Everything about the fauna world: a complete list of artiodactyls

Odd-toed animals are mammals belonging to the placental order. Their distinguishing feature is hooves, which form an odd number of fingers. The list of hoofed animals includes various species of rhinos, tapirs and horses. Wildlife species are found only in isolated populations due to the reduction of living space and hunting for them.

General information

At all times, artiodactyl animals played a large role in human life, especially domesticated species. Donkeys and horses, which are more representative of the list of equids, are found all over the world, including areas where they did not initially exist, for example, in Australia. Some of the species of the detachment serve as objects of hunting, in a number of countries equine animals are used as riding animals.

Odd animals list animals with photos

The territorial location affects the way of life, the artiodactyls are most active at night or twilight. Modern types of tapirs are single, they inhabit forests, including tropical ones. The rhinos that live in marshy Asian areas, as well as the savannahs of Africa, lead the same way of life. Horses, on the contrary, always keep in groups. Habitat - steppes, savannahs, semi-deserts. All members of the order - herbivores, feed on parts of plants, including leaves and roots, as well as herbs.

Artiodactyl Squad: List

On various resources you can find a lot of information about the representatives of the placental detachment. According to an Internet resource called “Species of the Mammals of the World”, the list of oed animals includes three families, six genera, as well as seventeen species, one of which is extinct. The equine family includes:

  • mountain zebras;
  • horses
  • kulanov;
  • wild donkeys ;
  • savannah zebras (second name - Burchell's zebra);
  • kiangs;
  • domestic horses;
  • desert zebras called Grevy's zebras.

Equidae animals list

Another type of equine is quagga (extinct species). Of great interest to scientists are tapirs - unusual, with a deep history, artiodactyl animals. The tapir list is as follows:

  • mountain tapirs;
  • Central American tapirs called Byrd;
  • flat tapirs;
  • black tapirs.

The rhinoceros family includes several species and genera. Representatives differ in appearance and habitat. These are quite large equidrop animals. The list (a photo of one of the representatives can be seen below) is based on the calculation of the division of each genus into species:


  • Rhinoceros Javanese;
  • Rhinoceros indian ;

White rhinos:

  • The rhino is white;

Sumatran rhinos:

  • Rhino Sumatran;

Black rhinos:

  • The rhino is black.

List of Ostrich Animals

The main types of domesticated horses

In the process of how a man was engaged in the domestication of horses, he tried to improve them. As a result, the list of artiodactyl animals was significantly expanded. Among the most famous species are:

  • heavy;
  • trotters;
  • harness;
  • riding.

The first are massive, well-developed muscles and a large head. This horse Vladimir and Russian heavy, Belgian Brabancon, French Percheron. Lobster horses are very fast and graceful artiodactyl animals. The list consists of many breeds, but the most famous is the Oryol trotter.

Draft horses are considered one of the strongest among all representatives, which are characterized by massiveness and average growth. These are such breeds as the Tori harness, Latvian, as well as Belarusian. Riding breeds were developed by man specifically for riding. Their distinguishing feature is long thin legs compared to working breed horses. Among them are widely known: Ukrainian breed, Arabian, and also Akhal-Teke.

Odd animals list photos

Common Rhino Species

Savannahs and woodlands are inhabited by black and white rhinos belonging to the African species. Their habitat is the Hindustan Peninsula, where there are open river banks and extensive wet meadows. The Sumatran rhino lives on the island of Borneo in separate populations, while the Javanese rhino remains only on the island of Java in a national park. These two species prefer, unlike the rest, swamps with dense overgrown vegetation, as well as woodlands.

Varieties of zebras

All currently existing zebra species live in Africa. These are beautiful nomadic equids (a list of animals with photos is presented above). The most widespread species is savannah zebras, which can be found on nerritotia with grassy and shrubby vegetation.

Mountain and desert zebras live in southern Africa. The former inhabit mountain plateaus, while the latter, respectively, are desert regions with a small amount of vegetation. Zebras gather in groups, never move alone in search of grass. Sometimes there are herds in which there are more than one hundred individuals. The most large-scale movements are observed in savannah zebras, and in some cases, they are combined with ostriches or antelopes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E4691/

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