Thermal insulation of heating pipes on the street and indoors

Many experts today are concerned about the creation of new technologies that will save energy. Constantly work is underway on the manufacture of new types of insulation, options for their use in various industries are being considered with maximum efficiency. However, the rational use of thermal energy is relevant not only for industry. Many consumers are interested in saving energy and household needs, which will reduce the amount of utility bills. Thermal insulation of heating pipelines is not only a desirable measure, but also often vital.

Thermal insulation of heating pipelines


On the scale of a settlement, the insulation of heating pipes is made for practical purposes only. This can be explained by the fact that the segment from the heating boiler house directly to the customer is a rather large section of the pipeline, where significant heat loss occurs. Consumption in different cases varies between 5-20%. That is why thermal insulation of heating pipes is so important. In addition, competent performance of all work is required, as this affects the efficiency of the heating system. All procedures can be carried out by several methods depending on the materials.

Thermal insulation of heating pipelines on the street should be carried out not only with the use of various materials, but also subject to proper installation in accordance with all technological rules.

Thermal insulation of heating pipelines foamed polyethylene


The insulation of the heating pipes must meet a whole range of requirements, such as:

  • effective adhesion to plastic and metal pipes;
  • bacteriological and chemical inertness;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to temperature conditions inside and out.

Only if this set of requirements is observed, can high-quality thermal insulation of heating pipelines be carried out. SNiP prescribe how everything should be done.


The whole process of thermal insulation consists not only in maintaining high temperature at a constant level, but also in protecting the fuel carrier from freezing in the winter. Different systems currently use insulation materials. This or that type is selected depending on technical properties and operational characteristics. So, insulation is appropriate to apply in systems such as:

  • refrigeration equipment;
  • water supply in pipelines with cold and hot water;
  • ventilation;
  • steam heating;
  • Technical equipment.

Types of materials for insulation:

  • piece materials;
  • mats and rolls;
  • shrouds;
  • casting materials;
  • a combination of several types.

If thermal insulation of heating pipelines is required, the materials are selected so as to ensure coziness, comfort and safety of the home, so you need to approach this as responsibly as possible. In today's market you can see a variety of offers. We suggest considering the most popular options.

Thermal insulation of external heating pipes

Heat insulating paint

This material was created by Russian scientists. Implemented it pretty quickly. It includes: perlite, ceramic microspheres, foam glass, auxiliary substances with a large thermal insulation coefficient. Thermal insulation of heating pipelines, thickness which is several millimeters, with one layer of this material allows you to replace several centimeters of polyester foam or mineral wool. In addition, this composition is characterized by good environmental properties. The paint fits perfectly on flat surfaces and places subjected to deformations, while its properties remain unchanged. Work with paint does not require additional ventilation of the room.

The material was created specifically for use in difficult industrial conditions, therefore it is characterized by a high degree of resistance to temperature extremes. In everyday life, this paint is also used quite successfully. Its special structure allows spraying to cover even the most inaccessible areas, forming an additional anti-corrosion effect. Paint is currently used not only for insulation of pipelines, but also as thermal insulation for the walls of new building facades.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes on the street

Mineral wool

Everyone knows that a thermal insulation material should have low thermal conductivity and a high degree of refractoriness. Mineral wool has these characteristics. That is why with the help of it thermal insulation of pipelines on the street is carried out. This material is indispensable when it is necessary to insulate the outer trunk. Mineral wool is used to isolate thermal media, the temperature of which is quite high, because it can withstand up to 700 degrees Celsius. It is important to understand that the insulation of external heating pipelines using this material is quite expensive.

Polyurethane foam

At the moment, this material is recognized as one of the most effective and high quality among all used in the field of thermal insulation. This explains its active use when laying heat mains. It comes with pipes as a unit with a pair of shells. Polyurethane foam is used to fill the voids between them. Such pipes are installed in places of laying of heat mains. When the work is completed, the joints are necessarily insulated. You can use a similar solution in private homes, since installation is not difficult.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes

Expanded polystyrene

Thermal insulation of heating pipelines ("Thermoflex") from polystyrene is produced from two components with spike-groove fasteners. This ensures its quick connection on pipelines of the right size. The installation process is as simple and fast as possible. Expanded polystyrene is characterized by minimal hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity, which makes it such an effective solution. Its service life is 50 years, so it can be safely used even for pipelines mounted in a wall ceiling. It is forbidden to use it for systems where the temperature of the coolant exceeds 100 degrees Celsius. This material differs from the rest in its flammability, therefore, such thermal insulation of heating pipelines is very rarely used.

Polyethylene foam

This material managed to become a real leader. It is universally used not only as insulation for pipes. In this case, it consists of a shell in the form of a pipe, which maximally covers and protects the heating main from climatic and natural influences. Working with this material is as simple as possible. Even a person who has never done anything like this can handle it. Before starting work, the polyethylene pipe is cut along a pre-measured seam, put on the heating pipe and glued again.

Thermal insulation functions are provided by a foam structure. This material is actively used in refrigeration units.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes

Styrofoam Subspecies

One of the subspecies of the foam is penoizol, which is characterized by the same qualities, but has certain differences. Its main advantage lies in the method of application, namely in its liquid form. This allows you to get absolutely tight seams as a result.

Another alternative is foam glass. This is a material consisting of cellular glass, which has excellent thermal insulation qualities, as well as absolute safety in all respects. Foam glass is characterized by high strength indicators, it does not shrink, does not burn at all, is durable, does not react with vapors and chemicals. Its installation is very convenient. For many decades, this material retains its characteristics. The invasion of rodents is not dangerous for him.

Thermal insulation of heating pipes


All materials described above are characterized by different structure and properties. However, they also have something in common - the scope. All of them can be used for insulation of thermal units and industrial plants, as well as as protection for pipelines. The use of these materials can reduce heat loss during transportation of the coolant along the mains. In the performance of their immediate functions, they reduce heating costs, which allows us to talk about the economic feasibility of their use. With the help of them, uninterrupted operation of heating systems will be ensured, and the life of all types of household appliances and pipes inside and outside buildings will be extended. Quality materials will last for many years without the need for replacement.


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