Rainbow crab as a pet

Is Rainbow Crab a Pet? Imagine this is really possible. Rainbow crabs, photos of which are posted in this article, have long been the inhabitants of aquatorrariums. There is nothing unusual in the fact that more and more attention is being paid to them. Among those similar to themselves, only the rainbow crab boasts such a bright color and such a variety of palettes. By the way, he also has a lot of other names: indigo, patriot, tricolor, land. In Latin, its name sounds like Cardisoma armatum or, respectively, Indogo crab, Patriot crab, Tricolor / Red / Blue crab, Land crab, Rainbow crab.

Rainbow crab

Among the crab, he is one of the largest. The diameter of its shell can reach 20 cm. In connection with this, the water area for it must either be chosen immediately large, or changed as it grows.

To begin with, a rainbow crab, the content of which will require considerable efforts and efforts, should have at least half a square meter per individual. With the content of a pair (or more) of such beauties, a more voluminous (in length from a meter) aquaterrarium is selected.

Rainbow crab is quite finicky and sometimes excessively capricious. To create living conditions you will have to try. But beauty always requires sacrifice, doesn't it?


The bright blue shell (let's call it the back) can reach the juicy purple tones in the density of colors. Brown legs do not have the usual whitish bald spots and are painted evenly. Claws have several shades of red and brown at once and are most bright at the joints, and their outer side is paler. The abdomen may be bluish or pinkish, but more often white.

Rainbow Crabs photo

Habitat and character

In nature, the rainbow crab chooses coastal sand zones for settlement, digging fairly deep passages (burrows) there. However, it can also be found in places far from the coast - the absence of food in the main habitat pushes him to such removal.

Salty ocean waters interest crabs only at breeding times. Thanks to this, Cardisoma armatum can also be found in freshwater aquatorrariums. True, a little salting is required when molting. Rainbow crab at home does not breed, as it relates to individuals of wild origin. At least, so far, it has not been possible to breed these beauties in aquatorrariums.

Cardisoma armatum is not different and peaceful in relation to relatives. However, this directly depends on the mood of the crab. And it is very variable with him. Interestingly, the war between the individuals of Cardisoma armatum does not begin immediately. First, an attempt to capture the house follows, then blocking the food with the whole body (which they get quite quickly). In case of refusal to leave the territory, the battle begins.

Rainbow crab content

The necessary conditions

Cardisoma armatum experiences a fairly strong load during molting, the frequency of which is 1 time in 10 days in young individuals and 2 times a year in adults. At this time, they leave for shelter, so put more grottoes, shards, amphorae, etc.

The water mark in the aquadome does not rise above 15 cm (numerous platforms and pebbles for relaxation should rise above the surface). Do not forget that these are land crabs. For the soil, choose pebbles, a crumb of zeolite, tuff, granite, coral (fraction from 5 mm). Water, of course, should be clean, with frequent replacement and preferably with an artificial duct. Among the necessary equipment is an aerator and filter. Very important control over the presence (more precisely, the absence) of ammonia, nitrates, chlorine, which are harmful.

The rainbow crab should survive the adaptation period in salted (sea salt!) Water with a hardness of 10 GH or more. The temperature should not go beyond 25-27 degrees. Intensive landscaping of the aquaterrarium is welcome. Algae for the crab - and shelter, and food. In addition, squid, mussels, flour worms, bloodworms, liver (beef, chicken), gammarus should be in the diet of Cardisoma armatum. A mixture of sweet pepper (red), nettle (dry), calcium glycerophosphate (ground tablet) is quite useful for crabs. Feeding is carried out only on the surface, on stony wide platforms. If food enters the water, it will decompose, resulting in poisoning and death of crabs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4680/

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