Aquarium fish blue dolphins: who gets along with and how to care

Beautiful aquarium fish, blue dolphins belong to the family of cichlids. This is one of the most common aquarium fish that has earned popularity due to its unusual appearance and flexible character. The birthplace of animals is hot Africa, where they can be found in the lakes of Malawi. The blue dolphin arrived in Europe in 1968, and a little later mastered the Soviet (then still) aquariums.

aquarium fish blue dolphins


Aquarium fish blue dolphins are incredibly reminiscent of real dolphins. The same blue, sometimes blue with dark spots, body color, high convex forehead with a mandatory growth and protruding mouth, so the head of the fish visually looks quite large. The "growth" of the fish reaches 25 cm. They live a very long time, sometimes up to 15 years.

Dolphin has an elongated body. The central part of the body and tail are decorated with one large dark spot. On the sides are transverse stripes of black color. When the fish prepares to attack the opponent, the color of the scales acquires a bright blue tint, and the throat and fins become black.

aquarium fish

Differences between males and females

Distinguishing dolphins is quite simple. Boys are always bigger than girls. As they grow older, the color of the male’s head changes to yellowish, but a clear difference is the vertical stripes on the sides (4–8 pcs.). When spawning, the forehead acquires a more saturated yellow color, and the stripes become much brighter.

In females, side marks are most often absent. Instead, you can see just black spots, and red dots are clearly visible on the caudal fins.

Conditions of detention and care

The blue dolphin (photo below) is peaceful and prefers flocking existence. For home maintenance, a male and three females will be quite enough.

blue dolphins get along with anyone

Aquarium must be chosen roomy. Ideally at least 200 liters. Then the pets feel great and delight the look with their appearance.

These aquarium fish prefer open spaces because they swim in all water layers. A comfortable stay for the dolphin in the aquarium will provide the following parameters:

  • water temperature - + 24 ... + 26 ° C;
  • acidity - 7-9;
  • stiffness - 10-17.

Fish also need water filtration and aeration. Another indispensable condition is a weekly replacement of the third part of the liquid. The aquarium should be brightly lit.

Soil and vegetation

As soil, you can take river sand or small pebbles. If we talk about vegetation, then you should choose plants with hard leaves and powerful roots. Pot copies are also suitable. Aquarium blue dolphin will feel great among the leaves of Wallisneria, Anubias and Cryptocoryne. Ferns can be placed on stones. Do not forget to place the limnophile in the aquarium, as the fish use its leaves as food.

Dolphins love to hide, so various artificial grottoes, caves and crevices are simply necessary. You can reproduce the natural habitat of fish by constructing stepped stone buildings.


Aquarium fish blue dolphins prefer exclusively live food with a high protein content. It:

  • ordinary worms;
  • shrimp
  • beef heart and liver;
  • coretre;
  • bloodworm.

Do not give up dandelion, nettle, lettuce and spinach.

Blue dolphins: with whom do fish get along?

These inhabitants of the aquariums are distinguished by a peaceful and even nature-shy nature. The fish is completely non-conflict, but nevertheless the best conditions of detention are a species aquarium. Only in this case, she will be able to feel free, showing all the features of behavior.

aquarium blue dolphin

If this is not possible, then non-aggressive fish from the cichlid family, such as the aulonocar, should become neighbors. In general, any Malawian fish will do. The blue dolphin looks especially interesting with yellow labidochromis. Among other species, you can choose barbs, labyrinth fish and catfish.

When selecting neighbors, it is worth remembering that fish can mate with Livingston's haplochromis, as well as leopard representatives of this species. The color of the offspring in this case is gray-brown with characteristic blue stripes.

Breeding blue dolphins

Fish reach puberty by one and a half years. Reproduction is carried out in pairs and preferably in a separate aquarium. The behavior of fish during spawning changes: males become aggressive, while females become more shy. Mating games of fish are very funny - showing tenderness, they rub their foreheads.

The female spawns eggs on the surface of the stone or in a hole carefully dug by the male. After several eggs find themselves in the nest, she takes them into her mouth and swims to the male for further fertilization.

Another feature of blue dolphins is the gestation of female eggs in the mouth. To protect the fish from stressful situations leading to the ingestion of eggs, it should be placed in a separate spawning ground.

The female wears caviar for three weeks, during which it does not eat anything. To prevent the fish from dying, experienced aquarists practice growing eggs in an incubator. A small capacity of approximately 15 liters can be used for it. Aeration is also required here. Water can be taken from a general aquarium or its parameters can be reproduced, but the water temperature in the incubator should be slightly higher: + 27 ... + 28 ° C. In addition, methylene blue must be added .

blue dolphin photo

The female’s mouth is freed from fertilized eggs, which are subsequently placed in a separate container. After about 7 days, the fry already rise to the surface of the water and begin to feed on their own. At this stage, small cyclops, nematodes, and artemia naumplia are suitable as feed.

Determine the viability of the eggs will help their color. If the ball of eggs turns white, then it is not viable. Remove them with a pipette. It is possible to transfer young to their parents when the fry reaches the age of 3-4 months. Aquarium fish blue dolphins breed up to 7-8 years of age.

Fish behavior

The fish are pretty smart, and also great parents. A favorite pastime of blue dolphins is catch-up games. It is no less interesting to observe the behavior of the male, attracting the attention of the attracting female.


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