Doll furniture: do-it-yourself equip a house for Barbie

Dollhouse with furniture every girl dreams of having. You can buy such a set of toys in almost every children's goods store today. But they are not cheap at all. We offer all mothers and fathers to make small cabinets, cribs and tables for your baby's beloved Barbie at home. And do not be afraid that you will not be able to complete this task. In this article we will tell you how to make doll furniture with your own hands. You can also view photos of such products here. From the simplest and most affordable materials, you will learn how to make beautiful, and most importantly, exclusive toys.

Dresser for a doll from matchboxes

DIY doll furniture
As you know, every Barbie has many outfits and accessories. Where to store them? The beauty doll cannot do without a convenient chest of drawers with drawers. How is such doll furniture made? With your own hands you can make a similar toy from 3 empty matchboxes. In addition, prepare colored paper, cardboard, glue and paints.

Glue the boxes together in height. Leave the product to dry for a while. Next, glue the dresser with colored paper. Cut the handles out of cardboard and attach them in the middle of the sliding parts. Paint the inside of the drawers. Now decorate the product in any way you want. It can be applique, painted or just small stickers. Your darling daughter and her favorite Barbie will definitely like such doll furniture.

Do it yourself toy bed

DIY doll furniture photo
This piece of furniture can be made in many ways. Let's consider some of them.

  • Sponges (washcloths). From this material, in just a few minutes, a bed (doll furniture) is made with your own hands. For work, you will need a thermogun or glue "Dragon", "Titanium" and rectangular sponges (one large and two small). Coat the narrow ends of a large washcloth with glue and attach small sponges to them so that the product takes the form of a bed. Hold the parts for a few minutes at the joints to glue. The crib is ready. It remains to sew on her a set of bed linen and a bedspread.
  • A shoe box, colored paper, four matchboxes are materials from which you can make a crib. How to make doll furniture from the listed items? Glue matchboxes on the cardboard cover in the corners. Let the product dry and turn it over. Before you is almost a finished bed. If you want to make this type of furniture with past, then use not the lid, but the box itself for work. From it will need to cut the sides on the long sides. Cut a mattress from a piece of foam and sew a bed of fabric flaps.
  • Polyfoam sheet - an excellent material for the manufacture of toy furniture. To make a bed, cut out the necessary details of a rectangular shape and glue them as described in the first method (with sponges).
    how to make doll furniture

Table and stool - essential doll furniture

With your own hands make these items from cardboard and wooden sticks (you can use them from ice cream or bamboo skewers). On a flat surface, place two sticks vertically and parallel to each other. Spread glue on each of the two edges. Lay the next two pieces of wood horizontally, trying to get to the places where the glue is. Next, attach a couple more sticks vertically. Thus, you get a design in the form of a box of square shape. Complete 6-7 tiers of skewers. From cardboard, cut out the tabletop lid slightly larger than the circumference of the box. Glue this part on top of the product. The table is ready. The stool is made according to the same principle, only skewers are taken shorter and fewer tiers are glued.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the manufacture of furniture for a toy house. Please your daughter, give her beautiful handmade doll furniture. Believe me, your child will be very satisfied and happy.


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