How to make a dodecahedron: practical tips

We are often at school in the lessons of mathematics, and especially geometry, forced to make geometric shapes. This was necessary, first of all, in order to visually see the given condition of the problem and then try to solve it by an effective method. Such a task is really very useful, because the child not only learns how to make a dodecahedron, for example, but also finds out how many sides he has and what is its area under certain conditions. All this information is useful and necessary for your child. That is why today we suggest you make a dodecahedron out of paper.

You can make this geometric shape with your baby. This will even be a more effective method than giving him a finished toy, because in the process of its joint manufacture, the baby will learn how to combine the figures and make real masterpieces out of them. Such joint exercises are also useful for the development of hand motility, patience and attentiveness, because if at least one of the elements of the dodecahedron is incorrectly made, it will simply be impossible to assemble. That is why we advise you to offer your child a way to make the dodecahedron together and with ease.

how to make a dodecahedron
Before we explain what exactly this figure is. The dodecahedron is a volumetric polyhedron consisting of twelve planes. That is, in other words, it is a dodecahedron, which expands in space in size and represents exactly what we will soon produce. Since the dodecahedron is the most symmetrical figure of geometry (well, or one of the most symmetrical), it is often considered in geometry classes in schools, so that the teacher can clearly explain to children the meaning of the problem.

paper dodecahedron
If you wondered how to make a dodecahedron for your child, we suggest you read the next master class on how to make it. This will take little time, but the sea will benefit from such an unusual toy. So, we take the following necessary materials: scissors, pencil, eraser, ruler, glue and, of course, sheets of paper. It is up to you to decide which dodecahedron you want to make: color or black and white. The most important thing is not to mix up all the proportions so that the toy comes out perfectly smooth. It is for this that we will need a ruler and an eraser.

After all the necessary materials are collected, we tell the process itself of how to make a dodecahedron from paper.

First, draw a regular pentagon using a ruler. You choose the size yourself, but keep in mind that the larger the shape, the easier it will be to glue it. It is from these motives that it is preferable to make the figure larger.

After the figure is drawn, we make it a β€œscan”, that is, an image from several planes. In order for all the planes to stick to each other, make small deviations on each of them. It is on them that we will apply glue.

dodecahedron how to make
Next, cut out our shape, bend the edges and begin to assemble in one "cube". The lesson is quite simple, only requiring accuracy.

The dodecahedron, which we described above, is completely ready. Let it dry, and you can delight your child.


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