The drug "Supraks" for children: reviews, instructions for use, analog

The body of a small person is a system that is constantly undergoing change. Internal organs are formed and developed, immunity is attacked by external factors. And this process is natural: after all, a little man has not yet encountered many bacteria, infections. Therefore, the protection of the body is very imperfect and weak. Especially this process affects babies from birth to 2 years.

The main problem facing pediatricians is the appointment of an effective drug for such small patients. It is necessary not only to eliminate the disease, but also to take care of the safety of the medicine for health. Increasingly, for the smallest children use antibiotics 3 generations in the form of the drug "Supraks" for children. Reviews of both doctors and parents indicate the high effectiveness of this tool.

suprax for children reviews

General information

Antibiotic "Suprax" for children is a targeted medicine that can effectively inhibit the active growth of various microorganisms, destroy them. This remedy can fight infectious diseases caused by fungi or harmful bacteria. It is important to note that the Suprax drug belongs to the 3rd generation of antibiotics. They are more effective, better excreted, while causing minimal damage to the child's body.

Cefixime is the active substance of the drug, it is able to act directly on the cell membranes of pathogenic bacteria, while not destroying healthy tissues and not causing side effects. Therefore, this tool is successfully used even for the smallest patients, starting from 6 months of life. And such a form of the drug as a suspension, not only makes it convenient to use, but also allows you to act much faster than tablets and capsules. The drug quickly enters the bloodstream, "finds" bacteria or fungi and kills them.

suprax suspension for children reviews

What diseases does the medicine fight against?

It is worth noting that this antibiotic has a fairly strong effect on infections. It covers a wide range of diseases:

  • ENT organs.
  • Genitourinary system.
  • Skin infections.
  • Airways.
  • Infections affecting human bones.
  • Gonorrhea (uncomplicated and unreleased forms).
  • Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Clostridia.
  • Pseudomanad
  • Enterococci serogroup D.

This drug is prescribed for bronchitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis. He copes well with the problems of the genitourinary system, including bacterial and fungal infections of the kidneys, cystitis, pyelonephritis. He successfully fights with purulent wounds and skin lesions caused by some fungal pathogens.

The active element of cefixime copes with infections quite quickly, which can significantly reduce the duration of treatment of patients. Therefore, doctors give preference to the drug Supraks (suspension) for children. Pediatrician reviews confirm that this drug should only be used when the lighter antibiotics cannot cope with the disease.

Suprax analogue for children

How to make medicine

For the smallest patients, the medicine is available in the form of granules that are in the bottle. Parents themselves are able to prepare a suspension. Shake the powder thoroughly, then add boiled chilled water in an amount of 40 ml. It is better to pour the liquid in two stages of 20 ml, while you must carefully shake the vessel. This will help to avoid the appearance of lumps and completely dissolve the drug "Supraks" for children. The instruction states that it is necessary to achieve uniformity of the suspension. Be sure to let the medicine stand for a while after preparation. Shake the liquid well and only then apply.

Required dosage

Remember that an adequate and effective treatment can be prescribed to the child only by the attending physician. According to the annotation to the drug, the dosage depends on both the disease and the age of the baby and his weight. Patients from 6 months to 12 years of age are prescribed Supraks for children, the dosage of which cannot exceed 8 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day. Adequate treatment regimen:

  • Children from 6 months to 1 year are prescribed 2.5-4 ml of the finished suspension, the intake interval is 12 hours.
  • From 2 years to 4 apply 5 ml to 3 times a day.
  • From 5 to 12 years, a dosage of 6-10 ml of the drug 2-3 times a day is possible.
  • Children over 12 years old - up to 400 mg (no more) 1 time per day.

Depending on the type of disease and the complexity of its course, the doctor individually prescribes the duration of the suspension. Usually, the treatment period is from 7 to 10 days. It is this period that is considered the most effective for achieving positive dynamics from the Suprax drug for children. Parents' reviews confirm this result.

suprax for children dosage

Feasible side effects

Despite the fact that the antibiotic belongs to the 3rd generation of medicines, it can cause unpleasant symptoms in a child. This is due both to the characteristics of the body, and to the chemical composition. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the baby in order to notice a negative effect in time. However, it is worth noting that with adequate treatment, the drug Suprax rarely causes complications. Reviews for children confirm the safety of the product, in comparison with the analogues of the previous generation. However, some symptoms may still occur:

  • Itching on the skin, hyperemia, urticaria, zosinophilia, exudative erythema, epidermal necrolysis, fever, anaphylactic shock.
  • Nausea, multiple vomiting, diarrhea and indigestion, dry mouth, anorexia, sharp abdominal pain.
  • Violation of the liver, hyperbilirubinia, occasionally jaundice.
  • Candidiasis of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Stomatitis, enterocolitis, glossitis.
  • Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, less commonly anemia.
  • Jade interstitial.
  • Headache, dizziness.

Symptoms may also appear in case of intolerance to one of the substances in the Supraks drug for children. Reviews indicate that it is necessary to conduct allergy tests before starting therapy in order to avoid complications.

antibiotic suprax for children

special instructions

Very often cephalasporins cause an allergic reaction in a child, if there is one on the penicillin group of antibiotics. It is necessary to inform the doctor about this fact, otherwise the medicine can provoke even anaphylactic shock and respiratory arrest. Violation of the prescribed period of use of the drug leads to a change in the intestinal microflora. This, in turn, can lead to the growth of clostridia bacteria and the development of severe diarrhea. Uncontrolled bowel movements can cause dehydration in the child's body. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to stop taking the Suprax drug (suspension for children). Reviews confirm that withdrawal of the drug leads to normalization of stool in the patient.

In some cases, pseudomembranous colitis develops . During the course of treatment, a child experiences a false positive urine reaction to glucose.

suprax reviews for children

Interaction with other drugs

It is necessary to be extremely careful when using this tool in combination with other drugs. Consult a doctor for compatibility of certain medications. The active substance cefixime significantly reduces the prothrombin index. So the use of anticoagulants that thin the blood is strictly prohibited. The drug will enhance their effect and may lead to bleeding.

But the use of antacids containing aluminum and magnesium will slow down the absorption of the active substance. It is very neat to combine tubular secretion blockers (diuretics, allopurinol) with the Supraks medication for children. Doctors' reviews confirm a slowdown in the elimination of the drug by the kidneys, and this leads to an increase in the concentration of the antibiotic in the blood plasma.

Overdose and methods of treatment

In no case should you violate the dosage of the drug! However, if this happens, it is necessary to immediately wash the stomach of the child and consult a doctor. In the clinic, maintenance therapy is prescribed, which is aimed at treating the symptoms of an overdose. In some cases, antihistamines, GCS, oxygen therapy are effective. In especially severe complications, transfusion of infusion solutions is used, which purify the blood. Peritoneal dialysis can significantly reduce the symptoms of an antibiotic overdose.

Suprax for children instruction

Is it possible to replace the drug

Despite the effective action of Suprax, not everyone can afford it. It is quite expensive. However, there are many similar drugs. It is very important to make sure that the active substance in them is precisely cefixime. Then you can choose the right Suprax analogue for children. Check if it belongs to the 3rd generation of antibiotics. Such medications can be safely called worthy competitors of the drug:

  • Cephoral Solutab.
  • "Iksim Lupine."
  • "Pantsef."
  • "Cemidexor."
  • Cefix.

In any case, prescribing medications for your child alone is quite risky, be sure to consult a pediatrician. After all, analogues also contain auxiliary substances that can cause allergic reactions in the baby.


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