What can be made of clay in Minecraft and where to find it

If you decide to play Minecraft, then you will hardly be surprised by the fact that you will have to spend an impressive amount of time on construction. In this game you can always find what to build - the main thing is that you have something to do it from. Building materials here are very diverse, some of them differ in properties, others have only external differences, but you will still have enough options to create full-fledged masterpieces. Some items are worth paying special attention to, as you will need them much more often than others. For example, clay is needed to create most buildings. But how to use it? What can be made of clay in Minecraft?

Search for clay

what can be done from clay to minecraft

Naturally, everyone wants to immediately go to an interesting building process, but it's not so simple. Before you know what can be made from clay to Minecraft, you will need to find it. But do not be scared - it will not take you very much time. The fact is that clay can be found almost everywhere - this is a very common material. The main thing is that there is water near you, if there is one, then clay will be found. The bottom of the reservoirs is most often laid out of different materials, most of it is sand. But it can also be from clay, which you need to get. To distinguish this material from others is quite simple - if the sand is yellowish and has a certain texture, then the clay has a gray color, moreover, it is absolutely smooth. So, when you go to the reservoir, pay attention to these parameters, and you will immediately find the material you need. When you get it, you will have a chance to find out what can be done from clay in Minecraft.

How to mine clay?

burnt clay in minecraft

Many players, having discovered deposits of clay, cannot advance further. And the point is not that they do not know what can be made from clay to Minecraft - they have not reached this stage yet. They do not even know how to extract clay from the natural environment. The problem is solved simply - since clay is a natural material, you need to extract it like all other materials. Arm yourself with a working tool and start mining, you can do it even with your hands, only here the question already arises of how quickly you will finish. Each tool has its own speed of extraction, hand action will be the slowest. The optimal tool for clay extraction is a shovel, so it is best to take it with you. When you start digging, finished materials will fall out of clay blocks, which you need to collect. Now you know how to get clay at Minecraft, so you can move on to the most important thing - to use it.

Making clay bricks

how to get clay in minecraft

You went through two stages that led you to the finale - you only need to find out what can be done with clay. You already know where to get clay at Minecraft, how to do it and what tools to use for this. Now it's time to turn raw material into a finished product. In Minecraft, the main purpose of clay is to create bricks. This is done using thermal treatment. You will need directly the clay itself, the furnace in which you will burn it, and coal, which will act as fuel for the furnace. From one unit of clay one brick is obtained, so you have to try to create enough building materials. A brick block is formed of four bricks, which can already be used in construction. That’s how burnt clay at Minecraft is becoming the most popular building material.

Clay buildings

where to mine clay in minecraft

But no one forces you to burn clay and make bricks out of it. You may well use it for other purposes. For example, you can turn it back into a clay block, which can also be used during the construction process - it just will have a different color, which will suit someone more than bricks. To do this, you will need four clay units that you need to put together. This can be done both on the workbench and in the inventory. As a result, you get a solid block, ready to use. This process cannot be called unprofitable, as in most cases. More often, fewer materials fall out of the natural block than is required to recreate it. In the case of clay, everything is different - four units fall out of the natural block, and just so much is needed to craft it back.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4654/

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