How long does an extract from the house book work in various situations? Where to get an extract from the house book

Transactions with property usually involve the formation of a specific package of certificates. Among them constantly appears a certificate of family composition. You can’t do without it. But how long does the extract from the house book work? And how do you get it? The answers to such questions should be known to every owner of the "real estate". Otherwise, any operations involving the apartment or house will become unavailable.

How long is an extract from the house book


What is an extract from the house book? This is an important document that can come in handy under various life circumstances. In the form of an established sample, a citizen can see all persons registered in the territory.

In other words, this is a kind of certificate of family composition. It can be standard or archived. In the first case, the documentation displays information about the current registered in housing, in the second - for all time.

How long does the extract from the house book work? Citizens are having difficulty finding the answer to this question. Next, we will try to avoid them.

When required

But first, find out under what circumstances the required documentation may be required. Consider the most common situations.

These include:

  • gift of property;
  • exchange;
  • inheritance;
  • sales;
  • judicial debate;
  • registration of an identity card;
  • registration of property in the State Register;
  • registration of benefits and allowances;
  • divorce;
  • privatization of real estate.

Any legally significant real estate transactions require the presence of the mentioned documentation. The house book for a private house is usually kept in the hands of the owner of the property, or it can be found in the management company. The last alignment in real life is most common.

Where to get it?

A few words about where the studied documentation is generally issued. This is an extremely important point - each homeowner must understand in which organizations certificates of his property are kept.

House book and extract from it

An extract from the house-building apartment book can be requested through:

  • passport and visa center;
  • HOA;
  • ZhEK;
  • MFC;
  • settlement and cash center;
  • management company;
  • passport department;
  • service "State services".

How long is an extract from the house book? Many claim that the answer depends on the situation. And indeed it is. Next, we will study the most common scenarios. After that, we will deal with the procedure for obtaining a certificate of registration in an apartment or house.

Legislation of the Russian Federation and problems of owners

How long is an extract from the house book? Citizens have difficulty finding an answer to a similar question. Why?

The thing is that the legislation of the Russian Federation usually indicates the validity period of certain securities. There are rare exceptions. Extract from the home book (form 9) does not have a legislatively fixed period of "life". And therefore, each life situation is recommended to be considered separately. This is what we will do!

Extract from the house book

Courts and disputes

The validity of the extract from the house book for the court is usually thirty days from the date of delivery. Judicial authorities may reject older copies of documents.

This is due to the fact that only fresh references should be used for judicial debate. Based on them, the judge will evaluate what is happening between the defendant and the plaintiff, and then render his verdict.

Citizens planning to go to court, where housing will appear, are not recommended to request a certificate of persons registered in the housing in advance. This paper is issued quickly, and the term of its "life" is very short.

For passport

The validity period of extract from the home book to obtain a passport will sooner or later interest every citizen of the Russian Federation. At least at 14, 20 and 45 years. These are the ages at which an identity card is issued for the first time, and is also exchanged without fail.

In order to request a civil identifier, a citizen will have to request a fresh copy of the certificate being studied. The thing is that it lasts only 30 days. The countdown starts from the moment the documentation is issued.

What happens if the applicant brings an older copy of the mentioned paper? Migration services may not accept applications for issuance or replacement of an identity card.

Register property

A house book for a private house is usually kept by the property owner. And in this case, citizens are having difficulty issuing an extract of the established form.

What should I do if the owner of the property needs to register it in the State Register? How long will the family composition statement be valid? At the moment, the "life" of the certificate ends after it is submitted to the registration authority with other documentation. But the fresher the extract, the better.

Important: a statement of persons living on the territory serves as the basis for updating the database of the State Register.

How to get an extract from the house book

Privatization of an object

But that is not all. Today in Russia it is possible to privatize housing. This is the process of re-registering state property as private property. Privatization is not possible without the documentation being studied.

But how long does the extract from the house book work? Typically, the validity period of a certificate is not more than thirty days. It is recommended to order this statement immediately prior to privatization. So you can avoid a huge number of problems.

Property Transactions

As it was emphasized earlier, the documentation of those registered in the apartment is an indispensable element in carrying out any legally relevant actions with real estate. The absence of this component will necessarily entail an interruption of the transaction.

The validity of the extract from the house book for the sale of an apartment is 1 month. As in past cases, the fresher the documentation, the better. In the certificate on the composition of the family, only relevant information on the persons registered in the territory should be displayed.

State aid

As you can see, most of the help from the home book is valid 30-31 days. But this does not mean that the period of "life" of the documentation will not change.

For example, if a person wants to draw up state aid or benefits, he will have to take with him an extract on the composition of the family. It can be issued 90 days before the direct application for state aid.

Nevertheless, it is better to use fresh copies of references. Registration authorities may have questions about the relevance of the extract. It will be possible to avoid them 100% if you order the mentioned certificate a few days before applying for state aid.

Where to get an extract from the house book

Banking issues

It’s hard to believe, but information on persons registered in housing may be useful to tanks. What you need to know about this situation? How much fresh information about those registered in the apartment / house needs to be transmitted?

Each financial institution can put forward its requirements for the validity period of form 9. Typically, the period of "life" of documentation for banks is from two weeks to a month. More accurate data is recommended to clarify in a particular financial company.

Notary Services

Where to get an extract from the house book, we found out. And for what this certificate can come in handy, they also figured out. But with its validity period there are problems.

One could already notice that most often the term of validity of extracts from the apartment book is limited to 30 days. In some cases, organizations themselves dictate how fresh the samples of documents they accept. Notary offices are no exception.

The thing is that when concluding transactions and conducting transactions with housing by a notary, the validity of the statement of family composition is significantly reduced. It will be only 14 days. The potential client should clarify this information in a notary's office in advance. It is possible that someone will accept older inquiries.

Other options

Based on the foregoing, it follows that a statement of family composition may be recognized as valid for a period of 14 to 31 days. These are the most common scenarios. Only they are not exhaustive.

The legislation, as we have already said, does not provide for any restrictions on the duration of extracts from house books. So, organizations can independently put forward requirements regarding this issue.

"Public services" - how to draw up an extract from the house book

In real life, the validity of family composition certificates varies from 14 days to 3 months. But, as was emphasized earlier, organizations rarely accept old documentation. For security reasons, it is better to deal with the issuance of an extract shortly before contacting a particular company.

Early invalidity

We found out how fresh the information on persons registered in a particular residential area should be. The above information emphasizes that it is best to focus on the 30-day period of the "life" of the certificate. So you can not get confused and avoid problems.

Under certain circumstances, the documentation from the apartment book ceases to be valid ahead of schedule. This usually happens if someone is discharged from housing. Another option for the development of events is the implementation of the registration of a new person in the territory.

Accordingly, if a citizen ordered an extract from the house book, and then there was an extract / registration of the next tenant, the validity of the paper will be canceled.

Who can request?

Now a few words about how and who can issue an extract on the composition of the family. The circle of customers is strictly limited. And therefore, not everyone has the appropriate authority.

To date, homeowner extracts may be requested by homeowners, heirs, or their representatives. Getting information on family composition is also allowed by persons registered on the territory. Outsiders will not be able to order a certificate under any circumstances.

As an exception, information about those registered in the apartment or house is provided to state authorities. For this they must have good reason.

How to get a certificate?

Where to get an extract from the house book? In one of the above bodies. How to request this paper?

Statement of Issue

A citizen will have to prepare an identity card and an application for the issuance of information about residents of a particular territory. They must go to the registration authority. They will take the application there, and then they will give out form 9.

If a person applies for help to the Criminal Code or Housing Office directly, you can go to the registration authorities and request the document verbally. It is enough to inform about the reason for completing the documentation.

Important: a statement on the composition of the family will be issued quickly. Usually it is made in the period from several hours to 10 days.


We studied what the “registered in apartment” form is, how long it “lives”, where you can request it. And how much to pay for the documentation? It is issued free of charge. State duty information from apartment house books are not taxed. This means that a citizen can go to court or to the prosecutor if the registration authorities require payment of the issuance of an extract.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the document studied in Russia is used only in the original. Copies of extracts have no legal effect. They will not be accepted in any organization or government agency.


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