Review T.Taccardi shoe reviews

Since 2012, budget shoes under the T. Takkardi brand appeared in stores. The owner of the brand is a Russian entrepreneur, but they sew models in China.

Read a review of T.Taccardi shoe reviews. We have collected both positive and negative feedback.

t taccardi men shoes reviews

Positive feedback on T.Taccardi shoes

Despite the name, similar to the sound of the Italian brand “Trussardi”, the shoe company “T. Takkardi” is Russian. This brand belongs to inexpensive brands and is affordable for most Russians. But how high quality is it?

Buyers leave the following positive reviews for T.Taccardi shoes:

  • Price is the main advantage of this shoe of the pseudo-Italian company T. Takkardi. Winter couples cost about 3,500 rubles, summer couples are much cheaper - only a thousand rubles. There are promotions in stores, then even winter shoes of this company can be bought for 1000 rubles.
  • Large selection of models. Judging by the reviews, there are T.Taccardi men's shoes for women and children. Models can be selected according to the season. There are also house shoes, rubber boots and sneakers.
  • Sold at Kari stores. There are a lot of them in the country, which means that T. Takkardi shoes are geographically available, you don’t have to go to the other end of the village for it.
  • There are models made of both genuine leather and artificial material - leatherette. In general, for every taste and budget.
  • The T. Takkardi shoe line features models of different colors and textures. But there are also many offers of the classic version.
t taccardi shoes reviews

Negative reviews about shoes “T. Takkardi"

  • Extremely low quality shoes under the brand name T. Takkardi. Many buyers did not carry it even the season, and for some the life was reduced to a few days, after which the sole wore out.
  • Judging by the reviews, T.Taccardi shoes often crack the sole, tear leather and leatherette, seams diverge.
  • Models very quickly lose their presentable appearance, become sloppy and deform even with proper care.
  • Shoes get very wet. Socks and tights after wearing “T.Takkardi” can be squeezed.
  • Basically, the material of the line is represented by leatherette. It is very hard, easy to tear and wear.
  • Because of the coarse material, T. Taccardi shoes often rub their feet after several hours of use.
  • Inconvenient block, feet after an hour of walking in these shoes begin to hurt. This is especially true for high-heeled shoes, but the effect is the same when wearing ordinary shoes or ballet shoes.
  • Winter models of T. Takkardi shoes are very cold, many models are made of faux leather and fur. This is unacceptable, for example, for the Siberian winter.
  • Some buyers say that the clasps are easily unfastened, and in the process of wearing, you have to constantly bend down to fasten the shoes.
  • Sometimes there are reviews of a bad smell with a chemical tint from new pairs of shoes or boots.
  • Models “T. Takkardi” are often small.
t taccardi men shoes reviews


Buyers are attracted by a low price, but even just a thousand rubles is too high a fee for such shoes. If you read every second review of T.Taccardi shoes, we can conclude that it is better to save a few thousand rubles and buy some more decent option.


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