Lancashire healer: breed description, care, photo

Today we will introduce you to a rare breed of shepherd dogs in Russia , which was bred as a result of crossbreeding of terriers and Welsh Corgi. Our hero is a Lancashire healer. This is a strong and hardy animal, which with proper education can become an indispensable companion.

lancashire healer

From the history of the breed

Lancashire healer (often called simply "Lancashire") is still a very young breed. She appeared in the sixties of the XX century. They are medium sized dogs, but the smallest among herding breeds in England.

This cute little bastard easily and recklessly hunts rats, has an amazing reaction. Surprisingly, despite its size, the Lancashire healer very skillfully “leads” a flock of sheep or a herd of cows.

medium dogs

In 1981, the breed standard appeared, after which it was recognized by dog ​​breeding federations of several countries. Immediately after this, in the UK, the popularity of these animals has grown significantly. Then these dogs began to appear on other continents, where they quickly began to win the hearts of animal lovers. Very rarely, but these handsome people are found in our country.

Often, the Lancashire healer becomes a wonderful companion. Many owners praised this cute doggie for his loyalty, kind disposition, and cleverness.

External features

These average dogs (in size) look very much like Welsh Corgs, but the healers are a bit smaller and their limbs are longer. This is a miniature working dog with short limbs, possessing many innate abilities and outstanding strength.

The body has rounded ribs, the back line is powerful and straight. The head is proportional to the body. Wide and flat, between the erect ears, the skull. Hanging ears are not welcome. The tail is not docked, set high. Wool changes its length depending on the season (in winter it is fluffy with a clearly visible mane). In summer, the coat is shiny and smooth. The height of males at the withers is 30.5 cm. Weight should not exceed 5.5 kg. Bitches are a bit smaller.

lancashire healer puppies


Lancashire healer amazes his owners with inexhaustible friendliness, cheerful and fervent disposition. He simply cannot help but become a pet. It should be noted that these dogs are very attached not to one owner, but to all members of the family. Under any circumstances, nothing will force this baby to betray his dear people. He very subtly feels the attitude of a person towards him. For this reason, the healer will protect you anytime, anywhere.

lancashire healer Price

These dogs do not favor strangers: they treat them with distrust, and if a threat comes from a stranger, Lancashire, despite its rather modest size, will rush into battle. These dogs are distinguished by their courage and lightning reaction, and their powerful jaws allow them to fight back not only from unfriendly-minded people, but also from wild animals.

For children, this dog becomes a good and faithful friend. To them, the healer will never show even the shadow of aggression. But living in Lancashire in the same room as other small pets can be problematic.

The advantages of this breed include endurance and complaisance, activity and strength, as well as innate cheerfulness. When it becomes hard for you, this doggie with its appearance can lift your spirits.

Lancashire Healer Nursery

Maintenance and care

It is very important that the healer feels equally comfortable both in the house and in the apartment. It is very active in a confined space, but it does not require too large areas.

For this dog, long walks with the beloved owner are important, because he needs emotional contact with the person. During a walk, physical activity in the form of certain tasks and games is desirable.

Amazing properties of wool, which changes in different seasons. These dogs tolerate both heat and cold - they do not need additional clothes.

They relate to water differently. Some dogs get great pleasure, others can relate to water procedures very negatively.

lancashire healer

Caring for a Lancashire healer is simple, the difficulty sometimes arises with wool, especially during molting, when winter coat changes to summer coat. At this time, excess hair must be combed out quite often.


You need to pay attention to the nutrition of your pet and its physical form. Since the healer is quite active, his nutrition should fully satisfy the need for energy reserves. For this reason, your pet’s diet should have enough protein in the meat. It can be given to a dog in a boiled or raw form. But recently, dog handlers believe that boiled meat is preferable, because it does not contain helminths and other unwanted microorganisms.

medium dogs

We must not forget about boiled vegetables and cereals mixed with meat-containing products. When feeding natural products, you will need vitamin and mineral supplements, which your veterinarian will recommend.

Where to buy a puppy?

We have already said that in Russia is a rather rare breed of Lancashire healer. The nursery is still quite difficult to find. You can contact the nursery "Flying Spitz" (Moscow region) or in Ribessita (Estonia). Good feedback is received by the Faleser Hogland nursery located in Murom (11 Sovkhoznaya St.). He specializes in breeding such a breed as the Lancashire healer. Puppies are sold with all the accompanying documents of the RKF, brand, veterinary certificate. The contract of sale is drawn up. You need to know for those who need a Lancashire healer: the price of a puppy can vary from 45 to 60 thousand rubles.


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