pumping equipment of this type is operated in a stationary mode if it is necessary to pump sewage into a septic tank located in accordance with sanitary standards at a distance of at least 15 meters from a residential building and at least 50 meters from a water well.

fecal toilet pump

Another application of the pump is the need for forced pumping of sewage into the main sewage system when the system is located above the level of the house, and the outflow of wastewater is impossible in a natural way. In both cases, to ensure the operation of the sewage system, the installation of a fecal pump in the well is required.

Preparatory work

For the installation of fecal, a receiving well with a size of 50x50x50 cm will be required. The most optimal capacity of a well should be no less than the average daily volume of the drain, taking into account the number of people living in the house, but not more than 5 meters deep.

If the installation of a fecal pump in a country house or a private house is provided in the ground, then the walls and floor should be concreted and ensure reliable waterproofing. To avoid unpleasant odors, the top cover must also be sealed.

installation of a fecal pump in the country

As a receiving well, it is very convenient to use a plastic container installed deep in the ground and providing a flow of wastewater in a natural way. Installation of the fecal pump in the well should be as follows: in the upper part of the well should be an inlet pipe that will provide a filling of at least 40 cm. The outlet pipe should be diverted to the upper part of the well or wall, it all depends on the location of the sewer line or septic tank . The diameter of the outlet pipe must not be less than the outlet of the pump unit.

If the distance to the central sewerage or septic tank is too large and is at the limit of the capabilities of the equipment used, then the pipeline should be laid as straight as possible, avoiding turns and bends or making them rounded and smooth.

DIY fecal pump installation

Installation of the fecal pump is simple and affordable. Any master with some skills in working with tools and mechanisms is able to install a fecal pump for cesspools. And not only. As soon as the arrangement of the well is completed , the pump unit should be installed at its bottom. The metal supports provided by the construction will provide a minimum clearance between the intake hole and the bottom of the well. For more reliable operation, the pump casing can be hung on a strong torso or placed on a supporting structure.

installation of a fecal pump in a well

Experts do not recommend the use of a flexible hose as a branch pipe - this can lead to clogging during prolonged use. The best option would be a PVC pipe with a diameter of 63 or 75 mm, connected to the pumping equipment without sealing the joints.

To avoid reverse fluid overflow, after the device is turned off, a check valve crashes into the pipeline. The possibility of preserving the sewage system is provided by a shut-off valve, which is mounted in the pipeline behind the non-return valve. With a long-term absence in the host's house, the valve is closed, which allows the fecal pump to be cut off for cesspools from external wastewater. The drain pipe must be carefully insulated to ensure reliable operation in winter.

Electrical connection

The pump unit is connected through an electrical panel, which must be equipped with all the necessary protective devices. For example, a circuit breaker that monitors the appearance of leakage current and short circuit current, as well as grounding, a control panel and protection to force the pump to turn off and on if necessary.

To ensure the normal functioning of the sewer system during an emergency power outage, it is recommended to purchase a diesel or gasoline generator of the appropriate capacity.

Commissioning works

When the installation of the fecal pump with the grinder (or without the grinder) is fully completed, the power supply is connected, the piping system is installed, it is necessary to test the equipment and set the level of operation of the float switch.

The tank is filled with clean water, to begin with, the level should be minimal, the trip point will be determined by means of a float sensor. Further, filling with water takes place to the sensor response level required to start the pump.

A test run allows you to determine the operability of the installed sewage system. If any equipment malfunctions are found, they can be painlessly fixed at this stage. If the test passes without comment, the intake well should be hermetically sealed. From this moment, the sewage system can be used without restrictions.


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