Velikaya river, Pskov region: sources, extent, depth, rafting, nature, fishing and recreation

Through the entire territory of the Pskov region, which is located in the central part of the Russian Federation, the Velikaya River flows. The article talks about this natural watercourse, the resources of which are mainly used to provide the region with energy and the needs of the agro-industrial complex.

Pskov region: the history of the main river

fishing on the great river

Where does the Great River begin in the Pskov Region? It takes its beginning not far from Big Elm Lake. It is located on the Bezhanitskaya Upland. There is located the source of the Great River in the Pskov region. For over 400 km, the river, fed by the waters of 47 tributaries, flows into a large lake complex located on the borders between the Pskov and Leningrad regions (Lake Pskov-Peipsi). On its winding path, a natural water stream passes through several small lakes, which freeze in winter and spring overflow in the spring.

Coastal forests rich in diverse game, a large number of fish in ponds and a mild climate have attracted people from ancient times. Archaeological excavations indicate that the first settlers on the banks of the river in the V century were representatives of the Baltic tribes (Krivichi), who for several centuries were mixed with Slavic culture. The surviving several earthen funerary hills confirm this version.

Around the XI-XII centuries, the banks of the river began to populate the Latgals (East Baltic tribe). They created their settlements near the Krivichi. After some time, the Great River and its entire coastal zone became part of the Pskov Principality. And its settlers were forced to pay tribute to Pskov, like subjugated tribes.

For centuries, cities, towns, the annals of which are inextricably linked with the historical events of Russia, were built on the Velikaya River in the Pskov Region (photo of it is presented in the article).

source of the great river

origin of name

The origin of the name of the river has several versions. The most reliable option is the opinion that the word "great" meant something big among the Slavs. In this case, the "big river", that is, the "Great River". Some historians express their explanation, which boils down to the fact that the name is associated with one of the large tributaries - Issa, which in translation from the language of the East Baltic tribes also means "great".

About the river

Now the Great River in the Pskov region, 430 kilometers long, has a catchment area of ​​25,200 km². On its banks are the main regional centers Opochka and Ostrov, as well as the regional center of Pskov.

The average depth of the Velikaya River in the Pskov Region is 12 meters, and in some places, thanks to bottom troughs, it reaches a depth of up to 24 meters.

Near the villages of Poddubie and Maktyutino there are dams, thanks to which hydroelectric power stations using the energy of the water mass operate. The average width of the Velikaya River in the Pskov Region is 60 meters, and in the city itself - 100 meters.

Interesting fact

canyon-like section of the Great Valley

There is an interesting fact related to the river. In 1582, the Pskov chronicler recorded that crocodiles appeared in the Velikaya River in the Pskov Region. They went ashore and caused a strong fright to the Pskovites.

Modern historians, having studied this record, came to the conclusion: this species of animals could not live here. Since their existence in the Velikaya River in the Pskov Region requires year-round water with a plus temperature of at least 11 ° C, which does not correspond to the environment.

There is an assumption that in those days caravans from African lands passed through Pskov, where reptiles were often found to show animals at fairs and private menageries of Europe. And due to the oversight of the merchants, the crocodiles ended up in the river, which later became extinct.

Fishing on the Great River in the Pskov region

where does the great river begin

For lovers of fishing, the Velikaya River is the most sought-after body of water in the Pskov Territory. A large accumulation of fish is observed in the reservoirs Yasskoye, Jezerische, Zverino, which are located in areas of the lower reaches of the river.

Lake Jezerische is located in the Pustoshkinsky district (17 km from the district center of Pustoshka, 175 km from Pskov). The area of ​​the lake is 1.5 km². The average depth is about 3 meters, but in some places it reaches 8 meters.

Coastal aquatic vegetation (mainly reeds and reeds) near the Velikaya River in the Pskov Region creates conditions for pike and its reproduction. If you sail to the middle of the lake, there is a strip of clean water where you can go fishing for crucian carp, roach, perch and other fish. Jezerische is shallow, and therefore the water warms up much faster in spring than in other bodies of water, which makes it possible to start fishing earlier.

Zverino Lake, 2 km long, is considered a natural attraction of the Pustoshkinsky district. A pond with an area of ​​1.2 km² is considered flowing, as the Great River passes through it.

The coastline of the lake is indented. Thanks to this natural feature, Zverino has beautiful bays in nature. The largest estuary is Kholunovsky, whose coast is covered with diverse vegetation. In the middle of the lake there is a plot of small depth (up to 3 meters), demanded by fishing enthusiasts. This bay hosts competitions in fishing for pike, rudd, bream and other underwater animals.

The popularity of this bay among fishermen lies in the fact that burbot fish reproduces and lives in its waters (the only representative of the cod family living in fresh waters of lakes with a muddy bottom).

Lake Yasskoye (5.5 km²) is located 15 km from the district center of Pustoshka, it is considered a deep-sea pond. There are pike, perch, ide, tench in the lake, as well as a large number of rudd and vendace.

fishing on the river

Holiday Village "Alol"

How to spend rest on the Velikaya river in the Pskov region? Where is it worth it? Considering that the Velikaya River attracts a lot of attention of nature lovers, the management of the Pskov region built recreation centers and hotels on its banks. The most popular are Alol, Island-Park, Skobar and Chistye Prudy.

In the village of Kholuny (the shore of Lake Zverino), the Alol recreation center is located, where guests are provided with a winter building, summer houses and cottages. On the territory of the camp is a dining room with three meals a day, which is included in the price. For children, a children's menu is provided. There is a point where you can rent a boat or a catamaran. The leadership of the base for vacationers organizes diverse excursions in the Pskov region.

"Island Park"

great river

In the vicinity of the city of Ostrov several years ago, the Ostrov-Park hotel was built for tourists. There is a national Russian bathhouse, a marina for boats, a children's playground with attractions for children of different ages, and two zones equipped for a picnic.

The menu of the hotel restaurant includes dishes of European and national cuisine. The hotel is located 1.5 km from the city center on 25 October Street.

In the village of Zagoritsy (12 km from Pskov), the Skobar guest yard operates year-round, where all conditions are created for those who want to spend their vacation time away from the bustle of the city.

The hotel has a cafe in which breakfast is included in the price. One of the halls is decorated for banquet events. The hotel is located at a distance of 250 meters from the banks of the Velikaya River.

Chistye Prudy

In the village of Verkhovyany (Gdovsky district) on the shore of Lake Peipsi, which is ten km from the Velikaya River, the Chistye Prudy guest complex was built, designed mainly for fishing lovers, where there is the opportunity to go fishing in any season of the year. Fishing from the shore and from the boat is allowed, using any fishing gear (float and spinning).

On the base there are rental conditions for fishing equipment and boats of any displacement. There is a platform on the territory of the base where you can prepare a catch on a fire or on the grill. The hotel has wooden cottages, a cafe serving breakfast, the cost of which is included in the price.

Rafting on the Great River in the Pskov Region

Many tourist organizations in the Pskov region, given that the Velikaya River (250 km) is suitable for rafting along the entire length, organize this type of entertainment for thrill-seekers under the guidance of experienced instructors. Since the waters of some sections of the river have violent rifts that alternate with a large number of lakes, rafting should be carried out on frame floating means.

rest on the great river

For tourists with children (over 7 years old) and beginners to learn the basics of this type of sporting recreation, rafting organizers recommend an easy route that starts from the ancient city of Ostrov, founded in the 13th century. This route runs under chain bridges - the main attraction of the city, built in the XIX century.

For lovers of multi-day rafting, a rather complicated route has been developed, which starts from the bridge between the villages of Yushkovo and Torkhi. After ten km of the way, the river flows into Lake Khvino, with an area of ​​2 km². When passing through this reservoir, caution should be exercised. Since in some places its depth reaches 18 meters. Behind the pond begins a number of small lakes, the beauty of which fascinates nature lovers in the northwestern part of Russia.


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