New pedestrian pass rules at a pedestrian crossing

After the legislator made changes to the traffic rules, many drivers began to wonder how to correctly pass pedestrian traffic participants. It should also be noted that not only beginners are interested in this, but also people with great driving experience.

Currently, the penalty for not passing a pedestrian at the crossing has become even greater than before. Therefore, the violator can lose not only 1500, but even 2500 rubles. Everything will depend on the gravity of the offense. You also need to know about the amendments to the traffic rules so that in case of an accident, police officers can identify the culprit of the accident. Read more about the new rules for passing pedestrians in this article.

Changes have occurred

pedestrian pass rules

The new pedestrian crossing rules came into effect from the end of October 2014. Currently, the traffic rules have also been made certain changes. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between drivers and pedestrians. It is also necessary to point out that now the actions of the participants in the movement that were previously permitted are considered violations.

In addition, already in the fall of 2017, amendments were made regarding an increase in the fine for the driver not missing a pedestrian.

The new version of the SDA records all the changes made. These include the following:

  • overtaking at unregulated crossings is prohibited;
  • pedestrian permit rules changed;
  • Cyclists can no longer ride on crossings intended for pedestrians.


pedestrian pass rules at a pedestrian crossing

At present, Russia has new rules for passing pedestrians. But what changes have occurred in traffic rules? How does the current edition of the rules of the road differ from the previous one?

It should be noted that before the driver was required to skip the pedestrian on the zebra. In other words, the person driving had to slow down and stop so that the latter could safely cross the road. Currently, under the new rules, the driver must give way to the pedestrian. On the one hand, it seems that the meaning of these concepts is the same, but nevertheless they differ from each other.

To give way to a pedestrian means that it does not interfere with it when driving on a pedestrian crossing. In addition, the driver can drive this section of the road while a person is at a decent distance from it.

In addition

rules of the road

It should also be noted that not all drivers correctly understand the meaning of such a term as “skip a pedestrian”. Currently introduced the concept of "give way". Previously, in order to let a pedestrian pass, he had to slow down or stop completely before a zebra (unregulated crossing) if a person was already walking along the roadway or just stepped on it.

At present, after the introduction of the term “give way” to a pedestrian, a person driving should not take such actions that would force a participant in a movement that has entered a zebra to change his speed or direction of movement. This is necessary in order to avoid an emergency.

It is possible that, subject to the new rules for passing pedestrians, drivers will be more responsible for the safety of people on the road.

On bicycle

pedestrian crossing rules at the pedestrian crossing

If a person crosses the road on a zebra in a given vehicle, should the driver give way to him? After making changes to the traffic rules, disputes on this issue between drivers do not subside. Moreover, cyclists themselves think that they enjoy the same benefits as pedestrians. In fact, this one is not.

After amendments to the SDA, cyclists were forbidden to travel along unregulated pedestrian crossings. According to the traffic police, when crossing the road on a zebra, the latter should hurry. Indeed, in the event of an accident, the driver of the car will no longer be guilty if the documents indicate that the cyclist has violated the applicable traffic rules (paragraph 24.8). That is the law.

Thus, the new rules for the passage of pedestrians do not apply to persons traveling on bicycles.

What else is interesting?

pedestrian pass at the crosswalk new rules

Currently, traffic rules have become more advanced than they were before. Indeed, according to the new rules, the passage of pedestrians at pedestrian crossings that intersect with tram tracks is considered mandatory. In the previous version of the SDA this was not.

Therefore, many drivers, bypassing the flow of transport, at the intersection of the tram tracks , did not even think of giving way to people walking through the zebra tracks. Because pedestrians did not have an advantage in driving there. Thus, people's lives were in great danger. In addition, in the event of a road accident, a driver who knocked down a pedestrian on a zebra on tram tracks could find a loophole in the law and remain innocent in the accident. Currently, this will not work. Indeed, now the section of tram tracks refers to the pedestrian crossing.

The concept

2017 new pedestrian pass rules

So, it would not be out of place here to say what a pedestrian crossing is? Previously, this term was understood to mean a stretch of road marked with a marking (zebra) and corresponding signs along which people and cyclists traveled.

But how is this term spelled out in the rules at present? The new version of the SDA states that a pedestrian crossing is a section of the roadway (including tram tracks), indicated by signs and markings (zebra). So now this concept is interpreted.

It is also necessary to indicate that a pedestrian crossing occurs at various sections of roads, including intersections. As a rule, its width is indicated by marking. If there is none, then the length of the transition is determined by the corresponding signs. This is known to all drivers.

Despite the fact that the rules for passing a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing have changed significantly, each traffic participant must act in such a way as not to create an emergency situation.

He is responsible for his safety

pedestrian pass rules

In most cases, pedestrians believe that the truth is always on their side. This happens even when they cross the roadway in the wrong place. What should the driver do in such cases? Be more careful, careful and do not accelerate too much, let pedestrians pass if they are already walking along the roadway. So it will be right and no one will suffer.

However, this does not mean at all that a pedestrian should throw himself under the wheels of a car just because he saw a pedestrian crossing and decided to start moving. You need to be careful on the roads. In addition, a pedestrian should enter the roadway only when he is convinced that it is safe.

Where is the traffic light

Such transitions are called adjustable. Because here, all traffic participants are guided by traffic signals. According to the rules of the road, the passage of a pedestrian at a controlled crossing is carried out according to the following principle: if a person began to cross the road while the green traffic light was on, but suddenly the red light turned on, then the driver must allow the latter to cross the road and only then start moving. Otherwise, a traffic accident will occur.

What else do you need to remember?

According to the new 2017 pedestrian permit rules enshrined in the SDA, the driver must allow the blind person who gives the signal a white cane to cross the road. It should be remembered that people who are deprived of vision cannot determine the location of the section of the road where the crossing is (regulated and unregulated). Therefore, they need to give way even outside the area of ​​the pedestrian crossing.

If the car stopped

If the car stopped before an unregulated crossing, then other vehicles must perform the same action. You can continue driving after people cross the roadway. It must also be remembered that when approaching a pedestrian crossing, the driver must reduce speed. Nevertheless, if a person is standing next to the carriageway and does not even think of crossing the road, then the motorist should not let him pass.


So, as already mentioned earlier, in the traffic rules there have been small changes regarding the rules for the admission of pedestrians at pedestrian crossings. Recent amendments have been made not so long ago. But what has changed and what needs to be paid special attention?

Many drivers from a driving school remember that there has always been such a rule: a driver driving up to a pedestrian crossing (unregulated) is obliged to slow down or even stop in order to let pedestrians pass. This meant that it was impossible to continue driving until a person crossed to the other side of the roadway. Currently, according to the applicable traffic rules, the driver must give way to the pedestrian. Many will say that the meaning has not changed. Although the legal meaning is completely different.

In terms of meaning, the term “give way” to a pedestrian means that the driver should not perform actions that would cause a person to change the speed and direction of his path. In this case, the motorist does not have to stand on the roadway, if the latter is still far from it. But if the pedestrian is already walking along the crossing, then the car enthusiast should let him in (not to touch or run over).


Pedestrian crossings are an area of ​​increased attention from the traffic police. After all, it is on this section of the road that the largest number of road crashes occur in which people die. For this reason, in case of non-compliance with traffic rules, rules for the admission of pedestrians, drivers will face a considerable fine.

In the previous edition of the Code of Administrative Offenses, its amount was 1,500 rubles. Now everything has changed. Since the beginning of November this year, this fine has increased and now amounts to from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. Thus, if the driver did not give way to the pedestrian traffic participant in cases where the latter took advantage, then he will have to answer for this according to the law.

It should also be noted that only a motorist who was not previously held accountable for not missing a person on a zebra will receive a minimum fine of 1,500 rubles for such an offense. Otherwise, the inspector will write him a fine in the amount of 2500 rubles. In other words, everything will depend on the gravity of the offense.

Thus, the minimum fine for the fact that the driver did not miss the pedestrian remained the same, but the maximum increased by a thousand rubles. Therefore, there is no need to break the rules, and everything will be in order.

Overtaking on a zebra

So, in the previous version of the SDA, this maneuver could be performed even on a zebra, if there were no people at the transition. Currently, overtaking in this section of the road is strictly prohibited. This innovation is due to the fact that the driver, making such a maneuver, is several times higher than the permissible speed, thus, he may simply not notice the person who has stepped on the zebra. Therefore, overtaking at the transition is prohibited. Leading on a zebra is also unacceptable. If the driver commits such an offense, the latter may receive a fine for not missing a pedestrian. This is important to know.


So, then, significant changes have affected the rules (SDA). Passing a pedestrian at a pedestrian crossing is mandatory for all drivers of vehicles crossing the carriageway through this section of the road. Otherwise, the motorist may receive a considerable fine.

Once again, it must be said that in these traffic rules now there is such a term as "give way" to a pedestrian. This means that the driver is not entitled to perform such actions, because of which a person walking or stepping on a zebra will have to change the speed or direction of his movement. There was no such clarification in the rules before. A driver approaching an unregulated passage had to stop or slow down in order to let a person pass. Currently, this wording is not in the SDA. Thus, the driver can continue driving until the pedestrian is far away from him. But the latter is obliged to give way to him, when the latter began to cross the roadway along the zebra at a close distance from him and not hurt him.

In the event that the traffic police inspector decides to fine a citizen driving a car because he did not stop, but continued driving while the pedestrian was far from him, this would be unlawful. Here witnesses can come to the rescue, including the person who crossed the road. After all, the latter will be able to confirm that the driver of the car did not prevent him from crossing the roadway.


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