Eustoma (seeds): planting and care

To decorate any bouquet or interior is capable of such an amazing plant as eustoma. Growing from seeds, when to sow and how to do it right - all this and much more about this flower is discussed later in our article.

Plant name

Perhaps not everyone heard the name of the eustoma flower. But the flower itself, most likely, is known to many lovers. It is possible that they know him under other names. Some call it lisianthus, others call it the Texas bell. Many call the flower a Japanese or Irish rose. And this is not surprising. The plant itself resembles a rose, although it belongs to a completely different family (gentian).

eustoma seeds

Historical facts

The countries of Central America and the Caribbean islands are considered to be the birthplace of eustoma. A beautiful legend is connected with the appearance of the flower, which is told by the inhabitants of those regions. It says that the flower first appeared at the place where the innocent girl was buried. She refused to marry the Spirit of War, who killed her for it.

In European countries, eustoma (its seeds in particular) appeared thanks to the botanist from Ireland, Peter Brown. Florists immediately fell in love with the new product. This is due primarily to the fact that cut flowers are able to stand in a vase for more than 3 weeks. After that, in the 20th century, eustoma was grown as a houseplant.

What is a flower

The flower of an Irish rose in diameter can reach 5-8 cm. It has several shades: lilac, purple, pink, white. The color of the flower is not always plain. Some varieties have a border of contrasting color. Flower petals can be terry and non-terry, depending on the species. Eustoma resembles a rose while it is in the bud stage. When the flower is fully opened, it is more like a poppy.

The stems of the eustoma are elegant, strong. They can reach meter height. When grown in a pot, the height of the stem is approximately 25 cm. One branch can resemble a whole bunch. This is due to the fact that the stem approximately in the middle begins to branch. On one such branch there can be up to 35 flowers. They do not bloom simultaneously, but alternately.

how to sow eustoma seeds

The leaves of the plant are oval, matte. They have a bluish or grayish tint.

In nature, the Japanese rose is a biennial plant. Eustoma from seeds at home is usually grown as an annual. When planted in a pot, the flower can grow for several years.

Little Secrets to Proper Growing

Consider the main biological features that eustoma has. Growing from seeds at home will bring the desired results if the following conditions are met:

  • The plant should stand in a place with bright diffused light. It does not like the shadow, but direct sunlight does not like him. In the sun, you can keep the soil until the seedlings. In this case, sunlight will further stimulate growth.
  • As a soil, it is best to use humus of peat and hardwood bark. Components are taken in equal shares.
  • Soil acidity must be neutral. At home, the acidity of the soil can be checked using ordinary vinegar. A few drops spills onto the soil. The appearance of bubbles indicates excess acidity of the soil.
  • The plant likes moderate watering. Do this only after the soil dries 2 cm deep.

seed eustoma at home

In addition, the plant has some more developmental features. For example, flowering will last longer if you keep the flower in a cool room. The root system of the Irish rose is underdeveloped. Therefore, it cannot be divided, otherwise it will lead to the death of the eustoma flower. Growing from seeds at home is the only way to propagate. Neither cuttings nor division of the root system are suitable. Yes, and replanting a flower is not recommended.

The problem with growing plants is that eustoma seeds are very small. In one gram there are up to 23 thousand pieces. Lisianthus feels great outdoors in the summer in central Russia. In the cold season, flower pots are transferred to the house.

Recommended cultivars

More than 60 varieties of Irish roses are known. But at home only a few are grown. For indoor breeding, undersized varieties are suitable, the height of which does not exceed 45 cm. This includes Russell varieties. In the open ground, you can also plant tall with a height of 60 to 120 cm. It can be a large-flowered Irish rose.

eustoma seed cultivation when sowing

Seeds of home eustoma are recommended to be labeled F1. These are hybrids that are grown specifically for the climate of a large territory of the country. They are not so demanding on the duration of daylight hours, ambient temperature, stable, have the best indicators for germination. The most popular are:

  • Varieties of Kyoto, whose flowers are distinguished by their large size, various shapes and color shades.
  • Picot, which refers to velvet varieties. A distinctive feature is the long stems on which large bright inflorescences of red color flaunt.
  • Plants of non-terry variety Mermaid are characterized by a wide variety of shades of buds.
  • Eustoma Sapphire is distinguished by a warm shade of flowers with a border on the petals of pink or blue.

These are the most popular varieties that take root well in the climatic conditions of our country.

Planting a plant from seeds

In our country, the most popular way that eustoma is grown is seeds. Usually they do this in seedlings, even if the flower grows in closed ground. This method allows you to speed up the flowering process.

Eustoma (seeds) should ripen in a small box that appears at the end of the flowering stage. The seeds processed by the producer are better germinated. At the same time, they are sealed in gel. In addition, this treatment allows you to sow the seeds evenly. In order for the flowers to appear in the middle of summer (July-August), seedlings must be tackled in February-March.

Seeds are sown in soil prepared in the same way as for any other flower plants. It should be sterilized, neutral (with a pH of 6-7), with a low nitrogen content. Ready-made substrate is best purchased at the store. Peat tablets may be used. In such a situation, they must be soaked for at least a day.

eustoma seed cultivation at home

About 30% of seeds grow. The rest is dying. This is considered a good result. This must be understood in order to avoid disappointment if a small amount of seeds hatch.

How to sow eustoma seeds?

They crumble on the soil and slightly cuddle. It is not necessary to fill them with soil from above. Instead, film or glass is laid on top. But at the same time, it is necessary to leave gaps in order to create air circulation.

Next, you need to provide additional lighting. It should work for about 10-12 hours. For this, fluorescent lamps are used. The temperature should be provided at plus 20 degrees. At night, a temperature drop of up to + 14 degrees is permissible.

Watering must be replaced by spraying. At first (up to 2 months), it may not be needed at all, as there will be enough evaporating moisture.

The first shoots should appear in 2 weeks. If this happened, then everything was done correctly. From this moment, the coating is removed. Seedlings are sprayed with a solution of phytosporin. After about a month and a half, the seedlings will already have a few leaves. This means that it is time to plant them in individual pots. A container of 4-5 cm in size will be sufficient. After 3 months, the plant is ready for planting in the ground.

eustoma seed cultivation at home

Features of growing eustoma at home

Irish rose is a very whimsical plant that responds to the slightest growing conditions. Most importantly, the flower does not like direct sunlight. Therefore, it must be placed in places where sunlight is scattered. Air temperature should be within plus 22 degrees.

Drafts should also not be. But at the same time, fresh clean air is the key to successful plant growth.

There are some peculiarities when watering. The tap water used must be soft. Calcium ions contained in water can severely damage the already small root system of the plant. Watering should be moderate. Overmoistening (or drying out) of the soil should not be allowed.

The plant needs to be fed. This is especially important during the formation of buds and flowering. For this purpose, it is recommended to use ready-made liquid fertilizer, which can be bought at the store.

Garden cultivation

Planting a plant in the garden is possible only when the time of frost passes. The place for eustoma should be protected from direct sunlight and drafts. Excess soil moisture is also not needed.

During transplantation, you can not tear the soil from the roots. The flower is carefully removed from the pot and placed in moist ground along with a lump. The distance between plants is observed about 15 cm. At first, it is recommended to cover the eustoma.

During cultivation, the plant is pruned to form a bush. This process can begin already at that moment when the trunk contains 6-8 leaves.

eustoma seeds photo

Stage of rest

After flowering, the dormant stage begins. Plants grown at home are cut so that 2-3 internodes remain. After that, the plant is transferred to a colder room with a temperature of up to 10-15 degrees. During dormancy, the flower only needs to be watered occasionally. With the onset of spring, new shoots should appear on the plant. After this, the eustoma is transplanted with an earthen lump into a new pot. Care continues as usual.

Flowers grown outdoors are dug up and planted in pots.

As you can see, eustoma seeds are used to grow a beautiful flower. Photos of plants of this genus could be seen in our article. Proper care will allow you to get beautiful flowers that will become a real decoration of the garden or home.


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