Civil Procedure Law

The system of civil procedural law provides for the regulation of property relations arising between different persons. All of them, being parties to interactions, should own property to some extent. The concept of civil procedural law provides for the use of property at personal discretion in the framework of the law. Moreover, the state as an equal participant can enter into the developing relations between the parties.

Civil procedural law is fixed by the provisions of the Civil Code. His articles specify the features of private regulatory interactions. Civil procedural law establishes these features in accordance with the following features:

1. Non-interference (or minimal interference) of government with relations arising under the conditions of the industry in question. Under minimal intervention is understood to ensure the protection of the interests of the nation, the environment and so on.

2. The presence of initiative and dispositiveness of the parties, acquiring and exercising their rights in their own interests, by their own will.

3. Self-responsibility.

4. Judicial protection of rights. This guarantees the equality and independence of the parties to the relationship in question.

    Civil procedural law regulates public relations. They, therefore, are the subject of this industry.

    The subject that governs civil procedural law contains property relations. They arise and always exist either due to the property being held by a particular person, or in connection with the process of transferring property from one participant to another. In the first case, they talk about property relations, and in the second, about obligations.

    Property interactions, therefore, are due to the possession or ownership of a property, for which no agreement or agreement has been concluded.

    Obligatory relations are determined by the transfer of property from one person to another. Thus, the exchange of civil objects is realized.

    There are also personal non-property relationships. They are associated with material goods, which are considered inseparable from the individual.

    The subject of civil law should also include relations that are directly related to property. Upon entering into such interactions, the subject may experience consequences associated with material wealth.

    The subject of regulation is exclusively personal relations, which are formed in relation to the protection of dignity and honor, the inviolability of personal life and other things.

    When disputes arise, the law provides for the formation of a civil process. In cases related to the establishment of facts of legal significance and related to the insolvency (bankruptcy) of citizens and organizations, applicants, third parties and other interested participants participate. In the proceedings related to claims in defense of public and state interests, state bodies, the prosecutor, institutions and organizations representing the local government, and other self-government bodies act as participants.

    All parties to the process can familiarize themselves with materials, extracts, declare challenges, participate in the examination of evidence, provide additional information, submit petitions, ask questions, and object to the petition. Participants also have the right to give explanations to the court, submit their arguments, appeal the acts and use their other rights provided for by the Code of Civil Procedure.


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