What to do if the turtle has a soft shell? Reasons, treatment, prevention

Not sure what to do if the turtle has a soft shell? First you need to figure out why such a pathology occurs. The soft shell is a symptom of a rather unpleasant and even serious disease called rickets. Its danger lies in the fact that in the advanced stage it is practically untreatable and can lead to the death of a pet. But if you start to fight rickets at the very beginning of development, then there is a big chance of recovery. The soft shell in young turtles should not cause concern. The fact is that during the first year of his life he gradually horny. And only then it becomes a real impregnable defense.


The carapace must be firm with a flat surface. In a healthy turtle, it has no bumps and dips. To maintain reptiles at home, special conditions must be created. It is imperative to provide a sufficient amount of ultraviolet light or, if possible, natural sunlight. A lack of it causes a deficiency of vitamin D in the body of the turtle. Also, malnutrition can cause rickets. If the diet is unbalanced, monotonous, then this will lead to calcium deficiency. Accordingly, it will make the shell soft. Its surface will become pliable, with the slightest pressure, dips will appear, the edge flaps will begin to bend upward.

what to do if the turtle has a soft shell and does not eat

The progression of rickets can cause serious complications, so every owner must know what to do if the turtle has a soft shell. If you do not take urgent measures, you may experience:

  • bleeding
  • fractures of the limbs;
  • restriction of movement;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • violation of the digestive system, kidneys;
  • prolapse of cesspool;
  • irreversible bite changes.

In the last stage, a fatal outcome is inevitable, as pulmonary edema, heart failure and diffuse bleeding begin.

The red-eared turtle has a soft shell - what should I do?

This type of turtles is most susceptible to rickets. At risk are young individuals who are already 12-13 months old. Veterinarians believe that the most common cause of pathology is the lack of sunlight in the terrarium. Each owner can determine rickets independently. It is enough just to slightly press on the shell. If he began to bend, even very slightly, then it is time to worry about the pet. His health and life are at stake.

land tortoiseshell soft shell what to do

If timely measures to save the turtle are not taken, then her head will change. In this case, the upper jaw bends strongly, its shape is similar to the beak, and the lower becomes flexible. This leads to the fact that the reptile does not eat.

What to do if the turtle has a soft shell?

  • Review the diet. Add raw fish with bones, only small ones.
  • Be sure to drink calcium and D3.
  • Regularly irradiate the carapace with an ultraviolet lamp.

Soft shell of sea turtles

This type of reptile is distinguished by a drop-shaped carapace. This form allows the pet to swim quickly. If he suddenly became supple and soft, then the owner violated the conditions of detention. The reasons for the development of rickets are the same as in the rubella species.

the red-eared turtle has a soft shell what to do

What to do if the turtle has a soft shell? Feed the pet properly. Get food with special supplements and vitamins. In the terrarium regularly change the water and be sure to install a high-quality filter. If there is no ultraviolet lamp, then choose a place for the turtle, which is well lit by sunlight.

The land tortoise has a soft shell - what should I do?

Shell reptiles may also have problems with the carapace. Even if you feed your pet properly, problems with calcium absorption can occur. In order to determine the development of pathology in the initial stages, you must constantly take the pet in your hands and check the density of the shell. When changing the shape, even the slightest, it is necessary to treat the UV terrarium with a lamp for at least 12 hours a day. Be sure to introduce calcium supplements into the diet.

Soft shell of sea turtles

For dosage, consult your doctor. It can be bone meal or carefully frayed egg shells. It is recommended to give them with each feeding until the condition of the carapace improves. Do not forget about vitamin D. It is collected in a syringe and poured into the mouth in 3 drops. The pet should take it once a day for 14 days. The main thing to remember is that not only its lack is dangerous to the life of a reptile, but also an overabundance.

Treatment for rickets

If the turtle has a soft shell - what should I do? The main thing is not to delay the treatment. At the initial stage, the doctor prescribes injections of 10 percent calcium gluconate intramuscularly. The dosage is calculated depending on the weight - 1.5 ml / kg. Course duration - up to two weeks. Injections should be done strictly every 24 hours. To replenish magnesium and potassium in the body, it is recommended to drink the pet with Panalgin. It should be taken 10 days at 1 mg / kg after 24 hours. This drug promotes the absorption of calcium. In the advanced case, the treatment is prescribed by the veterinarian after examination. The reptile should be constantly under his supervision.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4633/

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