Mumiye: origin, useful properties, application history

Mumiye is a special product that appeared naturally. As a rule, it consists mainly of resins constantly flowing from crevices in the rocks. In connection with this feature of origin, this tool is considered an invaluable source of useful trace elements that help restore the human body.

Properties of the mummy

Mummy is known for a long time to man. As a rule, it is mined in rocky terrain. Detect the product due to a specific type. When the resin leaves the cleft, it hardens, as a result, growths form on the surface. It is because of this origin that the mummy has a corresponding appearance, that is, a smooth, shiny surface, a light or dark brown shade. Even by smell, the nature of this product is clear, because everyone will feel light notes of oil in it. Upon contact with water, the mummy completely dissolves after some time.

Product Origin

In fact, the full composition and origin of the mummy is still unknown. Practice shows that approximately 30 macro- and microelements, 6 amino acids, essential oils, bee venom, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron and many other components are definitely present in the product. In addition, in the mummy there are also vitamins of various groups and acids like hippuric and benzoic, as well as wax. Because of its composition and properties, the use of mummies most often helps to repair damaged tissues.

Scope of use

This natural medicine has numerous names. For example, in Mongolia it is called barag-shun (juice of a rock), in Iran - mummyoyin (soft wax). By the way, the second part of this name, that is, Oyin, is the place where the mummy was first discovered.

Properties of the mummy

In ancient times, the method of applying the mummy was almost no different, they healed skin lesions, various effects of burns, simply nourished dry and problem skin. Thus, the tool has a long history, which totals about 100 thousand years. Information about the various properties, contraindications of mummies is known thanks to ancient manuscripts of the peoples of India, Tibet, China and many others. These historical sources are still actively studied.


There are several theories of the origin of the mummy. Let's consider each of them.

mummy in the mountains

One of the assumptions was that this medicine is only the result of animal activity. More extensively, this theory has spread throughout Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. They believe that the substance is formed on the basis of the excrement of voles, small animals that live on elevated rocks. If the origin of the mummy is considered from this point of view, then it is fair to say that the composition will include metals, particles of gold, silver, tin, and iron. Moreover, depending on the prevailing amount of a substance, the mummy has a different color and taste. The process takes place due to the fact that the voles are not able to assimilate most of the food consumed, which is why the residues leave their body. Conditions in the mountains contribute to the formation of this kind of medicine.

Favorable conditions for the appearance

Theories of origin

This theory has gained popularity due to the fact that there are certain facts that in some sense prove the origin of mummies in this way.

The fact is that in the mountains, the substance mummifies, becoming more solid. This is due to lack of moisture. If the soil water nevertheless reaches the biomass, then it is quickly split, absorbed into the ground, and then simply dispersed into the surrounding area. Sometimes, underground, in cavities and voids, one can stumble upon strangely formed streak structures. This is the very mummy, only it has a different look in this case.

In order to get a mass familiar to a person, specific conditions are needed like a certain relief on the rocks, which is formed at an altitude of 200 to 3,500 meters above sea level. Most often, the product can be found in the southern part, in some cavities, cracks or depressions. As a rule, a sufficient number of animals that contribute to the formation of a product dwells in such a zone, and certain plants grow there, giving up part of their properties. Despite the frequent climate change, as well as significant rainfall, increased radiation, the mummy is perfectly formed here.

Mining place

Mummy of Altai origin is considered a product that is produced by mice or pikas. Animals to some extent differ from voles. That is, it is fair to say that this change in the usual theory also has a right to exist and is considered another option for the emergence of a drug.

Pischuka allocates its remains in the same zone, which helps people eventually find the product very quickly.

From an old legend

There is also an unusual opinion about the origin, but it also has a place to be. It is believed that unusual giants cry in the mountains. Their tears harden, the result is a mummy that can destroy all human diseases. Moreover, this product is very difficult to find. The one who did this will be healthy and strong all his life.

Therapeutic effect of the mummy

The properties and application of mummies were known in the ancient period of human life. The main opinion that existed among the peoples was that the product is able to heal the whole organism, that is, affect all internal and external organs. It was also noted that the drug enhances potency in men.

What is treated with mummy?

Scope in antiquity:

  1. It was believed that the medicine helps people with serious diseases like tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, kidney problems, various inflammatory processes, gastrointestinal problems, migraines and others.
  2. Many doctors agreed that the remedy perfectly cures various dislocations, as well as nervous disorders.
  3. The great Aristotle even touched on this topic in his notes, describing in them all the benefits of mummies. He believed that the medicine helps with deafness (congenital), with severe and regular nosebleeds.
  4. Muhammad Tabib also mentioned that the mummy affects the sexual function of a person.

Scientific facts

Today, science is progressing, so it can clearly say that mummy is an indispensable medicine that contains vital chemical elements (about 30), amino acids, enzymes, hormones and other substances.

Many chemists and biologists of our time can not deduce the formula of the substance, since in comparison with conventional preparations, in which there are about 2-3 elements, the mummy contains a significant part of the periodic table.

It is important to understand that the mummy does not make the processes in the body proceed differently, at an accelerated pace, it only balances them among themselves, making them familiar. The medicine helps a person to adapt to any environment, as it fills the body with exactly those substances that are necessary.

Also, many people know that the product is an excellent tool for raising immunity, for the treatment of viral and infectious diseases. It is also important that the mummy is able to fight even with tonsillitis, fungus, eczema.

Many scientists believe that this medicine cannot be harmful if used as directed.

Species diversity

In addition to its high popularity in Russia, the mummy is also famous in Asian countries. For example, the Japanese and Arabs highly appreciate the effectiveness of this drug, so they use it in every way.

It is customary to distinguish only 4 types of mummies, but in fact, almost every found product has its own composition and properties. For this reason, there are over 115 options.

Well-known are:

  1. Gold - it has a reddish tint, as well as a solid consistency.
  2. Silver - presented in white.
  3. Copper - has a blue or blue tint.
  4. Iron - has a black or brown color, the most common.

A classification can also be created based on the place of origin. In this case, they distinguish: Caucasian mummy, Iranian, Siberian, Nepalese, Central Asian, Arabian and several others. In terms of chemical composition, these representatives are very close to each other. The differences are some elements that are present in one form, and in the other either they are not present, or there is an insignificant degree.

In fact, few know that the mummy in nature is not so much, so sooner or later it will disappear altogether. It is for this reason that it is important to use the product correctly and for its intended purpose.


When using the mummy, it is important to understand that it must be consumed in moderation, otherwise disappointing consequences may occur. In terms of drugs, such a view is necessary, because with abnormal doses, you can significantly aggravate your situation.

You need to use the product on the recommendation of a doctor or simply on his advice. It is necessary to remember that the mummy is incapable of curing certain diseases, so it makes no sense to use it in this case. It is also worth evaluating your individual reactions, because an allergy may appear on the composition. In this case, it is also important to consult with specialists.

mummy in pharmacies

If a pregnant or lactating woman wants to use the medicine, then it is better for her to forget about such an idea. This can adversely affect the baby.

Doctors are also confident that in the presence of serious cancers, you should not use the mummy. The fact that the disease will begin to proceed faster is confirmed by a number of studies by leading experts in the world.

In old age, as well as in the period up to 12 years, you should not be treated with this method, this can cause a negative reaction of the body.

Important to remember!

Everyone should understand that when taking the drug you do not need to drink alcoholic beverages. You should also forget about the use of other medicinal substances with alcohol in the composition.

The substance must be used only in diluted form. This can be done not only in a certain amount of water, but also in tea, juice, milk.

Mummy can be used both for the treatment of internal organs and externally.


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