What does the transport police do? Transport Law Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Every year in Russia is celebrated October 18 holiday Day of the creation of the transport police. But was it really created on this day? After all, this is a very complex state structure, consisting of several sections and many branches throughout the country. What did the transport police do then and now? What is it for?

The history of transport in our country is long and complicated. It developed unevenly. The prototype of the transport police in Russia was created back in 1809, published by the Manifesto of November 20, "On the management of water and land communications." Since then, the department periodically changed its name, and its activities only expanded in connection with the advent of new modes of transport.

What do the transport police do

The first attempts to create a transport police on the railway

With the beginning of the construction of railways, the need arose for the creation of a specialized body for the protection of goods and passengers of trains, as well as the investigation of crimes committed on the railway. In addition to criminal cases: robberies, thefts, murders, beatings, and other violent acts, the transport police were mainly involved in the functions of detecting bribery and embezzlement by railway officials. They were also responsible for the condition of the bridges, and in the event of flooding or destruction, they were required to ensure their repair and proper maintenance. The appearance of the transport police on the railway was laid down by decree of Nicholas 1, adopted on April 15, 1836 "On the construction of the Petersburg-Tsarskoye Selo railway."

With the increase in the length of railways, the number of crimes committed on it also increased. Since the development of railway transport was the development of previously uninhabited territories, then in this area riots most often occurred. To ensure security, Nicholas 1 decided to involve the gendarmerie in this work, since in remote areas it was not always possible to attract local police, since in many places it was simply absent. The gendarmes were subordinate to the Ministry of Railways.

transportation rules

Features of the work of the railway police

Unfortunately, the fact that the transport police was a departmental security agency of the Ministry of Railways, and the head of the transport police report directly to the head of the railway, did not lead to anything good. In fact, the gendarmes were in monetary and official dependence on the railway officials. Therefore, their work was extremely ineffective, and in some cases even detrimental to the department. It was not the perpetrators who were punished, but the perpetrators were able, thanks to their high posts, to avoid sanctions.

For obvious reasons, this situation could not last long. On March 16, 1867, the chief of the gendarmes, adjutant general Count Shuvalov, turned to the emperor with a report that the tsar made changes to the structure and staff of the gendarmerie departments on the railways.

River Transport Police

In Russia, there was not only land, but also river transport. And although there were significantly fewer crimes in the river direction, this transport system also needed appropriate control. The work of the transport police was especially relevant in St. Petersburg, as it is a port city and large merchant ships arrived in it, especially in the 18th-19th centuries.

police line

Therefore, in St. Petersburg there was a need to create a special police department to monitor the sea and river vessels and their compliance with the rules for the carriage of goods. In addition to identifying crimes against individuals or embezzlement, they served as customs officers and detected cases of smuggling of goods. The project to create a river police was adopted on June 2, 1867.

The first years after the revolution

After the Great October Revolution, despite the negative attitude of the revolutionaries towards the gendarmerie and the police in general, a special authority was created to restore order - the transport police. She was legalized by decree "On the organization of the railway police and the railway guard" on February 18, 1919. From this date, the history of the creation and development of the transport police is officially counted.

Under the new conditions, the old methods did not work, so the USSR was looking for new, more effective ways to organize control and develop new rules for the transportation of goods. Regular inspections were carried out at stations and raids of mobile units. Transport was changing - working methods were improving. The number of policemen grew. Separate orders began to accompany passenger trains. Many methods that were developed in Soviet times are used today.

transport police

Problems in air transport and methods for solving them

It would seem unbelievable that on a plane it would occur to anyone to engage in banditry. However, in the late 60s - early 70s, it was a harsh truth. For the first time, people were faced with rampant crime in air transport. There were criminals attacking passengers and crew. Passengers were robbed or beaten by hooligans and rowdy people. This type of transport was chosen by terrorists. Aircraft were blown up or stolen.

In order to prevent crime in air transport and ensure security, the USSR adopted relevant resolutions. On November 3, 1970, the Council of Ministers decided on the mandatory presence of transport police officers on an airplane. However, this measure was ineffective. The policeman could not use service weapons on the plane or use hand-to-hand combat techniques.

Combating crime in the air transport - a non-standard solution

Since the old methods were not applicable on the plane, it was decided to develop new ways to combat crime in air transport. Since dangerous cargo can only be transported through an airport, it is understandable that the only way to prevent a tragedy was to conduct a thorough search of passengers and their baggage.

Department of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation

In 1978, the Soviet government adopted a decree on the introduction of a thorough search of passengers and their luggage, including hand luggage. In some cases, personal screening of passengers was allowed both on domestic and international flights. This practice has been recognized as effective and is applied not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

The same system works in our time and is accepted by the Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation as the main means of ensuring security in air transport.

traffic police

An attempt was made to change the procedure for passing control in 1997. However, subsequent events showed that the refusal of personal search was the wrong decision. In connection with the increasing terrorist attacks using air vehicles (the most ambitious was committed on September 11, 2001 in the United States, when the plane crashed into twin towers), this measure was introduced again in August 2004.

Department work

One of the bodies of the transport police is the Department of Law Enforcement in Transport. His responsibilities include the identification of dangerous actions at transport infrastructure facilities by unaccompanied homeless children who create situations that are dangerous not only for their life and health, but also for other participants. The department identifies such children and adolescents and sends them to specialized children's institutions.

transport police of Russia

Transport Police Structure

The transport police consists of more than 500 linear police departments, whose activities, in turn, are controlled by 20 transport police departments. Today, the transport police is a complex multi-tiered structure.

In the past few years, due to the deterioration of the international situation, the growth of crime, terrorism, the transport police, what they are doing is identifying channels for the illegal supply of weapons and ammunition, explosive devices, drugs and other prohibited substances carried by rail, air or water transport . Such were the officers of the transport police both before October 18, 1917, and after.

chief of transport police

Criticism of the traffic police

Despite the fact that without the transport police the situation would have been much worse, criticism is often addressed to her. It is not always unfounded. What the transport police does inadvertently creates the conditions for abuse.

But in this department "random" people do not work! Therefore, thorough investigations are carried out on all cases that have come under the supervision of the media or that have been identified upon verification. If the violation is confirmed, then such employees are fired. The Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is doing everything to recruit only honest and conscientious citizens. Special requirements are imposed on employees, since the work requires special training and endurance.

What are the requirements for transport police officers

In order to ensure order and safety in transport, a policeman working in any of the linear police departments must have a high level of professionalism, know not only the features of his specialty, but also how transport services work, and be able to instantly navigate in a constantly changing environment. After all, he often has to act alone and risk his life.

The traffic police officer does not have the right to turn off the phone and must be ready to work 24 hours a day. This job requires constant voltage. And for this, he must possess not only good physical, but psychological training.

Powers of the traffic police

What does the transport police do today and what powers do its employees have? Its competence includes carrying out inspections in case of incidents in railway, air or water transport, as well as in the territories where ports, stations and airports are located.

Employees have the right to inspect cargo, open containers or inspect passengers. But they can do this only if there are serious reasons. For example, there is information that one of the passengers carries weapons or drugs. Police can conduct a check only in the presence of two witnesses. A report is compiled upon the fact of the inspection.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4664/

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