Vomiting of bile in a child: causes, treatment

Vomiting of bile in a child can be caused by various reasons: malnutrition, problems with the intestines, gall bladder, liver, as well as hepatitis or viral diseases. Be that as it may, vomiting is an alarming signal. So that parents can understand what are the causes of this phenomenon, you should know exactly what the child ate during the last day.

Briefly about the process

The body's reflex defensive reactions are vomiting and nausea. It is they that help cleanse the digestive tract from substances that are dangerous to the baby’s health. In a crumb, an attack of severe nausea can begin even if the substances that poison it enter the body, for example, through the lungs.

vomiting of bile in a child

Vomiting of bile in a child can be a symptom of diseases such as cholecystitis and gastritis. Whatever the cause of this condition, parents need to immediately consult a doctor. This is especially true in cases where adults are not able to independently determine the cause of such an attack. Or in the case when the child has a fever, and nausea and vomiting are intense.

The doctor with a high degree of probability by the nature of the vomit, which parents should pay close attention to, will be able to determine the possible causes of this condition.

Why does babies vomit?

Vomiting of bile in a child occurs for completely different reasons, therefore, before starting treatment, you need to understand what caused it. It could be:

  • viral hepatitis. In the acute stage, loose stools are observed; the virus has a negative effect on the liver and bile ducts of the child;
  • malfunction of the gallbladder, the provocateurs of which are cholecystitis and gallstone disease (a significant amount of bile is sent to the stomach and causes a gag reflex);
  • poisoning the baby. A child can pull anything in his mouth (so stale foods, bacteria, harmful substances get into his body);
  • intestinal infections. The body includes a reflex of protection, as a result of which the stomach urgently needs to be empty. Excess bile enters the stomach and when it is no longer in food, it also leaves;
  • malnutrition is the most common cause. Vomiting can be caused by the use of fatty and spicy foods, a violation of the diet. In the body of a peanut, such food is simply not absorbed. Therefore, at first it rots in the stomach, and then comes out with vomit.
    vomiting of bile in a child without fever

That is why parents need to carefully monitor the health status of their babies, so that, if necessary, in a timely manner, turn to doctors for help.

How to help your baby with vomiting?

For parents, the situation is a test when vomiting of a child's bile begins. What to do in this case? How to alleviate the condition of the baby? What actions should be taken first? There is a certain general algorithm of behavior in this situation.

  1. Immediately seek help from a doctor, describing in detail the condition of the child.
  2. To calm the crumb, as well as to pull yourself together and maintain composure.
  3. Do not interrupt the vomiting process, allowing the child to completely release the stomach from the contents. Not all doctors recommend this action, because the gastric mucosa is already inflamed. In any case, if the parents decided to do the washing, in no case should you use potassium permanganate!
  4. Give your child a drink of activated charcoal (or any other absorbent drug of choice) and one or two glasses of water.
  5. Put the baby in the crib.
  6. If some time has passed, and the attack has repeated, you can offer your child some water with the addition of half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water (or soda on the tip of a knife).
  7. After vomiting in the next 6-12 hours, do not give the baby to eat (unless the doctor has suggested a different solution).
  8. In no case do not leave the child alone.

These simple rules will make it possible to alleviate the condition of the peanut at least a little and will allow you to more easily wait for the doctor to arrive.

Fever and diarrhea

Vomiting of bile in a child without fever may not greatly disturb the parents, do not cause them to suspect the presence of any dangerous condition. But it is not so.

vomiting of bile in a child; diarrhea temperature

If vomiting is not accompanied by impaired stool, this suggests that there are no intestinal lesions. This condition is typical for diseases of the upper digestive system, for example, the esophagus or stomach, poisoning, endocrine diseases, CNS pathology.

Vomiting of bile in a child with fever, accompanied by diarrhea, can occur with food poisoning or non-infectious diseases of the intestine.

Fever, gastrointestinal tract lesions, or something else?

Vomiting of bile in a child, temperature, diarrhea - these symptoms indicate, as a rule, the development of intestinal infection. True, the same set can be caused by the use of some foods by the baby. After all, with the little ones who have not yet celebrated their third birthday, the intestines are not completely ripe. Therefore, the food that older children can easily tolerate for the youngest becomes a cause of fever and dyspepsia.

vomiting of bile and diarrhea in a child

If vomiting in a baby is combined with fever, this does not only mean gastrointestinal damage. This can happen with acetonemic syndrome and meningitis. If the baby is younger than 7 years old, then vomiting of bile in a child can occur along with fever, without damage to the digestive system or brain. It happens at the very peak of a rise in temperature, usually once.

Prevent dehydration

Vomiting of bile and diarrhea in a child can cause dehydration. To prevent this from happening, you need to give him drink plenty of water. But you can’t drink a lot right away, because this will cause a second attack, because the walls of the stomach of the peanut are already irritated.

vomiting of bile in a child with fever

You can give your baby a solution of glucose or pharmacy powder salts. Any mother is able to make such a solution herself. You just need to mix sugar, salt and soda. Dissolve these substances in a small amount in a glass of water. Drink the solution once every ten minutes with a teaspoon.

To summarize

So, vomiting in a baby can begin due to diseases of the liver and gall bladder, as well as poisoning by poor-quality food, which so far does not suit the baby in age. Therefore, parents are required to carefully monitor the diet of the child and go through all the preventive examinations at the pediatrician in time.

vomiting in a child with bile what to do

You should not treat peanut without the participation of a doctor. After all, if vomiting is repeated and causes loss of consciousness or dehydration, it is urgent to hospitalize the baby in a hospital. And before you offer the baby to drink this or that drug, it is better to consult a doctor.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4655/

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