Puppy hernia: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period and veterinarian advice

The occurrence of umbilical hernia in a puppy is a fairly common pathology. With this defect, internal organs (uterus, intestinal loop, omentum) fall out into the appeared hole in the lower abdomen. In most cases, the disease is hereditary.

Why does a hernia occur?

When the animal is born, the abdominal opening closes, where the umbilical cord, which connected the puppy and the mother’s womb, was previously attached. Most often, the umbilical ring closes in a day, and the skin on the stomach aligns. However, it is possible that some deviations will appear, as a result of which the ring can increase its size or change its shape. As a result, the connective tissue stretches and the internal organs fall out. This defect can pass on its own after a few days, but sometimes a complication arises in the form of infringement of internal organs.

hernia in the puppy's stomach

The main causes of hernia in puppies are as follows:

  • features of heredity;
  • the abdominal wall has a low tone;
  • connective tissue is rather weak;
  • the umbilical cord was removed incorrectly;
  • birth trauma;
  • flatulence;
  • intra-abdominal pressure is overstated.

If we talk about genetic features, then pathology can develop in representatives of the following breeds:

  • dachshund;
  • bull terrier;
  • Chow Chow
  • collie;
  • poodle;
  • Basenji
  • bobtail;
  • Pekingese.

A hernia in German shepherd puppies is also due to genetic abnormalities.

Types of disease

This disease can be congenital (inherited as a recessive trait) or acquired. In the second option, external factors, as well as the anatomical features of the internal structure of the animal, affect the appearance of the tumor.

hernia in puppies what to do

Umbilical hernia can be divided into 4 types:

  • The real one. If the umbilical ring is not closed, then there is a hernial sac, which is formed from the pleura or peritoneum. The content is partially internal organs.
  • False. It is a soft hollow growth that is filled with body fat.
  • Guided. The precipitated organ is mobile and elastic, it can be returned to its place by gentle pressure.
  • Restrained (solid). An organ is pinched by a hernia gate, as a result of which swelling of the tissues occurs and neoplasms appear.

How to diagnose a hernia

It is possible to determine a hernia in a puppy on the abdomen by the presence of an elastic soft tumor that occurs in the umbilical region. The process takes place without disturbing the skin, and the dog does not experience discomfort. The growths can be the size of a pea or a walnut. Palpation helps to determine the presence of a defect, if you press a little harder, then a hernial ring is detected.

dog examined

There are a number of secondary clinical manifestations by which the acquired hernia is determined:

  • seals appear;
  • breathing changes;
  • the presence of pain;
  • the animal refuses feed;
  • behavior becomes oppressed.

The owner can also cope with a diagnosis such as an umbilical hernia in a puppy. It is enough to determine the main manifestation, which is characterized by the presence of a convex skin area that has a rounded shape. The final verdict should be made by a veterinarian after a series of tests. If necessary, the animal is sent for ultrasound, during which the organs of the digestive tract are examined.

What you need to know about treatment

If a tumor is found, the dog must be given proper help. However, any owner should remember that any therapeutic measures should be carried out only after consultation with a veterinarian. In the first two months after birth, non-surgical hernia repair can be performed if the defect is classified as a corrected option.

dog at the vet

With a small education and a young puppy, veterinarians advise the owner to take care of the animal on their own. Most often, palliative therapy is used. The essence of the method is to apply a fixing bandage slightly above the growth, a holding role can be played by a coin or a dense ball of cotton wool. For fixing, an adhesive plaster is used. This method can be applied after the hernia is repaired.

How massage can help

After diagnosis, many owners ask the question: "Puppy hernia, what should I do?" A strengthening massage of the umbilical region very often gives good results with this disease. The purpose of such actions:

  • stimulate blood circulation;
  • relieve spasms;
  • strengthen the abdominal wall and ligaments.

Massage should be carried out for 5 minutes, several times a day. Thanks to such actions, the abdominal region is kneaded and stimulated.

Execution technique

First you need to gently start stroking the puppy with your fingertips so that the animal can relax. Then start making movements in a circle in a clockwise direction.

It is important not to forget to pay attention to the pet’s reaction, if it shows that it hurts, then the procedure should be stopped immediately.

It must be remembered that massage can not be done in the following cases:

  • infectious infection;
  • wounds;
  • fever;
  • inflammatory processes.

When a puppy develops a hernia, the dog should not stand on its hind limbs. If there is a need to take a sick pet in your arms, then only under the tummy.

Surgical intervention

Violation of blood circulation, necrosis and pinching of the organs of the hernial sac are unpleasant consequences of this disease. With such an aggravation of the condition of the animal, it is necessary to remove the hernia. When jamming, the following symptoms occur:

  • temperature rises;
  • the hernia increases in size and becomes red;
  • peritoneum swells;
  • breathing becomes more frequent;
  • during palpation, the animal experiences pain;
  • nausea;
  • general condition is apathetic;
  • refusal of feed;
  • constipation.

If the above symptoms are identified, then assisting the pet yourself (in the absence of proper education and experience) is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to take the animal to the veterinarian, who will decide what to do next.

preparing the dog for surgery

Do not be afraid of surgery. The hernia in the puppy will be eliminated, and this is the main thing! The purpose of the surgical intervention will be to restore the normal functioning of the body and minimize negative consequences.

What is the operation

The action itself is not something complicated, an incision of the skin is made, then there is an opening of the hernial sac, reduction of the internal organs, constriction of the umbilical ring and suturing. All this happens under local anesthesia.

The owner should take into account that surgery is carried out only for those puppies who have undergone a full vaccination.

What care is necessary for the puppy in the postoperative period

Any animal will need some care after the operation. Observance of simple rules will allow the pet to recover faster, and the owner will not have to treat possible complications that arise when the animal is mistreated.

puppy hernia removal

The recommendations of veterinarians are as follows:

  • mandatory purchase of a bandage for the dog so that the puppy could not injure himself;
  • purchase of antibiotics, painkillers, vitamins and their use as directed by the veterinarian;
  • compliance with the regime in which the load on the place where the seams are laid will be excluded.

What is an inguinal hernia

Already from the name it becomes clear where this pathology in dogs is formed. Inguinal hernia in puppies can also occur at the place of contact of the limb with the skin of the peritoneum. Here, not only part of the intestine may fall out, but also the bladder or uterus. That is why this kind of disease poses the greatest danger to the life and health of a pet.

It is worth noting that inguinal hernias are most susceptible to middle-aged and puppy dogs.

bandage after surgery

Identifying the symptoms of the disease can be quite easy. A large bag is formed in the groin area. The animal does not show anxiety or soreness when palpating.

If there is no abscess, then the surface of the formation will be warm and has a temperature characteristic of the puppy's body. The skin does not bald, ulcers do not appear on them. Partial hair loss can occur if the hernial sac is rubbed against the limb of the animal.

To prevent serious problems with the health of the pet, it is necessary to carry out surgery as soon as possible, namely the removal of a hernia in the puppy. This measure is necessary due to the presence of large organs in the hernial sac, and if at least slight damage occurs, it can lead to the following consequences:

  • fecal peritonitis;
  • miscarriage;
  • extensive internal bleeding.

If we talk about the operation, then it goes according to the following scenario:

  1. The dog is given general anesthesia.
  2. Directing internal organs into place.
  3. Contraction of the hernial ring.
  4. Suturing.

Each owner needs to know that if any type of hernia occurs, you should contact your veterinarian so as not to aggravate the condition of the animal. Timely help to your pet will help in the future to avoid big problems with his health.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4626/

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