How to make a beautiful flowerbed with your own hands. How to beautifully design flower beds

Each owner of a country house wants to relax in nature, not only physically, but also mentally. Therefore, many amateur gardeners want to make a bright corner in the garden. To do this, you need to know how to design a beautiful flowerbed.

Before proceeding to design, you must consider the basic rules of landscape design. Proper design of the flower bed will allow you to make a flower garden that best meets all the requirements and dreams of the owner. In addition, proper design helps to feel the plants and understand their special needs. Thus, everyone can join the world of floristry.

how to make a beautiful flowerbed

First stage

How to make a beautiful flowerbed? It is necessary to start creating a flower arrangement with the layout and the correct location of different types of plants in the flowerbed. After all, plants should not only correctly combine with each other and create a harmonious overall picture, but also not interfere with each other. Gardening enthusiasts who have never worked on decorating flower beds can use photographs from magazines that fit the architectural structures of the garden.

First of all, it is necessary to choose the right plant species. In this case, many factors should be considered:

  • climate and microclimate of the region;
  • lighting features;
  • soil features;
  • watering features.

how to beautifully arrange a flower bed near the house

Plant Features

Particular attention should be paid to the microclimate of the territory in which the country house is located. It is known that some perennial plants are particularly sensitive to spring frosts. Therefore, this may adversely affect their viability. Other species may die during the winter period, even if they are insulated.

If you are really interested in how to beautifully design flower beds, then you need to pay special attention to the lighting of the territory. Some plants are adversely affected by direct sunlight, from which they receive burns. Other plant species cannot form generative buds without direct sunlight. This leads to the fact that the flower does not bloom.

The beauty of the future flowerbed also depends on the composition and acidity of the soil. For example, calciophilous plants love soil with a pH above 7. Such plants cannot grow normally on acidic soil types, and vice versa, sundew, cotton grass, rhododendron and heather cannot tolerate alkaline soils.

Watering is also of great importance. Regular watering is very important for plants that have large and non-fleshy leaves. In such plant species, the leaves have a large evaporation surface, so there is a large loss of moisture.

how to arrange flower beds with flowers

Therefore, if you seriously decided to find out how to decorate a beautiful flowerbed, then you need to carefully learn not only your homestead territory, but also various types of plants.

Types of flower beds

Many gardeners prefer to independently design a flower bed. Therefore, you need to know some rules that will tell you how to beautifully arrange a flower bed near the house. It is very important to combine not only the shades of plant flowers, but also their flowering time. It should be remembered that the color scheme should not be provocative. The overall background should be enjoyable.

All flower beds can be divided into:

  • irregular;
  • regular.

Regular have a strict geometric look and a combination of different types of plants. Plantings of vegetation in this type of flower beds have clear boundaries. Flowering begins at one time.

how to decorate a flowerbed with your own hands

An irregular flowerbed is a floral arrangement that has been planted in small groups. This method of designing a flower bed has a particular advantage, because as soon as one species of plants fades, others begin to bloom.

Features of the design of a round flowerbed

There are many options for planting flowers in the flowerbed. How to design a beautiful flowerbed of any shape that would always please the eyes of all residents and guests of the house? First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the flowerbed. No need to equip the flowerbed in the shade or in the corner, because it has a bright and attractive appearance. You should also pay attention to the size of the flowerbed and garden. A small flowerbed looks unattractive on a large lawn. A large flower garden will also look ridiculous in a small area. But in this case, you can arrange several flower beds of different sizes. So, your site will look bright and dynamic.

If you are really interested in how to beautifully design a flower bed, you should consider the size of the plants. The flower bed should be twice the length of the tallest plant in the flower bed. Pay attention to the highest type of vegetation. To avoid errors, you should first draw a diagram of a future flowerbed. There are many design options for flower beds. You can build a chain of several circles.

how to make beautifully a flower bed in the country

When choosing a place for a flowerbed, remember that the soil must be fertile. Its thickness should be more than 50 cm. It is necessary to carefully clean the earth from stones and weeds. After this, it is necessary to dig the soil and level it with a rake. Remember that the flower garden must be convex in shape. The edges should be raised 20 cm above the ground.

Picture integrity

Each element of the landscape should be brought to a perfect look. You will not achieve the desired result if you plant seedless plants in a plot. Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to green the whole territory, you should refine only a certain part of it. This is the main rule that you must follow in order to decide how to design a beautiful flower bed in the country (and not only). On such a bed, you can combine mixed plantings, where annual and perennial decorative deciduous and flowering plants will be used.

how to beautifully design a flower bed

Color arrangement

All plants must be placed in height. This principle of multilevel assumes the location of ground cover and low-growing plants in the lower tier. They act as a frame for flowering medium-sized plants. Soloists in this orchestra are medium-sized plants. They are the center of attention. Solitaries look very impressive against the background of tall plants. Their foliage has a decorative shape, and the flowers are always characterized by contrasting shades.

As an example of how to beautifully design flower beds, you can consider the combination of tall perennials with medium-sized plants that harmonize with each other in color and shape. An ideal option in this case are the groundcover. They quickly fill empty spaces in the flowerbed.

Flowerbed architecture

If you are really interested in how you can beautifully design flower beds, you must take into account all the features of the landscape plot and its size. The flower beds can be made both as flat, raised, and decorated with decorative stone or brick compositions.

how to beautifully arrange flower beds

To design flower beds in the corners, you can use various forms that do not have pronounced boundaries. To make the flower garden unique, you can use various unnecessary household items: barrels, beds, baskets and even old cars.

Features of the selection of colors for height

It seems that everything is already known and you can begin to create a small masterpiece on your personal plot. But do not rush. You should also know something about how to beautifully arrange a flower bed near the house. To do this, you should choose the right plants in height.

If the flowerbed is presented only on one side (for example, in front of the wall of the house, a fence, etc.), then higher plants should be placed behind, and low ones in the foreground.

If the flower bed is in the middle of the lawn, then the highest flowers should be located in the center.

All tall plants characterize the structure of the flowerbed. They are used both in small groups, and each species separately.

Remember that next to tall plants, it is also necessary to plant medium-sized perennials that perfectly harmonize with their neighbors in shape and color. For example, bright red flowers of gelenium combine perfectly with blue sage candles.

When choosing plants for combination, make sure that there are repeating groups in the composition or having other combinations.

If on the flowerbed there are open places, then they can be closed with the help of ground cover plants. Due to the optimal distance between the plants, for several years they can cover the flowerbed with a dense carpet.

Now everyone wants to know how to make a flowerbed beautifully with their own hands. You can create a unique atmosphere in your garden. It will be a pleasure to relax here at any time.


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