Cough with angina, its features and treatment methods

Cough with angina is a fairly common occurrence. It appears as a consequence of the development of a bacterial infection, which should be completely destroyed. Irritation of the larynx occurs due to an active fight against microorganisms, because of this a strong separation of mucus appears. She washes off the infection, which often gets into the lungs and bronchi.

Reason for occurrence

Cough with sore throat performs a function useful to the body: cleansing of pathogens and their metabolic products. Natural reflex is necessary to maintain health. When it is blocked, the infection penetrates freely into the lungs, stomach, and settles on the bronchi. After this result, treatment with antibiotics that have side effects after a course of administration is required.

cough with sore throat

Cough with angina appears from irritation of the larynx. It can be dry and wet. Blocking a dry cough is not strictly recommended, the infection should leave the body. The patient is given an expectorant.

Cough with angina should be treated competently under the supervision of a doctor. With the wrong approach, a slight malaise will end with treatment in the hospital. Complications can be avoided by correctly diagnosing developing inflammation.


Cough with angina in children and adults means only one thing - a serious complication has begun. It is necessary to be treated after receiving tests to confirm the diagnosis. The protective reflex is classified by doctors, depending on the type of cough, appropriate therapy is selected:

  • If there is a sore throat, cough, the temperature is normal, then it is assumed that this is the viral nature of inflammation. More often, the cough is dry, an expectorant is prescribed.
  • When sputum, mucus and sore throat are observed, a bacterial lesion of the larynx or a fungal infection is judged.
  • Deep dry cough with angina requires a more thorough examination. Ultrasound, radiography, and MRI methods come to the rescue. Doctors prescribe drugs only after receiving a complete picture of the patient's condition.

Do not forget that cough and sore throat can have two different causes. A dangerous condition is a dry form of malaise, requiring closer monitoring of the patient. For this reason, the patient may be admitted to hospital until the cause of ill health is clarified.

How does the complication develop?

Coughing after a sore throat in a child is a fairly common occurrence. With inflammation of the throat, immunity is undermined, bacteria begin to multiply at a double rate. A dry cough develops, complicated by the situation: dusty and dry air, high temperature, pollution.

cough with sore throat in children

At night, the bacteria descend freely along the larynx, which is why the most severe coughing attacks occur at this time. Microorganisms capture the entire nasopharynx, causing a runny nose. This aggravates an already difficult situation. Rhinitis, a chronic disease that periodically makes itself felt, may appear.

Angina in itself brings a lot of unpleasant moments for the patient: sore throat, swelling. Difficulties with coughing are added to it: constant irritation and discomfort in the sternum, pain goes to the ears and eyes. Rhinitis also interferes with normal breathing, and this affects the condition of the whole organism.

Need to be sick lying down

Angina is one of the dangerous diseases. Many underestimate its consequences if left untreated and tolerated on the legs. First of all, it gives heart complications. Other internal organs suffer. For health, it is important to ensure the body is calm, to give the opportunity to fight infection.

sore throat cough temperature

It is important to support immunity and the use of antibacterial drugs. They continue to be treated after the symptoms disappear to exclude a residual infection, which can subsequently become more active and cause a similar inflammation.

Active help at the time of inflammation

When the first signs of a sore throat are detected, and even more so, coughing immediately begins to carry out inhalation, gargle with antiseptics. Folk remedies come to the rescue: milk with honey. A solution of sea salt does not allow pathogens to take root on the mucous membrane.

cough after sore throat in a child

Exclude bad habits. Tobacco smoke opens the way to your body and more dangerous infections. An important component of treatment is the absence of overload. Even a regular walk in the acute stage of a sore throat is fraught with complications.

Proper diet as a means of combating inflammation

It is important to establish nutrition, and then the cough will pass after a sore throat. How to treat sore throat, it is better to consult a doctor. He will evaluate the state of health and appoint an additional examination to exclude the likelihood of complications.

dry cough with angina

The intestines affect immunity. Poor food and unreadable food lead to a lower protective barrier. Bacteria like sweets; fermentation in the digestive system is enhanced by the use of sour foods. Salinity and smoked meats violate the composition of normal microflora.

When the first signs of sore throat and cough appear, it is recommended to follow a diet: eat light soups, remove flour from the diet, replacing it with dried crackers. Cooking porridge, buy fruits and juices. It is better to refrain from the fried second, replacing it with side dishes, steamed or boiled.

Medical assistance

You need to visit a doctor if there is a cough with angina in a child. What to treat, it will become clear after determining the nature of the pathogens that hit the mucosa. Fungi are cleaned with some drugs, viral infections with others.

cough after sore throat how to treat

Antibiotics try not to take if the complication is not severe. However, small children are prescribed them necessarily, immunity is still too weak to destroy bacteria on their own. Doctors consider the compatibility of drugs for sore throat and cough. Choosing a medicine without recommendations is not worth it.

To destroy microbes in the body, penicillins, azithromycins are prescribed. If the cough has already begun, you will still have to take potent drugs. Additionally, gargling and taking vitamins are used.

What is suitable for fighting infection?

Gargling is carried out every 2 hours. For this, solutions of sea salt with a drop of iodine, herbal decoctions, diluted baking soda, alcohol pharmacy infusions are suitable. For the treatment of cough in children, syrups are used, soothing fees.

The body needs a lot of fluid to remove the decomposition products of microorganisms. It is recommended that the patient give warm fruit drinks, compotes and lemon water in large quantities. It is better not to give children soda, there will definitely not be any benefit from this.

Fresh berries are a good way to remove sore throat. Painkillers for pharmaceutical sore throats can also help.

How to remove pain and redness in the throat?

To swallow it was easier, it is advised to use folk wisdom. The following products can remove soreness, dryness of the mucous membrane:

  • Peel of fresh lemon.
  • Raspberry is good for sore throats.
  • Hot beer treats tonsillitis and destroys bacteria. However, such a tool is used only for the treatment of adults.
  • Decoctions of herbs: nettle, chamomile, thyme.

It is recommended to treat cough both in the hospital by inhalation, and at home - folk remedies. Suitable hot milk with honey, compresses, mustard in the absence of high temperature. Regular vodka helps, with which a gauze swab is moistened and placed on the chest through a plastic bag. From above the patient is covered with a warm blanket, a scarf for half an hour.

The effect is all the better if you go to bed immediately after that. Vitamin C helps maintain immunity. It is found in pharmacy ascorbic acid, citrus fruits. Garlic drops help fight infection in the nasal passages. Beetroot juice improves immunity in general.

cough with angina in a child than to treat

Suppression of the cough reflex should be justified. For this purpose, drugs of the following groups are used: narcotic, non-narcotic. The latter are suitable for treating children: Tusuprex, Sinecode. The principle of action is based on the blocking of brain receptors responsible for the reaction to laryngeal irritation.

Among the preparations of the expectorant principle of action, the following are distinguished: potassium bicarbonate, licorice root, marshmallow, ammonium chloride. Combining medicines with folk remedies is possible and necessary to enhance the effect. A positive effect is the juice of carrots with honey, beets with vinegar, radish juice. Sore throat is relieved by figs and milk. Hot milk with butter, with banana, with propolis or with garlic is also used in the treatment process.


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