Goldenrod common. Plant Features

Ordinary goldenrod ... Even if the name of this plant does not mean anything, most likely, you already had to meet it more than once in nature, in illustrations in specialized books or pharmacies.

common goldenrod

Goldenrod common. General description and cultivation. Features

A perennial herb goldenrod can be found on the edges, clearings and hilly slopes. It begins to bloom in July and bears fruit in August. It can be found in Eastern Russia, the Caucasus, Siberia, Central Asia, as well as in Europe, Scandinavia and the Mediterranean. The height of the plant is about 80-100 cm. Based on the upright stem, the leaves are practically absent, their main mass is concentrated in its upper part. Cystic inflorescences of a yellow hue are located on the top of the stem, their aroma is weakly expressed. The fruits of the plant are in the form of a cylinder with a seed brush on the tip. The leaves are oblong, alternate with sharp serrated edges.

The beginning of flowering goldenrod directly depends on the timing of transplantation, especially in the first few years. If you change the soil at the end of April, the flowering period will begin 3 weeks later than that of a plant transplanted in May. The common goldenrod is unpretentious; it is not afraid of drought. However, timely top dressing and moist soil extend the life of the plant up to 10 years.

goldenrod ordinary photo

Goldenrod common. Beneficial features

Goldenrod is a poisonous plant, but it is widely used in folk medicine. The chemical composition contains carbohydrates, polysaccharides, essential oils, flavonoids, alkaloids, saponins, resins, caffeic and chlorogenic acids. As a medicinal raw material, the terrestrial part of the plant is more valued; rhizomes are rarely used.

Harvesting begins during the flowering period. However, do not assume that at this time you will see it in all, as they say, beauty. Ordinary goldenrod, whose photo is most often made by order of medical institutions or publishers of study guides, requires special collection conditions.

First, the shoots are thoroughly washed and bundled. Dried grass in places inaccessible to sunlight.

Decoctions of goldenrod help well in the treatment of diseases of the gallbladder, liver, genitourinary system, respiratory system. With the external use of infusions, you can overcome various skin ailments, rheumatism, gout, burns and wounds.

Due to the positive effect on the human body, goldenrod is used as a tool that can relieve involuntary urination, bleeding gums, dropsy. In addition, decoctions of flowers and stems have a stimulating effect on metabolic processes, purify the blood.

goldenrod plant

Goldenrod common. Application methods

For treatment, various decoctions and infusions from the stem and inflorescences of goldenrod are used. There are several special recipes for cooking. Decoctions must be taken orally according to certain schemes. Goldenrod infusions are used externally to treat boils, purulent wounds and ulcers.

The plant extract is even part of the well-known drug Prostanorm, which is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of prostate diseases. In case of urinary tract ailments use the "Cystium solidago". This drug of German origin also contains common goldenrod.

Honey from this plant has a bitter taste, but has a number of useful properties. It is an excellent tool when it is necessary to normalize the metabolism.

The composition of the goldenrod contains toxic substances, therefore, before using decoctions and infusions based on it, a doctor's consultation is required. Pregnant and lactating women, as well as children and persons with individual intolerance, taking goldenrod is strictly contraindicated.


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