Penalty for the lack of a first-aid kit: the size of the fine, requirements, legal advice

According to traffic regulations, each driver must have a first-aid kit in his car with a minimum amount of medication, which would be enough to provide first aid to the victim. Nevertheless, many motorists neglect this rule. But is there any penalty for not having a first aid kit? Of course, yes. But the inspector of the traffic police cannot check the availability of the first-aid kit in the car without definite reasons. Therefore, a police officer can learn about this only from the driver. You will learn more about all this in the process of getting acquainted with this article.

What should be

first aid kit in the car

Back in Soviet times, the list of medicines in the driver’s first-aid kit included drugs such as iodine, aspirin, and even validol, and many others. For the absence of at least one of them, the motorist could receive a decent fine. In modern times, everything has become much easier. Now the list of first-aid kits has been significantly reduced. According to current legal norms, it must include only the following components:

- bandages of different sizes (in the amount of 6 pieces);

- napkins;

- harnesses;

- scissors;

- patches (five pieces);

- medical gloves;

- a means for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Everything necessary for first aid to the victim.

In the absence of at least one of the listed components, the traffic police inspector may fine the driver. This must be remembered.

When answering the question of many citizens about whether there is a fine in the legislation for the lack of a first-aid kit, it is only necessary to give a positive answer. Currently, it is five hundred rubles.

Certain nuances

first aid to the victim

Here I would like to say that even with all the necessary components in the first-aid kit, not every driver will be able to use them for their intended purpose during the provision of assistance to the victim in an accident. Most often this is due to a stressful situation (for example, a motorist accidentally hit a pedestrian). Do not forget that the first-aid kit in the car is necessary only for first aid to the victim (fix a broken arm or bandage his leg).

Therefore, after an accident, the driver must immediately call an ambulance and not rely on their own strength.

It should also be said that in the case when a motorist has certain health problems, no one bothers him with taking special drugs with him in a medical kit. You need to know about this.

What is the shelf life

medical kit attached to the passenger seat

Most often, drivers do not think about the fact that the medical kit in the car needs to be changed from time to time. After all, it has a certain shelf life. As a rule, it is indicated on the package itself and is 18 months.

However, after the expiration date, only the components of the first-aid kit can be replaced. Buying a new one is completely optional.

For example, bandages are stored for only five years, then they must be replaced. Harnesses do not have specific storage periods at all. Nevertheless, the first-aid kit should look neat. If certain of its components are already very old and they are many years old, then it is best to replace them so as not to run into trouble and not get a fine.

For information

You can buy a first-aid kit in any auto parts store or in a pharmacy. Its price starts from 100 rubles and above. Everything will depend on the design and quality of the bag itself, where all the medicines are placed. The better and more capacious the first-aid kit, the higher its price. This should not be forgotten.

It should be noted here that it is not the quality and design of the case that matters, but the contents of the first-aid kit. All components must be in place.

Also, do not forget that the traffic police inspector can write a fine for the lack of a first-aid kit in the amount of five hundred rubles. And you will definitely have to pay it.

How the inspector finds out that there is no first-aid kit

inspector stopped the driver

Currently, the traffic police officer can easily check whether the driver has everything necessary in the vehicle. Such information is indicated in the diagnostic inspection card. But the driver does not need to worry too much if he does not have this document with him (although he needs to carry it with him in the car). Because without passing the inspection, the motorist will not be given insurance. Therefore, if it is, it means that the machine is fully equipped. Accordingly, it is not necessary to speak of a fine for the lack of a first-aid kit. These are the rules.

It's important to know

taxi driver shows first aid kit and fire extinguisher to traffic police officer

So, the inspector of the traffic police has the right to demand from the driver only insurance for the car and its rights. It is also necessary here to say that the latter is not entitled to independently check the technical condition of the car. This is not his authority. Therefore, if a traffic police officer asks you to show him a first-aid kit or fire extinguisher, the driver can tell him that the check was already at a technical inspection and show the relevant documents. Of course, in practice, the situations are different. Many drivers, in order to avoid problems with the traffic police officer, simply show him the first-aid kit (if any). In the event that it is not there, they openly talk about it and receive a warning from the inspector or a fine.


police officer and female driver

In this case, it is necessary to turn to administrative legislation. Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses contains sanctions for those drivers who do not have a first-aid kit in the car or their composition is incomplete. The traffic police inspector can learn about this only from the words of the driver himself. In the absence of a first-aid kit, a police officer can conduct an explanatory conversation or immediately impose a fine on the driver in the amount of 500 rubles. The amount, of course, is small, nevertheless not out of place. Therefore, do not violate traffic rules, the driver’s first aid kit should always be in the car. Then there will be no problems with the law.

To the above

I would also like to say that the car owner in the car should not only have a first-aid kit with all the necessary medicines, but also a fire extinguisher. Many drivers forget about it, some do not consider it necessary to carry either a fire extinguisher or a first aid kit. But is that right? Is there any punishment for this? Here it is necessary to say that at present the fine for the lack of a first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher is 500 rubles. Also, the inspector can issue a warning (conduct a conversation with the driver and officially record this).

Nevertheless, each motorist must remember that he may not show the inspector all these components (fire extinguisher and first-aid kit). Because previously their presence has already been checked and recorded during the inspection.

What lawyers advise to do

fine to the driver if there is no first-aid kit and fire extinguisher

Here, once again, I would like to answer the question of many citizens about what a fine is for the lack of a first-aid kit. Currently, this amount is five hundred rubles. But the inspector can impose this penalty only if he is really convinced that the driver does not have a first-aid kit in the car, or she has an incomplete composition, or worse, the expiration date of the medications has expired.

The most important thing that motorists should know in this case is that the valid inspection ticket in itself confirms the presence of a driver’s first-aid kit in the car. Without it, as well as without a fire extinguisher, inspection will not work. These are the rules. Consequently, without the passed MOT, insurance will not be issued. Accordingly, in order to avoid a fine, even if there is no first-aid kit in the car, it is enough to simply show the inspector the current insurance and rights. You need to know about this.

If the inspector of the traffic police still wants to make sure that the driver has a first-aid kit in the car, then two witnesses are required to inspect the car. This is a mandatory rule established by law. If witnesses will not take part in the search, then the actions of the inspector in this case will be unlawful and must be appealed in court.

In general, lawyers recommend that drivers not be afraid to defend their position in front of the traffic police. Especially if he commits unlawful acts and exceeds his authority.

As already noted, the penalty for the lack of a first-aid kit in the car is five hundred rubles and is imposed by the inspector in the event that he found her absence in the car. This must be remembered.

How to avoid a fine

In this case, it should be said that the inspector is not always positive about the offender. Moreover, many traffic police officers specifically prescribe a fine for the lack of a first-aid kit in a car so that next time the driver knows that you can’t drive without it. Because this is a violation of traffic rules.

Nevertheless, you can try to avoid penalties. For example, if all the components were not in the first-aid kit, then you can tell the inspector that the driver provided first aid to the victim in a road accident (he just drove past the scene of an accident and stopped by his kindness). In the event that there is no fire extinguisher, we can say that we accidentally forgot it in the forest when extinguishing a fire left by a company of people. Of course, it is hardly possible to avoid bringing to administrative responsibility, but it is possible that the traffic police inspector will confine himself to a warning only. He has such a right.


What is the penalty for the lack of a fire extinguisher and first aid kit? Currently, it is five hundred rubles. But for the first time, a traffic police officer can simply conduct an explanatory conversation with the driver and limit himself to this only, without imposing a fine. In such a situation, the driver needs to be very polite and not to forget that the first-aid kit and fire extinguisher must be in the car of every law-abiding citizen. These are the rules.

Many motorists are also wondering if there is a penalty for the lack of a first-aid kit if it is not fully equipped in accordance with applicable rules and some of its components are missing. In this case, the answer will be yes. Moreover, each driver must ensure that the first-aid kit in his car is always clean and tidy so that it contains all the necessary components.


So, at present, the driver can receive an oral warning from the inspector for the lack of a first-aid kit. The traffic police fine for such an offense is contained in the Code of Administrative Offenses and amounts to five hundred rubles.


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